Vatnajøkull, Europas største isbre.

in #iceland6 years ago (edited)

Vatnajøkull er Europas største isbre i volum, nesten 3000 kubikkkilometer. I areal måler den 8100 kvadratkilometer.
På Svalbard finst det ein bre, Austfonna, som er noko større i areal.
Men elles er Vatnjøkull Europas største nasjonalpark. I varmeperioden etter den siste istida var Vatnajøkull som dei fleste isbrear i Europa borte. I ein klimatisk kaldare periode for to-tretusen år sidan kom Vatnajøkull tilbake. Ein kaldare periode frå 1400-talet medførte at brevet var i vokster fram til den vesle istida på 1700- 1800 talet. Deretter var isbreen relativt stabil fram til 1930-talet. I perioden frå 1930 var Vatnajøkull i tilbakegang på grunn av ein varmare periode. Breen har og trekt seg tilbake på grunn av ein varmeperiode i tida rundt tusenårsskiftet.
Dei første bilete viser brearmar av Vatnajøkulen. Dei siste bileta viser isstykker som er brotne av isbreen frå ein brearm som endar i ein innsjø. Her plar turistane stoppa for å sjå nærare på isbreen.

Vatnajøkull is Europe's largest glacier in volume, almost 3000 cubic kilometres. In the area, it measures 8100 square kilometres.
On Svalbard, the glacier, Austfonna, has an area that is little bigger.​
However, Vatnjøkull is also Europe's largest national park. In the warmest period after the last ice age, Vatnajøkull was like most glaciers in Europe gone. In a climatically colder period for the two-three thousand years, Vatnajøkull came back. A colder period from the 1400s led to the fact that the iceberg was growing up to the smaller ice age in the 1700-19th century. Then the glacier was relatively stable until the 1930s. In the period from 1930, Vatnajøkull was declining due to a warmer period. The glacier has retreated due to a heat period in the time around the turn of the millennium.
The first image shows glacier arms of Vatnajøkulen. The last few pictures show ice cubes broken by the glacier from a glacier arm ending in one lake. Here the tourists stop to look closer to the glacier.













I've heard that The ice is melting.

I don't want to make the Earth hot XD

Thanks for your comments about the glacier @Joeypark
I also hope the earth will not be too​ hot.

Awesome shots, my friend @Siggjo!

I'm afraid of glaciers.
They're so unpredictable and dangerous.
You never know when it's gonna start moving.
One day I had to hear his powerful roar.

It was in 2002 in North Ossetia.
Kolka glacier descended there.
134 people were killed . That's awful.


A very scary phenomenon.

However, the photos you have are beautiful.
Looking from the side is very impressive.
But don't get too close.
Take care of yourself!

Thanks for your comment about the glacier @Singa
It was sad to hear about the major accident that occurred in North Ossetia in 2002. I agree that it is best to keep a safe distance to the glacier. We are also warned against coming near the glacier arms in Norway. I never came that close to the glaciers in Iceland. I have taken pictures on a safe distance from the glacier.

Great view for the tourists. All the pictures are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

I appreciate you like the pictures of the glacier @Dindar
Thanks for your comment.

At Svalbard finest, there is one glacier, Austfonna,

Something went wrong in the translation here? :-)

Thanks for your comments @Tobixen
I have corrected the translation.

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