Working in a Meat Locker, Sort of

in #humor6 years ago

Sharing Building Space

Back years and years ago, I worked as a typesetter and did layout for a local paper in a small town. The paper was located in a small building that housed another business.


This photo is of some old typesetting letters. I actually had a machine to type on and didn't do this type of individual setting of letters.

But back to the whole sharing space thing with another business. Sharing space with a meat locker might sound like a good idea to some people. To me it was gross!

What triggered this memory? Well, I just read @jerrybanfield's latest post where he interviewed @TeamSteem.

In that interview Guillaume Cardinal (@TeamSteem) talked about working in a slaughterhouse before quitting to do Steemit full time. Good for him, right? And so what? you might ask.

Well, Guillaume is vegan! So, yeah, that had to be a difficult job.

The Building Was Not Ideal

Back to my typesetting job. When I worked for the paper, we didn't have a break room, a restroom, or anything in our part of the building other than our big open room and small closet type room with an enormous camera where we made PMTs.

In fact we had to go into the front of the locker building, outside and around the corner, to use the one restroom in the building. But that wasn't so bad.

What was bad was the fact that the building only had one refrigerator. And it wasn't a fridge like you and I have in our homes. No!

It was a refrigerated room. Where they hung the sides of beef and whole hogs that they killed before they butchered them.


Where to Put My Lunch?

So each morning, I took my little paper bag with my sandwich and set it inside that big refrigerated room on a wooden shelf. At first I was appalled at having to do this. In fact, the whole time I worked there, I was pretty much appalled at having to do this.

The sight of those animals hanging from hooks and the smell they emitted, especially in the summer, was just about the grossest thing I've ever experienced.

Try eating your lunch after fetching it from that environment. In hindsight, I should have just carried a little cooler or something so I could avoid that room all together.

Come to think of it, I really should have lost weight. But I don't recall that happening.

Here's the link to Jerry's interview with

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Not quite "The Jungle" but it sounds close enough. I can't even imagine working in that environment. Was it difficult to actually do your daily work there or were you able to put it all out of your mind?

Sometimes the smell and thoughts of seeing those animals lingered but I tried to put it out of my mind. And I was young, didn't really think about it like I would now. I don't think I could handle that every day now.

I'm a meat eater, but I think I might have turned vegetarian or vegan if I'd had to put my lunch in that room. Yuck!

The smell was the worst. Well, and seeing those carcasses.

Sometimes I think that if we knew more about the industrial-scale slaughter processes used today, we'd eat less meat.

But then again...


I don't eat much meat and I'm pretty sure this has something to do with that choice I've made.

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