Journal Entry 1 – Crazy S7

in #humor8 years ago

October 10, 16.

I’ve decided to start journaling again. Some of it I may edit and post if I think other people may enjoy reading it. This is something that I have done in the past and enjoyed doing. If you have read “The Artists Way” by Julia Cameron you know a bit about what journaling can do for you in your creative process.

It is nice to get into a kind of stream of thought and some of what I write may not fit together well. I will try to organize or make separate posts if appropriate. Please let me know if you enjoy reading this kind of thing and I’ll make adjustments accordingly.

I’ve been wanting to start a new project and do some 3D modeling or something. I noticed some nice textures that were offered for use for free by thecryptofiend and I’ve been thinking about using them.

On Sunday the sun was out and it was lighting up my piece of labradorite very nicely. There is a legend from the Northwest Indians around here that this rock has some of the Northern Lights contained within it. The rock looks plain most of the time but at certain angles it really lights up nicely and has a different appearance.

I started taking pictures of it with my Galaxy S7 trying to get the proper lighting and hold both the rock and phone at the same time. It’s kind of hard to get steady and one thing I found that helps is that I have my phone set to take a picture every time I say, “cheese”. It doesn’t always work though.

So I’m wandering around taking pictures and getting a bit frustrated with the phones lack of understanding of the command. I start getting into “master and commander” mode.

“Toe the line, swab the deck and say ‘CHEESE!’”, I command authoritatively. Nothing happens.

“Say CHEESE! *@!”, again nothing.

After much trial and error I’ve found that the phone responds best when you talk to like my wife talks to Pomeranian dogs. “It figures”, I thought exasperatingly.

Adopting my best feminine vocalization, “Cheese please”. The camera goes clickity.

“Stinky Limburger cheese”, I said in a high pitched voice. Camera clicks.

“Stinky Durian cheese”, I said. Camera clicks.

After hearing me wandering around for a while taking pictures my son in the next room gets kind of inquisitive.

“Um Dad, are you feeling alright? Your not flying three sheets to wind are you?”, he asked. (Or something like that)

“Man, everyone misunderstands the creative process”, I think to myself but explain nicely the intricacy of taking pictures with the S7 smart phone. My son nods in understanding.

So the next time you see someone wandering up and down the grocery store aisle saying, “stinky cheese” at their cellphone, maybe you can give them a break. (Or maybe you should give them a handout – that’s always appreciated). ;)

Here’s what the rock looks like in sunlight:

I’m still working on getting a good picture of this rock texture under dimmer lighting, it looks like a job for the Panasonic camera. If you hold it at a step angle it looks to me like there is a face on it.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.


Thanks for the shout out. You might need to zoom in on the rock more to get it to fill the frame. I think a DSLR might be better - I think there probably are some tutorials on line about how to do it.

My Panasonic camera has a nice lens with a zoom, it is not as good as a nice DSLR but should be better than the cell phone camera - I try that next. The S7 cell phone takes really nice photos but doesn't work well when trying to focus close on something on an angle in dim light. I will work on it some more, thanks for commenting.

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