
in #ico6 years ago (edited)

The Mechanical turk held it's secrets for more than seven decades. The chiming hoax was a life-sized model of a robe wearing, Ottoman pipe smoking, black bearded man with a cabinet attached to it. Present on the surface of the cabinet was the chessboard itself.
The illusion would go on to win most of it's challenges until it's destruction by fire, with notable defeated opponents such as statesmen Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin.
No one would discover the secrets of the turk until half a century later.

The significance of the quasi Houdini chess playing ruse is further reinforced by the 20th century chess grandmaster trashing innovation, The IBM Deep blue. The chess playing supercomputer with calculations as vast as 200 million positions per second effortlessly accomplished what was believed to be unachievable, beating the Chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov in six tournaments and allowing for a peep at the endless possibilities peculiar to the world of machines and computers.

This event lead to the creation of a Chess variant, an advanced chess game dependent on a collaborative type of human, computer interaction. 1998 saw the first "advanced chess" game played. Each chess player with access to a simple computer with hundred of thousands of chess game database. It was an event that explored the benefits of a collaborative effort between human and machine intelligence with each complementing the others weaknesses.

The machine would run its endless calculations, permutations upon permutations, assessing each piece and analysing the best possible options, While the Humans hold on to their Intuitiveness, Perspective of psyche and subjectivity with the singular aim of optimizing recommended moves .
All the best to Rattle one's opponents.
The advanced chess games involving basic computers, the Deep blue IBM (and later on the Hydra, never mind the Chess savant occupying Mechanical turk) are stark examples of innovations that are as a result of a simple Human-machine interaction.

With the possibility of the concept of singularity hovering over our heads and artificial intelligence predicted to cause millions to be unemployed in a few decades, one may wonder what role humans will play in the near future with most envisioning a scenario much similar to those explored in dystopian sci-fi movies.

One may have to be reminded that an artificial intelligence machine is no artificial life form and while this automation has lead to the accelerated development and transformation of several sectors in the socioeconomic system, there are several barriers that remain unscaled by these algorithm driven machines at least not without the aid of human intelligence".

While the AI market has been forecasted to be worth $15.7 trillion by 2030, barriers to entry
remain high as a result of it's oligopolistic tendencies, Problems of Diverging tasks, data processing and computational costs associated with algorithms make AI research and development difficult.

This is where human intelligence comes in, through crowd sourcing, individuals can work as freelancers or can be contracted to Transcribe, translate, classify, contribute as well as digitise maps or various data types depending on specifications.Individuals and Business owners can be connected around the world with users executing small tasks for pay.

A research paper published in December that analyzed 3.8 million tasks on Mechanical Turk, performed by 2,676 workers, found that those workers earned a median hourly wage of about $2 an hour. Only 4 percent of workers earned more than $7.25 an hour.

A 2016 Pew Research
Center survey found that 25 percent of workers who earned money from online job platforms like Mechanical Turk, Uber, and TaskRabbit went on these sites because there was no other available work in their area.

The Effect.Ai network is a private decentralized ecosystem for AI development and AI related services that operates fully on smart contracts deployed on the NEO blockchain.The Effect network is designed to provide a feature completely alternative to centralized crowd sourcing services and aims to achieve accessibility, interoperability, accuracy and performance in three phases.

The first phase of the Effect network, the EM-Turk, connects demand and supply of micro-tasks on a decentralized network. The concept of micro tasking involves the splitting up and distributing of tasks to allow for all qualified hands to be deck, in a sense division of labor. Completion of these tasks will create the data sets that people need to teach AI algorithms.

"Machines and algorithms are very efficient at certain functions, such as identifying patterns in an image or performing advanced calculations, but other tasks, including identifying the contents of an image or recognizing obscure text, are still best performed by humans".

The Effect network promises much than the rote that's peculiar to these crowd sourcing offering services, utilizing the collaborative effort of users and producers to increase crowd sourcing benefits through its distinct ecosystem.

Compared to the AmazonMturk, the EMTurk is private, decentralized, secure, fully global and very low cost, with potential for millions of on-demand workers. The EMturk will be available in 195 countries, (no restricted country) with instant payments available and an average hourly rate of $9.40.

With its fair and instant pay, the use of the effect reputation score, effect galaxy pool, Effect Council and the EFX tokens the Effect network is able to achieve a stable exchange rate for users of the network, appraise works and allow highly appraised users access to higher rewarding jobs.

The Effect AI Mechanical Turk.(EMT)

"The problem is not necessarily that requesters are underpaying for the work. The average requester pays around $11 an hour for the work they get, according to Hara. But there are also many requesters who pay less than that, and there are many requesters who post tasks that take longer than they say to complete. Still, the root of the problem is that these platforms allow requesters to avoid paying workers for the downtime that would arise if workers did these tasks full-time".

There are quite a lot of problems peculiar to centralized crowd sourcing platforms. First is the breakdown of law, or lack of a credible rewarding system for users who perform "Human Intelligence tasks" for requesters.

Another conceivable effect of this centralized system is the certain percentage held by these platforms for been intermediaries. Also, as there is no clear means of governance, users get terminated indiscriminately and may be forced to execute time consuming, ill-defined tasks for a token.

This is everything the Effect network system subverts by the release of the First phase EMTurk.

First is the provision of employment across continents (third world countries inclusive). With millions upon millions of educated yet unemployed youths resorting to violence and participating in unresourceful endeavors, the Effect network's EMT presents the possibility of vast employment opportunities.

The fair and instant payment without the centralized clause also results in better hourly wage rates compared to other crowd sourcing platforms. (An average of $9.40). "This Effect network will maintain a central pool of tokens to provide liquidity, encourage adoption and stabilize network fees. This pool is referred to as the Effect.AI Galaxy Pool (EGP) and consists of a mix of EFX and native tokens".

The Galaxy Pool.

"A galaxy-FX token can be bought. A G-EFX is washed (converted to a regular EFX token) by spending it through an Effect.AI Service Contract (ESC). These are the smart contracts
that process the transactions of tasks and the service registry". While the Effect reputation score functions as a means of appraisal and commendation for quality work done (Prevents large quantities of badly executed work from been passed off as quality) the G-EFX protects the EGP from external manipulation and keeps exchange rates stable for agents in the network.

The EFX tokens are made liquid, workers are able to sell their EFX rewards for native tokens. requesters and network users are also able to buy EFX. "The EMT is a technology that enables
requesters to submit tasks that tasks that can be completed by human agents in exchange for compensation.

Workers can accept tasks from Requesters at any time, anywhere and from any device. The tasks are called Human Intelligence Tasks (HIT). The providers of the HITs are called Requesters. When a Worker completes a HIT, they are paid with cryptographic EFX tokens".

"The Effect network also consists of a governance system that allows prominent people in the community propose and vote for improvements. Smart contracts and service variable adjustments may also be Improved, with each improvement proposal consisting of logic for changing parts of the ecosystem".

"The Effect.AI Council (EC) consists of group of individuals that are allowed to cast a
vote on improvement proposals"."The Effect network also maintains a database of deployed smart contracts to make it easy for requesters and workers to interact with the network".

The EMTurk subverts other crowd sourcing platforms through it's decentralized micro tasking problem solving methods. By eliminating clictivism, encouraging participation amongst users and requesters and adopting the fair instant pay policy, the Effect mechanical turk is set to revolutionarize AI algorithms and data processing.




This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

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