in #ico6 years ago (edited)
Mechanical Turk launch Original source

A Dream for long ago

When I was a kid, I loved watching many science fiction movies where many incredible technological developments shaped characters life. For me, the most intriguing feature was the integration of technology and the human body, the endless horizon of opportunities that suddenly appears in front of us.

I am no longer a child, and now I had the opportunity to witness how these childhood fantasies can become true. The Effect Network Project marks the way to the future, by democratizing access to the development of technology once locked behind thick doors at secret corporate investigation departments.
Corporate secrets

The Effect Network’s team created a concept that provides a platform with a fair ecosystem for direct participation of clients and developers of AI. The objective of the project is to directly connect supply and demand to eliminate the participation of intermediaries that increase the cost of development of AI.

How the future will be build

To achieve the objective of the project, the developers will execute three stages. The first one is called Effect Force, companies and clients can place offers of micro-tasks to hire the services of users to obtain the necessary databases to train the algorithms of AI. The second one is called Effect Smart Market, as its name implies, it consists of a market where products and services can be offered and purchased. Services and products here are Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Finally, the third phase, called Effect Force, allows the creation of a global network of computational power to support AI algorithms, which consume a lot of computing power to function, this allows reducing operating costs and democratizing access to developers that cannot afford the resources needed to create AI algorithms.

What "Mechanical Turk" States For?

When an algorithm of AI is created, its actions are a result of a series of conditions pre-builded within its code, those actions are executed according with certain circumstances determined by lots of data sets available for those algorithms. But the algorithm itself cannot process and gather those data sets from the beginning, all AI algorithms must have a phase where they are "trained" by Human Intelligence. That stage is what we know as a Mechanical Turk.


Force Of Effect (Decentralized Mechanical Turk) Release

M-Turk is a private and decentralized market for jobs that require Human Intelligence. It’s a workforce market on a global scale! Even better, it is also a peer to peer network, so supply and demand are more directly and efficiently connected.

Effect Network has five fundamental characteristic elements:

  • "Requesters Requesters can put tasks on the EMT platform to be completed by workers. The requesters can decide how many EFX the workers will get for each completed task".
  • "Worker: Workers can complete the tasks from the requesters in exchange for the EFX tokens tied to these Human Intelligence Tasks".
  • "Tasks: a task represents a job sent by a requester to the network; each type of task requires a Smart Contract to handle the interaction between the parties. Effect.AI maintains a database of deployed Smart contracts to facilitate the interaction of requesters and workers with the network".
  • "Data sets are often large and consist of various types of media. A blockchain is not a suitable database for storing this kind of information. Other decentralized storage options, like BitTorrent and IPFS, are specialized in these types of assets. For this reason, the network will use a similar hash-based distributed file storage, where each media asset can be referred to by a single hash.".
  • "Privacy: in the case that sensitive information is being handled, the network will use cryptographic elements configured in Smart Contracts, by signing data sets with public keys the system guarantees that only certain users can decrypt or have access to those data sets. Similarly, task ratings are stored in the Blockchain using the public key, so only the owners of the tasks can access them".
    Source: Effect Network White Paper

The Work Diagram For Phase 1

Source: the author

The economic impact that this massive, fairly and instantly paid network of micro-tasks will be ginormous, many people in developing countries will have the opportunity to access a stable income by fulfilling micro-task on Effect Network. Workers will be able to access tasks at any time, and it will be possible to do so from any device. The only limitations that they will have are those inherent in the nature of each micro-task

Here is a comparison between the M-Turk of Effect.AI and that of Amazon

Source: the author

Clearly, it is much more attractive to work in the Effect Network.

It's not just meaningless advertising, verifiable cases of AI use cases

The use of AI can substantially improve the effectiveness of the various medical treatments available so far: a concrete example is the use of AI to design more effective drugs; the ability of the IA to compare large amounts of data almost simultaneously allows an exponential improvement in the optimization of these processes (reference). Another potential use is the control and monitoring of pregnancies through a system that allows comparing gigantic databases in a very fast way, which allows the generation early accurate diagnoses (reference). Currently, all these systems are highly expensive, but thanks to the proposal of the Effect Network’s team it will be possible to boost the development of these AI systems and many similar ones; these will result in a better quality of life for us all.

Recent News: Effect Network Worker Pre-Registration Is Out!

For a more detailed information visit Effect Network webpage

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This is a submission for the @originalworks contest.



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I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

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