Interactive Battle Tournament#9 - Enrol Now To Play!

in #ibt6 years ago (edited)

This post is to allow people to enrol for and play in the  Interactive Battle Tournament #9 - An experimental bot driven Steemit Game

YOU MUST ENROL NOW! or miss out on the battle fun and easy win Steem.

Images from the abandonware game Lands of Lore.

How Do I Play?

The first thing you need to do is pick your character class for the  coming gameplay posts. This will determine which attacks you may perform  during the tournament.  Each class has it's strengths and weaknesses during the tournament so  it will be even no matter which one you choose. 

You can choose to be  a:    


After choosing a character class, you need to create your  character.   

To create a character just reply below to this enrolment post, you will need a NAME  and an IMAGE OF YOUR CHARACTER

If you can't or don't provide those by  the time the Tournament starts a name and image will randomly be assigned to you. Simply state " I xxxxx the great! would like to enrol as a  ....archer". This kind of thing and drop an image of your player as  well. If your unsure just read a few replies below as a guide.



  • A campaign map, a detailed instructions post and an item shop post will appear - roughly one a day
  • then Stage one will be posted (this is where players start the  game) - its self paced, but played best if you do a bit every night  along with the Stage post.
  • Stages two, three, four and five will be posted (Steem prizes and chances to grab items and level)
  • Stage Six - An optional stage post will appear (you may choose to play, normally at some risk)
  • The boss round will be posted - then prizes will start appearing in peoples wallets.


  • Every stage will have a foe that needs to be defeated.
  • Everyone will begin each stage with 3 fresh lives.  As you take   your  turn to attack the foe you will need to hit the enemy for greater  then its hit points.
  • If you defeat the enemy on your first attack with a Flawless Victory you will be rewarded with a share of the posts' payout.
  • As you defeat the Stage foe your excess life points are banked,  the more you save the greater the benefit when you reach the final boss  round (where the real prizes are at). 


Travel across the campaign map, defeat stage foes one post at a time -  battle your way to the end boss round. When you reach the final boss round, apply everything you have  learned, use all your cunning and bonuses and take home Steem and other  prizes... like precious silver bullion thanks to @O07 



There are a variety of other commands which may be run during the  tournament. These may provide benefit and information that will help you  to play and grow, these will be detailed on Stage post instructions. 


 IBT is a community event and will only get better  from here! There are  many experienced players that will lead by example, as well as answer  questions and give help to the worthy along the way.     

  • SPECIAL BONUS! Everyone who enrols gets followed by @wizardzap and has all their regular posts upvoted for free! 

The real bonus with IBT is that not only is it going to be a blast to  play but you can gain STEEM, UPVOTES, SILVER BULLION, and best of  all   FRIENDS, for just playing a game.  Enrolments will close in approx 7 days  If you get  lost our field judge @doughtaker or myself will give you a reply to point you in the right direction. 


 LINK TO ITEM SHOP POST IS  - Available Now!  

 LINK TO CAMPAIGN MAP IS  - Available Now!

Let the Enrolments begin!!

 Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament  Image above, also thanks to @steemseph for his super sweet dividers & scroll gaphics and @ryivhnn for the fantastic IBT upgoats below. Some images are taken from abandonware games.


Great to see the new upgoats in action!

Count me in again. I'll stick with the scantily clad Azrael.

Gotta love those goats!
Welcome back for a fresh dose of IBT Wizard your enrolement has been confirmed

Tim Ross the PaintWarrior Poet will join the fray!

Welcome back. Tim Ross the warrior is confirmed and enrolled for IBT9.

Doomguy's back.

I've got no pic to provide at the moment though because my Internet keeps getting worse and worse and I don't know WTF it takes to have my ISP schedule a technician to actually come out to my house and check the phone line(s). But all you IBT veterans know what he looks like -- just refer to the last tournament's enrollment post if you need a refresher.

Doomguy the space marine archer is confirmed and enrolled for IBT9.

Welcome back Doom dude!

I would like to enroll a Angel Food!

Welcome back. Angel Food the wizard is confirmed and enrolled for IBT9.

I would like to enrol...

While I like to play I can't win any prizes of course as host :)

I will play this time as "Warlord Warrior of Steem!"

Oi you did you pick up your modified upgoats yet? :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Look up! look up !look up! they look like they were born for IBT!

Thank you so much; such high quality - Love them!!!

Hi myself..
...welcome to IBT9, your enrolment as a warrior has been confirmed.

Lol, not weird to be chatting to yourself... Not at all!

Hahaha err..IBT wouldn't been insane enough for you to play, without a crazy host

You should chat from an alt account. Then get into an internet fight with yourself!

giphy (3).gif

I will enroll as lovey the warrior

Welcome aboard. Lovey the warrior is confirmed and enrolled for IBT9.

I will play Tim the archer again.
I have no image 😞

Thanks Tim the Archer your enrolment has been confirmed.


I will be playing as Jess the Magic Android (magic user!). A meld of cybernetics gone wrong, she has attained consciousness and a talent for magic!

Very nice, that's one classy magic droid.
Welcome to IBT Wizard your enrolment has been confirmed.

Wanda the Witch Wizard is back!


Welcome back. Wanda the Witch wizard is confirmed and enrolled for IBT9.

Alric Stormbringer, present.
Class: Wizard

Welcome back, champ. Alric Stormbringer the wizard is confirmed and enrolled for IBT9.

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JST 0.029
BTC 63837.42
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65