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RE: Every Picture Has A Story #8 : Office Humorous Drama Day?

in #humor7 years ago

Ohhhhh yessss... I've seen that exact scene all too many times! Unfortunately, there was an office I was with for awhile which offered this same scene either Monday mornings or any mornings! Eyeewww... Some people just don't bother about cleaning up their own mugs or at least not leaving their half filled mugs (with whatever beverage they were having...) in the sink to sit overnight... 😒 At least now I know that office isn't the only one having a 'cicak' experience... 😕


hahaha... my colleagues ALWAYS forgets their mugs. And this time to leave it by the windowsill and totally forgotten about it is really overboard. They could not step into the pantry for lunch for 2 days. hahaha....
I have told them before when the cicak tried to get to their food lying around in the pantry without properly covered and they, like your other office, shook off the warning.
This time, I hope the trauma will stay with them so that they will be more careful.

Thank you so much for making time and supporting this post!

I guess with some people, it's hard to break bad habits... or they aren't even inclined to! You're most welcome.... I sometimes find I don't have enough time to get to visit as many pages as I would like to. But I'll get to them all eventually... :) You are most welcome!! :))

We all have the same problem. We are not bots haha. No worries. We are all pretty busy.
Are you around next week on the long Merdeka weekend?

Yeahhh, so true... I wish I had some bots here to help, lol...
I should be around over Merdeka, not sure what plans yet....Why? What's up?! :)

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