EXPORT ONLINE- International trading platform One-click Export

in #ico6 years ago

Hey steemit, today I would like to tell you about one absolutely new, quite popular platform, working on blockchain technology. Having dealt with the light system, you can easily keep track of export statistics, observe the extremely important calendar of international exhibitions and, in addition to all this, engage in instant verification of counterparties' reputation. This platform, you just have to study it for a while; will open for you a lot of interesting, unusual functions that you will definitely like! In general, don’t waste your time thinking, visit this platform and use it with pleasure. In addition, this article so far will tell you about all the extremely important functions of the above-mentioned platform! Enjoy reading.



List of incredible opportunities this platform offers:

• Detailed export statistics

• Exporter’s workshop

• Tender’s platform

• The calendar of international exhibitions

• Instant verification of the counterparty’s reputation

• Smart contracts on the blockchain

• Business news feed

• Assortment management

• Electronic declaration

• Financial, legal, insurance services for international transactions


A component approach, the ability to easily modify existing components and reuse code, to make the developmental reaction a continuous improvement process. Components that were created during the work on the project doesn’t have any additional dependencies. Thus, nothing prevents you from using them repeatedly in projects of different types. The previous experience can be easily applied when working on a new site or even when creating a mobile application. Using advanced features such as Virtual DOM or isomorphic JavaScript, react developers can create high-performance applications with excellent despite their complexity. The ability to easily reuse existing code increases the development speed, simplifies the testing process and, as a result, reduces costs. The fact that this library is developed and maintained by qualified developers and is gaining increasing popularity every year, gives an excuse to hope that the trend towards further improvement will continue.

SAP Cloud is a multicomponent system that allows combining economic processes of production, purchase and sale of enterprise products. The data warehouse is implemented using blockchain technology, which you can avoid deleting or changing information.

API – a set of ready-made classes, procedures, functions, structures and constants provided by the application (library, service) or operating system for use in external software products. Used by programmers, when writing all kinds of applications. The API defines the functionality of the program (module, library) provides, while the API allows you to abstract from how exactly this functionality is implemented. If the program (module, library) is considered a black box, the API is a set of "captures" available for user of this box and which he can twist and pull.



Experience of logistics since 2008, the company Crypsis, which specializes in the technology projects development, co-founder. Expert Council on Blockchain Technology of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moscow.


Experience in foreign economic activity since 2009, Vice President of the International Trade Development Fund, Committee for the Development of Export and Import of St. Petersburg Business Russia.

• VLADIMIR PEROV (Chief Technology Officer, Co-founder)  

Experience in ERP / CRM system management and integration since 2009; Co-founder of Crypsis.


Website https://export.online/

Official topic at Bitcointalk – https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2898000.msg29802525#msg29802525


Thank you very much for this information, Great content congratulations

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