Downvoted yet another shait ICO SPAM with 100% of my voting power.

in #ico7 years ago

Although my break still is ongoing.

This was the last straw, no more fake invest, gain and pull-out ICO/ ITO crap!

They hurt the real ones and the crypto market.

That there are those who want to spend a lot of Bitcoin on some dubious ICO {Initial Coin Offering}/ ITO construction kit service, well let them.But when they start to SPAM my post with replies of their scam ICO/ ITO {Initial Token Offering}, then that is the limit for me. And it pisses me off so much that the Steem member account that did it, just had my full 100% dedication, in downvoting! Yes, I flagged on purpose for the first time and did this full throttle, with a lot of anger backing it. Now it is hard to stop those who believe they can make millions by investing tens of BTC at an ICO/ ITO construction kit service. But I hope it is a 100% loss, because there is no company to back things up. There is no real technology to support it. So, that makes it just a VOID! And a void will never give a ROI {Return On Investment}, to those who invest in it.

The only weapon I have to counter these fake ICO/ ITO rip offs is my keyboard and a blog. And I know they are hard to spot because the services who construct them for several tens of BTC are creating the whole imaginary package. Website, logo, text, fake status updates on lots of Social Media, it is all part of the deal. And then there is the advertisements, all look the same, they have a pattern to them. The countdown clock, to trigger ones Fear Of Missing Out {FOMO}. But the only thing that happens if one clicks the [invest] button is Sorry That You Did {STYD}. Now there are genuine ICOs and ITOs, that have proven technology, that keeps one updated and so on, that have help from bonifide services. So, how to spot the real deal? Well, investigate, go through all available data, but remember even whitepapers can be constructed. But at some point it will be obvious that there is not real product, service or company to back it up.

Look for people who you trust and that have Prove Of Knowledge {POK} about these matters. Have a look into the real deal that has Proof Of Technology {POT}, like EOS for instance. See if there are known people from the cryptos realm involved. Everybody can put a greyscale photo on a webpage with a name under it. But who are they? And was there news about these ICO/ ITO projects on well known crypto news websites. Or to go short on this one: Know what you are about go invest in. It is that simple actually. And if it looks to good to be true, then it usually is. Also I noticed that there are these things about the websites and the text on it that makes the fake ones stand out, reveiling themselves, or it might be my experience to snif out the rats.

Just make sure you know, before you invest what you are willing and able to lose. And as always your speculation might be as bad or as good as mine. So I bought me some EOS. But flagged that Invest, Gain and Pull-out {IGP} ICO SPAM scammer hard, full 100%, that was for me the limit. And I know, it all comes with the ICO/ ITO goldrush, just like the coin construction kit service crap of 2014. But this wave of false ICO/ ITO releases are flooding the market and that is bad for business. It is bad for the cryptos reputation and is flooding Social Media platforms with fake messages. My 100% downvote will probably just be a small drop on a hot plate, but I will keep doing it, even if it takes down my voting power to ZERO %. (Just noticed it is a service at work, it got back to a reputation of 25...)

If we want the cryptocurrency market not to drop even lower, to even sub 60 billion, then it is our common interest to expose those scam ICO/ ITO releases and the services that create them. And in the meantime support the real ones, those who can proof they are the real deal. The ones that get a thumbs up from crypto experts. Those who have a team with known experts, investors, advisors and developers.

Thank you for reading, I will continue my break now, I think, but this I needed to get out there on the Steem blockchain...

Have a great one!

Market sub 60? No, of course not, but let us kick out the fake ICOs/ ITOs.

image cc-by-sa @oaldamster


I would agree but I call EOS the same crap like others - that ICO scams were from start totally a rip-off.... raising millions for a whitepaper is a joke :)

On the matter of EOS I do disagree with you, because it is a further developement of Bitshares and Steem. Really adding some blockchain innovation to the cryptos realm. So there is more to that one than a whitepaper. ;-)

But, there is never a guarantee though. Even if I get my EOS Tokens on that blockchain when it goes live, if it goes live, but I have faith in the developer Daniel Larimer. For me that is a big difference.

Yet ICOs are an ideal tool to rip-off people with void promises.

Thanks for your upvote and reply. Have a great day, got to dash into my break. =D

ik zag dit offline
does that mean that the gamecredit is one of those no ROI possibilities ICO?

This SPAM was not about GameCredits Ivy. It is very suggestive in its title. Do not know anything about GameCredits ICO. ICOs and ITOs are mostly outside my field of interest. I only had two that I invested into, one ICO was Peerplays, that got me PPY. And one ITO, that is EOS, which still is in developement.

Like I wrote in my post, there are some things to be on the look out for. Is it legitimate, is it in the crypto news, who backs it and why. And so on.

ICOs and ITOs are used for crowdfunding too, by legitimate companies, with real productivity goals and so on. Had a quick lookup at GameCredits and it looks like a something that is the real deal.

But the bad thing of this SPAMMER is that it uses suggestion that is an ICO just like GameCredits, which makes it even worse. As far as I see it, the SPAMMER tries to trick people into its own void ICO, by abusing the name of a legit one, like GameCredits.

Now, I do not say that one should invest in GameCredits or any other ICO or ITO, like the EOS Token. Just investigate, if it is a legit ICO or ITO it will show up on respected known websites. The people behind it will be known and so on.

Just be carefull because there are a lot of gold digging ICOs and ITOs currently flooding the market. With only one real promise, a void one...

i see
i was surprised cause knowing you
you'd never use that flag
so i wonder what made you so angry i read this one :)

chill ...
je bloed druk!
niet boos worden ..
nu is het bekend dus hoef je niet meer te zorgen
nu zonnig!
de hemel huid met het huilen op
eindelijk !
veel plezier ^ ^

It was the SPAM Ivy, a lot of it and a very dubious ICO story... ;-)
And I prefer to let it be unused in the future again.

#NL Ja, de zon is er weer! =D

Fijne dag verder!

I found another ICO you might like, it's called;
Let Me Steal Your Money - Coin

But he, I agree with you there!

Hahaha, that sounds like one that might hold up to it's promise!

Thanks! :-)

FOMO is already spreading the market for this ICO, so don't just sit there and get some now you still can! ;-)

You're welcome!

Now there is a good name for yet another one: the FOMO ICO...! LOL

Have a nice break. I agree with you, those spammy bastards are pretty annoying.
What happens when you flag someone with 100% power?


It means I downvote with all my available Steem Power. That will not only lower the payout of that post but also lower the reputation of that account.

Normaly I do not downvote by the way, as far as I can remember this was the first fully intended one.

Have a great day!

Thank you. Now I got it. I knew about the lowering of reputation but I had no idea that it will lower the payout as well. :D

just mute them.

We thank you for your work, soldier!
Srlsy now good job and good advice to all the newcommers think every ico is something God sent to earth and we are so lucky to be able to buy part of it.
The most you will read about a project and the more of your own thoughts you put into it, the better end decision you will take.
I think for some it's comon sense but believe me, for the most it's not.
Some belive that they will be succesful just by letting others think for them.

You're welcome. Even if I dislike flagging very much this was the limit for me...

True, it is very important for everybody to use their own grey matter to make their own mind up.

It will safe people from getting ripped off. Better safe than sorry. And it good to gather knowledge in these matters.

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