Grease 2 - More Questions than Answers

in #humor6 years ago

Contains Spoilers!
I seriously attempted to watch this movie like three times, and had to restart it because I stopped paying attention. It's one of the reasons I decided to start this blog.

Sheer will to finish this stupid movie.

If you haven't seen this movie, and don't want me to ruin it for you. Please go watch the movie or don't read this.

Either way I'm getting into it...


Was there a point at which they allowed teenagers to smoke on school grounds? I mean as long as I could remember you were not allowed to smoke on school grounds if you were a student even if you were over 18.


One thing I did notice that you might not notice right away is they were actually walking like a flock of birds fly. I feel like that was some extra attention added into this movie that you don't see in other places.

What's with all the Hairspray?

Wouldn't she have put on hairspray before leaving? Seems like way to much work to carry around multiple cans of hairspray. Even with the giant bag she carries around.

Sexual Assault isn't cool

I don't think that students should sexually assault their teachers, and I don't think that teachers should respond happily to students sexual assaults. I get that the fifties were supposed to be a different time, but seriously?

Be Cool?

So the pink ladies pledge to act cool. However, I wonder how cool it really is being like 40 being in high school. Doesn't seem that cool to me.

Why do some lockers have locks, but most don't. Eugine just started talking about the fact that everything gets stolen out of them. Seems to me that everyone should have a lock on their lockers, and not just a few select people.

If Mr. Spears shakes so much from his mental exhaustion. How did he get his name written on the board so well?


How would they even get their bikes on the track? The school is fenced in, and they aren't going back the way they came. You can only assume that if their was an entrance they would have to go back that way.

Those lanes have to be ruined right?

They are destroying the bowling alley lanes. I mean seriously. That's not cool. All of those lanes would have to be refinished.

How do any of their scores count if they keep going past the line?

Really with the smoking again?

She sees him smoking. He has been smoking the entire movie! You can just randomly see everyone smoking all the time in, and out of classrooms. Why would he care at this specific moment. I get that this was supposed to be funny, but since everyone has been smoking even in classes. It just ends up being stupid.

Plant Reproduction Erotica?

Why is he turning plant reproduction into erotica? I mean seriously, there is really no reason why you have to turn plant reproduction X-rated. Pretty weird...

They then start having like a simulated orgy in class... This is going on way to long... Seriously...

Papers Outside?

Why are they putting a bunch of papers outside?
There are all those flyers out in the front of the school with no coverage. Is it all like waterproof paper?

Only a drill?

Why would you be cranking the horn in the middle of the office? You think you would do that where there is more space, and you aren't trapped with all the sound in an office.


Looks like he straight up got her locked up in a rape den...
It wasn't until she got his guard down that she escaped.

Also pretty sure the rape den was also the main character's home.

Why would you quit your job for someone you don't even know?

Why would you also quit your job for someone who you haven't even seen their face? I mean seriously I get when you are young you make bad choices, but you really should think about the fact that you have never even seen this guy.
Also he isn't like batman. You can see his face. Those glasses aren't completely dark.

Grocery Store Hookup?

I don't really understand how the grocery store has guaranteed "action". Doesn't make any sense. I'm also guessing they couldn't afford an actual grocery store?

Should they have checked the construction equipment?


Seems like no-one thought about the fact that they didn't have battery powered traffic barricades in the fifties. Also that truck and construction equipment was definitely not fifties...

This is what construction equipment looked like in the fifites.
[1956 Warner & Swasey M2460 Gradall hydraulic excavator.] (05/12/2014). Retrieved from
Not like the one they have in the picture.

Looks like a hill of bikes and cocaine?

This seriously just looks like they piled a bunch of bikes, and cocaine up together, and called it a day. This whole talent show sequence makes no sense.

Luau ?

What the heck does this school have to do with a luau? There was no indication throughout the movie that they even had anything to do with a luau. This, just like came out of left field. I get that they probably needed a conclusion scene, but I just don't get it. It's also like they built a pool right on their football field.


Why does he even want to be a T-Bird?

The T-Birds are a bunch of douche bags. I don't know why he would even want to be a T-Bird.

In conclusion?

I seriously don't know. I finally got through this movie. I still have more questions that I have answers on this thing. Doing a post actually got me through it.

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