Virtual reality games we could see come to life next!

in #ideas8 years ago

Did Pokemon go open the door to a new era of virtual reality video gaming and virtual reality life?

Pokemon go seems to be just the very first of many virtual reality video games and real life concepts that we could see soon in the future.

Imagine playing Grand Theft Auto like you are actually inside the game, like you could really commit whatever crimes you want, murder, theft, being a mobster or whatever you can dream of come to reality, whiteout having to go to prison!

We are already in the virtual reality era

We are already seeing many companies come out with their own virtual reality 3D glasses, the only thing that hasn't taken off yet is a lot of video game makers coming out with content to really bring these to life. Pokemon go is just the beginning of many video games makers coming out with similar concepts to really bring these games to life and make it feel as though you are actually there in the game itself.

Call of Duty: Feel what it is actually like to be in a war zone

If they could come out with video games that let you feel what it is like to be in a war zone this would make Pokemon go look like a dinosaur. The only thing missing would be actually being able to feel, smell, and touch things but this could be accomplished later down the road with more advancements in sensors and they could come out with something to trick your brain into feeling like you are hurt when you are not.


When further technology advancements allow us to have all six senses through sensors that send signals to our brain to make us actually think we are at the event we are doing this will open the door to much more advancements and Billions of dollars in revenue for video game makers and whoever comes up with content for it.

It could change sex and the pornography industry

People could chose who they want to have sex with in a virtual reality game of sex...... The porn industry would go wild and sell lots of material. Playboy for instance could charge you by the hour for what girl you would like to take out and use for that night, not saying I would ever do this myself I am not a creep by any means just listing ideas what the industry could come up with.

Chose what playmate you want to take out tonight

This would be a crazy good idea I could see people paying big bucks to use playmates when they want in these special games, this would be like a pay per view thing where you rent their virtual sex by the hour or you could be them for a larger fee. Not saying this is something I would want myself but I could see this as a huge money maker for the pornography industry, that is already worth billions.

Reduce crime rate

It would be interesting to see if these new concepts really do come to life and become available if this could possibly reduce crime? It would be nice if this could be used as a means for reducing crime. Instead of some raping a girl maybe they could just go buy a game and play a game of sex with their 3D glasses. Instead of someone committing a murder maybe they might just put on their glasses and play Grand Theft Auto 3D instead? It is definitely entertaining to talk about the idea for sure we are closer then you think it is literally almost a reality, but for now keep catching some pokemons!

Sources: playboy,,,,

#ideas #virtualreality #games #steemit #pokemongo


I was just thinking how cool it would be to have some type of final fantasy with the augmented reality feature.

Yeah you always see it in futuristic movies! We are close to actually having it come to reality!!!

I upvote U

Pokemon Go isn't Virtual Reality. It's Augmented reality.

Also, you seem to understand the motivations for rape and other crime rather poorly. While VR might decrease crime rates, it's mainly because of decreased IRL social interactions - not because someone was like, "Oh I want to commit a murder. Shucks, it's illegal? Well I guess it's fine if I do it in this game." Crime comes from poverty and unaddressed social problems. Not from a random unfulfilled urge to hurt someone.

And rape isn't because people aren't getting enough sex so they go out and rape some stranger. Most rapes are by someone the victim knows. It's about power, not sex. They want to demonstrate power over their friend, acquaintance, class mate, etc, and forced sex is the ultimate demonstration of power.

Good points, not saying that this will total solve crime just making some points. It would be cool to see some of these games come to life and be a virtual reality game. Just saying Pokemon go could make video game makers come up with a lot of new ideas. Not saying Pokemon go is a virtual reality game but it could open the door for a lot of new similar concepts. What if you could actually have a fake bad guy off call of duty appear on your phone and you shoot them on your phone too? Or it could just be in the 3D glasses as I mentioned. This isn't a is all be all for video games so don't take anything personally.

love these ideas being a gamer all of my life! :)

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