From the Grave: The Best of @acolucky: Volume #1

in #humor6 years ago (edited)

One year ago, after a couple months of flailing here on the Steemit blockchain, I began writing and posting a daily bit of humor. Since then, I have made between 300 and 400 wisecracks, jokes, and other snappy bits. In this From the Grave series, I scroll deep into the past, sort through the confusion, and re-offer my favorites.

the moment @acolucky realized that, in spite of his crushing advantages in this game of chess, he would still be cleaning Lou's cat box for life.

Thank you for reading.


I Embarrassed Myself

I blew it this weekend. I went to a sci-fi potluck near home. Being naïve, I dressed as the movie character E.T. and brought tortillas and tacos to share. The host accused me in front of everyone of making a bad joke about Mexicans and aliens; something people are touchy about here in the United States. She said I was not being politically correct.

I tried to explain that I wasn’t insensitive. I just had never made that connection before. But it was no use. Everyone asked me to leave.

To be fair, that situation turned out far better than the time I brought crackers to a Black Lives Matter rally.


A Little Bit About My Background

I grew up in farm country in middle Minnesota. The immigrants were mostly central European and Scandinavian. Many of those old-timers made a living breeding animals, but it wasn’t long before they figured out that the animals could do it themselves.


It is difficult, here on Steemit, to know if that nice comment on your post is a person, a bot, or a person who comes off like a bot.

I am not complaining. I get as lucky here as I do on all the other dating sites.


I am very new to this blockchain/crypto world. Things still get confusing and I over-react in embarrassing ways to a lot of simple misunderstandings.

For example, where I'm from, a hard fork is something only perverts do.


I don't even have to double check, mate. That picture with Lou is awesome. Frame it. Might look nice in black and white.

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