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RE: Grasshopper wants in; just until spring though.

in #humor6 years ago

Your Debbie is a good fighter 👍🤗 and she has you by her side.... a strong & lovingly husband 💏 you are a perfect team!

I'm really pleased to hear that Debbie is making progress and improving her health 🤩👌

thanks for the interesting information ... also in my circle of friends is someone with MS... She's not in a wheelchair yet ... but she has got greaves ... for support...

My friend is from Germany ... but he feels very comfortable in Thailand ... because of the climate and the diet


She is my life! I will fight for her forever!

Her progress is wonderful, and her Doctor is bragging on her!

If your friend is on steemit, give her my name, I may be able to help her. Debbie is badly affected by the heat, because of the way MS hit her, but I am glad your friend is doing well in Thailand! I would go nuts for the gem markets over there, ROFLOL!


That is my friend's illness:
The pleural mesothelioma is a malignant tumor of the pleura. The frequency in Germany is 1.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.
Not an easy task ... but he has so much joy in life 😀

It just wonderful that Debbie is making so much progress!

I am pleased for both of you!!!

Tell him to dump meats, and eat as many raw vegetables as he can. We have a plant here called Lambsquarters that is a very strong anti cancer plant. It tastes good and is very helpful.

There is a book called "The Green Pharmacy" that has good information he could use.

I have seen several people fighting cancer; eat their way healthy with raw vegetables.


Yes that's right with the vegetables ... I've read about it too ... Thanks for the book tip 👍
Our friend is also busy with nutrition ... he has also made a short film about his illness and himself.... about 1 year ago.

Sounds like he is fighting well! That is why he is still here. Great to hear! I approve, and wish him a full recovery! Be sure to tell him about the lambsquarters, they are a very powerful anti cancer vegetable!

The book is the best single reference I have, and has been 100% accurate. I would love to see his film, you should post it on Steemit!


Thank you for the nice wishes for recovery for my friend 🤗
His film was made in Thailand ... but in German language ... it's a documentary.

I'm always very careful ... when it comes to my family and friends ... I have to ask first if it's okay if I post a link to his movie... the movie was released on youtube.

Sorry, won't help, I am not fluent in German. Care with family and friends is wonderful! Give him my contacts if you like, and if he has questions.

I do wish him health! He is in a great place for collecting Gemstones.


do not apologise.... my English is not good either 😉
I will do that ... he is a fighter with a good heart!

I will also tell him about the gemstones
Thank you for your good thoughts, wishes and help!

I wish you and Debbie all the best from my heart and that Debbie continues to make such good health progress

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