
Those giant moles are tough. Need your zero turn to pull them out by the tail. And had more than my share of ground-nesting hornets. Not killer, but you swear you've expired once more than 10 sting you in the head. Yee haaa.

Oh yeah. I was clearing land and my buddy was on a tractor waiting for me to hookup a mound of brush. Of course with the diesel running, I cant hear anything, but soon felt some stings where guys don't want to be stung! He had run over a nest and the hornets were less than pleased. They had found their way up my pant leg!

Yowza, that would hurt. Probably really took it out of you for the day. I hate those things. They hurt so much, and make you feel so bad all day. Used to tie our pantlegs closed to keep them out. Then they just sting through the fabric.

Ah now you tell me to tie my pant legs LOL! I was a newbie.

I had to learn by trial and error, and it took a few nest dances to learn. Once I was so sick of them I tried to 'stay and fight'. Don't recommend it.

Oh I know! I tried to make a stand with a can of bee spray. I got more on me than the wasps!

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