in #ibt6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the detailed game instructions for IBT#6

the contest will start in a couple of days, until then....want to know more?


Basic play overview: Once Stage One and Two are  shown as available on the campaign map, and your enrolment has been  confirmed you may begin your journey and participate in the battles.  Basic battle instructions will be available in each Stage post so  read them carefully, pending your character class you will have  different types of attacks to achieve victory and you will have 3 fresh  life points at the start of each stage.

During each stage you will have a single chance to pick the pocket of your foe and gain a temporary item that may help or hinder your chances. You will  also be able to summon items using either Steem, SBD or  Trophy-tokens (pending your level - all players start at level 0 and go  up to level 1 once you have won three Stage posts on the first attack. 

Unlike IBT#5 there are only two levels 0-1 and people may summon a permanent item immediately... at level 1 you may also use an additional powerful spell (It has a high chance to hit and it hits for allot), by transferring a token and leaving a message at the item shop.  Trophy-tokens are awarded to people for great content in competitions on  Steemit - See @trophy-token for more information.  


How do I navigate, play and win much Steem? 

  • Enrol (you start as a level 0 character) of the class you choose.
  • Watch the campaign map to know when a new Stage is available to play (campaign map will appear shortly after the item shop).
  • Post a reply in each Stage, trying to defeat the foe in the first attack - this will help you to level up.
  • Each stage will have brief instructions on what commands you can  run per class. You will have a basic attack (which nearly always hits -  minor hit) and a difficult attack (which hits only 50% of the time -  major hit)
  • Learn about items, how to get them, how to use them effectively.  While it is entirely possible to win without any items, the key/fun is  to try and build your character up to improve your odds for the final  Boss Round. · If your unsure, watch the other players for a little bit,  then just follow along. If all else fails post a reply in any Stage  asking for help.
  • Play and win the min-game at Stage 5. See rules posted in Stage 5
  • Attack the boss and hit with the highest attack score (you get 2 try's and your best attack is the counted attack).
  • Checkout previous IBT battles, like IBT5, by looking back through @lordnigel posts.
  • Receive Steem.


How do  I use the bot to show my life points?  

  • Life - each new Stage you receive 3 fresh life  points. To help keep track, a life command has been added so you can  display your current count. This is helpful to you and the judges to see  how many life points we need to carry over to add to your final attack  against the boss (will make sense later). The key is to defeat each foe  while trying to keep as many life points as possible. You cannot  purchase life points in IBT#6. To show life points all players may use  the commands:      
    • !l3 - To show to everyone you have started a new Stage and have all 3 life points
    • !l2 - To show to everyone you have lost a life point
    • !l1 - To  show to everyone you have lost 2 life points and are now having your final go.

How do  I use the bot to attack?  

  • Attack - to win you must hit for equivalent or more then the foe's hit points. Each character class must stick to your own unique attack type, either a basic or difficult/mighty attack for your class. A full list of Bot attack commands, per class are: 


  • Archer basic attack: !onearrow 
  • Archer mighty attack: !manyarrows


  • Warrior basic attack: !warriorstab
  • Warrior mighty attack: !warriorslash


  • Wizard basic attack: !mysticzap
  • Wizard Mighty attack: !mysticblast

What happens during the final Boss Round?

Ok so you've done really well, you saved a few life points and now your ready to take on the boss. Your Character is tougher now and you also have a firm grasp on the basics. The boss round is the most important if your playing for Steem. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be handed out from the total Steem prize pool. So tips on how to win are:

  • If you grabbed a level0 item, it applies here (even a +1 to your attack is useful)
  • All your life points you saved will be added to your final attack roll (can make a huge difference so attack with smarts on the stage posts before getting here and try not to lose too many. If you do lose allot, the luck could still be with you, so hang in there).
  • You will get two attacks, and only your most powerful attack counts.
  • If your still level 0, you can still buy/summon a luckydip item at this point
  • If the number of life points you saved is low, perhaps risk a pickpocket on your second attack
  • If your a level 1 Char risk it all and use the special attack (the odds of success have been increased).
  • If your desperate try a basic attack, maybe you luck a nice positive item Gobbo :) Beware he gives out negative ones as well, hehe the little Git!.


  • Gobbo! - should you mess up a basic attack, the bot may initiate a Gobbo challenge; if this happens you must do a Mighty/difficult attack against Gobbo instead of defeating the Stage Foe. If you win, you may run the pickpocket command and will win an item from Gobbo, but he is a little  git, the item maybe good or bad and stays with you just for that Stage  only. Note: Beating Gobbo does not count as  the first attempt  at beating this Stages foe/enemy, so on your next  attack you may still  be eligible to win Steem, just attack them again with all 3 life points  and see how you go. 
  • To win against Gobbo you simply need to  do an attack equivalent of Gobbo's hit or above.

How do I level up? ·   

  1. IBT is a largely self managed game, if your lucky/cunning and  complete any 3 Stages on the first attack. Then use the command!upgrade1  to demonstrate your power to the other players. · 
  2. You may now visit the Item Shop and make your claim on an extra powerful level1 spell. Once you have transferred a token of course, then it's yours.

How do I get items? some are level specific.  

  • You may !pickfrompockets any foe once during a Stage
  • You may be challenged by Gobbo! If so you must accept and win, then may  run the!pickfrompockets command (if you lose, you lose a life and the  little git runs away, so you must attack **the Stage foe again**, but  this time down one life, and its classed as your second attempt)
  • You may purchase/summon a single level 0  item using the !ibtluckydip command
  • You may trade a trophy-token for a level1 spell by visiting the Item Store – Level1 players only. 

Summoned items using the !ibtluckydip command carry between stages. Items do  stack, i.e. the max number of items any player can hold for any stage is  3, i.e. a Level0 item (purchased), a Gobbo item (pickfrompockets item)  and a pickfrompockets item from a Stage foe. Only level 0 and level 1 (spell) items  carry across stages.  

How do I play the mini-game at stage5? Instructions will be on the post itself.

How do I play in the Boss round? All players get 2  shots at the boss, life points don’t exist here, all the excess life  points you carried over getting here get added to your attack hit. All  items are available, pickpocket is available..pretty much you can try  anything you want to get the strongest attack on the Boss, but you only get 2  shots! the best hit counts.  Warning, if you die, it means one of your  attacks against the boss failed and was wasted.  

What happens if I lose all 3 lifes in a stage?  Nothing happens, you can proceed to the next stage, but no extra life  points will be added to your final roll in the boss round. You must either  complete the Stage or run out of life points to continue to other  stages. Be careful. If a field judge finds you didn’t win and proceed by  mistake you may be asked to go back to a previous stage. If you do not  go back, you will not be awarded any prizes from the point you went wrong.    

How will I know when a Stage is ready to be played?  Simple, just keep an eye on @lordnigel  blogs, I will try to pause all other activities during a IBT event so people  don’t get lost.   When I post a new Stage I’ll also update the campaign  map. The campaign map is an easy to follow, one stop shop page and it  has links to all posts and Stages as they come available.     

I typed a command and nothing happened, what to do?   ·  

  • Try refreshing the page  
  • Try editing  the reply, making sure nothing else appears except your !botcommand.  Then refresh the page again.
  • Check the in Stage instructions - an alternative set of commands maybe available (backup bots/methods)
  • Wait for a few hours and try a fresh reply typing the command again  (if it works, delete your old reply if possible to keep the page clean).     
  • IBT is experimental, it's largely a self managed game, you must proactively play and  sometimes mistakes can happen. Still the field judge is there to ensure  rules are followed strictly and so no unfair advantage is given to any  player. The field judge may suggest an alternative command for you to  use should a bot become unavailable.  

I killed the foe on first attack, where is my Steem?  It will be transferred into your Steemit wallet once the post closes, i.e. 7 days.     

Why are people replying to my attack posts?  Often people will cheer you on, but sometimes a field judge like @doughtaker or myself may leave you a message to help you with the game.     

In previous IBT I got heaps of high Upvotes, why not this time?  Personally I’m moving away from giving high up votes just for playing or enrolling.  Still, upvotes will be used as a way of showing I have read replies  and if the post is high quality a high upvote or trophy-token maybe  awarded. Other players may upvote people to encourage and give as well.  IBT is a community event and while it is quite time consuming we believe  it is fun and valuable to the larger Steemit Community.  Do not participate in IBT just for the prizes, rather do it for social/community – and you will never be disappointed.      

How do I purchase Items? I use to just use trophy’s  I resisted it for awhile, but it makes sense to go this  purchase level0 items for a tiny amount of Steem. I had a  few complaints that leaving the game to go into bitshares and transfer a  trophy for every item was too much of a hassle. Most people want to  casually play IBT for fun, they have been slaving away on Steemit making  quality posts and now just want a break, have some fun and make some  Steem doing it. As so much Steem is given away in IBT, asking for a fraction  of what most players will win to be contributed to the community bot,  is a small price. By making a transfer that I can see on the block chain  I can easily track the supporters and have the bot Autovote people as a  great gift back to the community. It's not a requirement to purchase your item, its still very possible to play and win a lot.

I made it to the boss round, attacked twice and missed..this game sux!

You think this game sux?  Go to your nearest casino, play a video poker  or slot machine, and lose 20+ hands/spins in a row without a single  winning payoff.  I dare you to come back afterwards and claim that this  free IBT sux worse. 

Life is tough and so is this contest...Still, I want everyone to be a winner and hence share in the Steem for each Stage. Use strategy to try and land at least one attack. The game is not rigged and the universe doesn't hate you, everyone has equal chance to play and win, using a bit of strategy to get an edge and/or just make a hit, may lead to a great Steem prize. Play well! 

I'm sure there are still  heaps of questions, so feel free to ask  below 

Special thanks to @spaceginger    for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image   above Other images were captured from the abandonware game defender of the crown , also thanks to @steemseph for his super sweet dividers. 100% of Steem raised here will go towards future IBT prizes  


A couple of things need to be clarified:

  • Does the level 0 item still cost 0.01 STEEM for this IBT?
  • If a player wins the Stage 5 mini-game on their first attempt, does that count toward the 3 flawless victories required to level up?

I'd also like to add on to the FAQ "I made it to the boss round, attacked twice and missed..this game sux!" with this...

You think this game sux? Go to your nearest casino, play a video poker or slot machine, and lose 20+ hands/spins in a row without a single winning payoff. I dare you to come back afterwards and claim that this free IBT sux worse.

Hahaha good point. IBT is very good value, but yeah never feels good to go on a journey like IBT takes you and then miss out at the end. hehe in the spirit of IBT I'll add it to FAQ.

Other points:
Yep it cost 0.01 Steem for the level 0 item, you need to transfer it with a memo: for ibt6 - if the bot works correctly it should register your transfer, then you may run the !ibtluckydip command. I will display a list of all the bot commands for IBt6 below as a reply.

It's not 100% set what will happen with Stage 5 mini-game, and don't want to give it away what it will be about, but instructs will be posted with the stage and will be something like:

These are the only possible outcomes on this stage:

  • You skip the stage (nothing happens).
  • If you lose the stage, you score -1 banked life point.
  • If you win the stage, you score +4 banked life points and share in the STEEM prize for this stage.



!l11 - Show 1 life point
!l12 - Show 2 life points
!l13 - Show 3 life points
!openpockets - steal an item from the foe!
!onearrow - Shoot a single arrow (Archer Class)
!manyarrows - Do a difficult attack (Archer Class)
!mysticzap - Perform a fireball attack (Wizard Class)
!mysticblast - Perform a difficult magic attack (Wizard Class)
!warriorstab - Perform a stab attack (Warrior Class)
!warriorslash - Perform a difficult Slash attack (Warrior Class)
!special - Level1 players only, with trophy purchase
!ibtluckydip - Perform item summon spell, may use only once after you transfer 0.01 Steem to @wizardzap
!upgrade1 - Show your power, your level 1
!alistofcommands - Show Manual of available commands.

Lol, only missed twice! Last series I missed all three times for the boss. An ignoble end for mighty Pickles..

Haha well at least you hung in there and gave it a bash!
...This time I reacon it could be yours!

Stupid question incoming! The item summon from wizardzap, is that 0.01 per battle or for the whole round?

This time around, you only get to purchase the item from wizardzap once for 0.01 STEEM, and it will last for the entire tournament.

Our field judge is correct as usual :)

-just buy once, when your ready and it stays with you whole gme.

Can we do it now, or do we have to wait till the game starts properly?

Need to wait, sorry - I'm still putting finishing touches on the bot.

Looks good to me. Should be fun :)

Will be heaps of fun. Fingers crossed the new bot holds out :)

Are the Trophy Tokens available on Bitshares OpenLedger? As it turns out... I do have an account there! hahaha Looking forward to this IBT!

Sure are! I'll be handing a few out as prizes as we go along as well

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