SteemitGO - The game where you look for SteemDollars with your cellphone - an idea!

in #ideas8 years ago

So, I have noticed all these Pokemon-hunters and was thinking - Could we make SteemitGO - where people have to run around cities looking for steem-dollars and steempower which they can collect and keep?

I included some illustrations to highlight how the user-experience would look like

Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 23.31.30

Just like PokemonGO - except there is SteemDollars and SteemPower in it - would it work? could we get the whole world running around the whole world looking for SteemDollars with their cellphones?

Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 23.32.16

What do you think about this idea? Please leave a comment below & follow @fyrstikken on


Hmm... if you took a model of the user locations on a map, you could get a decent spread of active users in the ecosystem.

with that information, you could promise the funds of this (or maybe matching funds from existing whales) to 'put funds in the hopper' of an algorithm that randomly distributed SBD or Steem to random geoloc coords based on the user density distribution. The amount of SBD and/or steem could be a variable based on needs of market dynamics for balance, particularly to push the SBD peg towards $1.

One important attack vector would be spoofing the GPS geolocs just to run around with virtual devices and gobble things up. it would have to be tagged to something randomized like a QR code of a nonce or passphrase placed by a participant. just like a treasure chest.

You're a pure genius @fyrstikken!

I dont see how walking around staring at a screen provides any value.... clearly you couldnt give them steem dollars.... steem power... maybe......

people would just spoof their gps location and jack all the SBD for sure....

It could be use as direct advertising as @steemhorizon just said below. There's a lot of other possibility I'm sure we haven't thought about.


I would be happy to spread out some SteemDollars from my account around Norway, Perú and maybe other countries - just to have fun with the masses - maybe in front of CCTV-cameras so I could see them when they collect :)

They could expire within 24 hours and return to me if nobody collected them for example.

.... AND when they collect - it could say "Collected $8 placed by @fyrstikken" or any other @username ...

Of course we would have to make the game more secure then Nintendos Game, I´m sure we could figure out something cryptically clever in that sense... :)

Staring at a screen does provide little value, but when combined with other variables, can be highly valuable to someone willing to pay for it.

Exactly @blakemiles84 - for people willing to pay for it, imagine:

It could be used for advertising - Say I run a store, and placed some steem-dollars around my store every hour - everybody playing the game would idle around there waiting for the next batch - which would again create a stream of new customers to my store since I could accept steemdollars for products, foods and beverages, and groups of people attract more groups of people, so even if I ran a hot-dog stand, I am pretty sure I could increase my business by dropping some dollars around my stand-spot ;)

It could be used to reduce crime - I could place steemdollars around the city-block at intervals, making sure there is always people walking in the streets 24/7 with cameras - criminals would have to stay away, too many witnesses - could even make a special version for guards, in order to collect their payment they would be instructed to go from place to place within minutes to check all kinds of corners and bushes - steemdollars delivered from @fyrstikken to @username if @username picks it up between 20:30 and 20:32 for example - would keep the night watchers actually moving instead of sitting in their cars sleeping on duty...

There is a lot of things to this in the idea-face, so please contribute with what you can imagine a system like this being useful for and what it can be fun for.

It would change the world out there for sure

Its a cheap way to advertise, patrol physical spaces, take video, etc. I think the lures on PokemonGo are around $1 for 30 minutes. Multiply a hot dog or ice cream cone by the number of players coming and you have made multiples of your investment.

So much of positive comments and nobody want to think about a proof of location :-). Without it this would not work :-)

This is a GREAT idea! This could also be like a newer, better version of "direct advertising" where advertisers or retailers could offer steem dollars to people just for coming to their shop and buying whatever they have for sale in their shop! Fantastic idea man.

I was talking to my brother today and he mentioned to me the way Pokemon Go is monetizing is getting shops to pay to put the Pokemon around their stores. So it's a natural angle to take. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to complement Pokemon Go rather than trying to create a separate app. We'll see how this develops, but anyone have insights about the whole Pokemon craze I'd like to collaborate and find the best angle to take with a payments app. Feel free to email me at: [email protected]

It is a nice idea to raise awareness of steemit.
I hope the popular out than pokemon GO.

great idea @fyrstikken ;)

Great idea why didn't I think of this? I was thinking of using spots where people would find Steemit Snapchat Geofitters earlier in my post to advertise for Steemit I should've been thinking Pokemon go instead! Brilliant idea. Check out what I was thinking:

Another idea: A cryptocurrency is mined by users finding blocks (and the block reward) in the real world using augmented reality.

I love the idea of finding blocks in the real world with AR! Perhaps you have to catch it like the Pokémon so that there is some action and skill involved.

I already play Pokemon Go, so I would be glad to pick up some Steem $$$ when I'm out and about! If such a game were to be made it would have to be about more than money though right?

Also I think they could pay for this if they had advertisers at each spot where you are collecting Steem dollars like have it at Mcdonals, Subway, or the grocery store. They could do it to get people in then we could use SBD to buy somthing at the store we are out using an Apple Pay wallett or Anroid pay if we can partner with Apple somehow to accept SBD!

I will get my friends and family to sign up for SteemGO. Steemit will be the Billion Project. Haha

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