Deep Thoughts + Exhilarating Epiphanies Through #HumansOfSteemit (In Just 1 Week!!)

in #humansofsteemit7 years ago (edited)

So one week ago today, I realized what this shiz I need to be doing on this Steem blockchain.
I had kinda been struggling with it for a while.
Because I knew there a Steemit project wanting to be birthed, brewing somewhere in my being, but it just wasn’t coming out.
A lil frustrating to say the least.
Anyhow, and then it happened.
Humans Of Steemit was born.

And it’s fucking great!

In just the short week that I’ve been doing ‘this’, I’ve learnt quite some shit.
And I was deeply touched by it all that I HAD to share it.
Sharing is the whole part of this journey right?


So here you go.

All the deep thoughts and exhilarating epiphanies I’ve had through the creation of Humans Of Steemit!

We are all the fucking same

Yes, in our essence, we all are the same. Just flesh and bones with blood pumping around to keep all our vital shit going. A walking, talking human meat package. We all pretty much experience the same feelings yet in varying degrees and can be triggered by a plethora of different experiences/situations and etc.etc.etc.
But really, deep down, we are just the same.
And this is REALLY good. Because it helps us move deeper into compassion, acceptance and understanding of each other.

Yet we are very different to eachother

We remain individuals with likes and dislikes and wants and needs and intelligence and humour and everything else which is pretty damn unique to every person.
YOU are unique.
You have a completely YOU way that you’ve had this life and have collective experiences.
Damn, you are just very eclecticly unique.
There is not another person like you on this planet.
Yes, similarities. But EXACTLY the same? NOPE.

What the hell ? We are the same yet different?

I know. I know.
It’s a lil confusing.
But just feel it out.
Yes we are different from each other but essentially, we are the same.
Look, everyone was a baby at some point in time in their life.
And as a baby, of course all you did was poop,pee, drink milk, sleep and make some funny little noises.
But EVEN then, when you are the most UNYOU, you were YOU.
Already then you had your preferences.
Already then you had an ingrained personality.
It just didn’t know how to manifest itself yet because you were working out how to keep your eyes open and how to get milk when you were hungry. Survival modus.

Everyone has a story to tell

No matter where you are from, what you’ve been through, where you are going.
You have a story to tell.
It’s YOUR story.

People want to know your story

Really, it’s amazing how I feel when I read people’s Q&A’s.
Just the mega honesty and openness in which they tell parts of their lifestory, just makes my heart blossom open.
And I know that other people feel the same way.
It’s about being honest and open with others so that we can deeply get to know eachother and find meaning in connection.
Enough of looking at the differences only, let’s focus on the similarities!

Liberation lies in being completely honest

Even though some of the participants of Humans Of Steemit found it difficult to open up. It was a hurdle to answer some of the Q’s, but they got over that and managed to write the truth down in their own words. And afterwards they felt SO liberated. Like getting something off of your chest.
Which just reinforces my own idea that the truth will set you free.
When you don’t have to hide anything anymore, that’s where liberation lies.

When you are aligned with the heart, it all just flows naturally

Now this may sound pretty damn woo-woo. But it’s not really.
Humans Of Steemit comes straight out of my heart and it’s been such an ease to do.
Yes, I do spend quite a significant amount of time on this project (what with connecting with people, answering any questions they might have, editing the posts, posting the links around the internet and just thinking of new stuff I could bring to the table to lift Humans Of Steemit to the next level. Yes, it takes up a chunk of my time) it all goes SO effortlessly. I enjoy each and every part of it.
It doesn’t even bother me that some of the posts haven’t even made it to $5 hehe.
When it’s all coming from the heart, it’s all good!


Fuck, I love this stuff SO much.
I love getting to know someone’s pysche.
I love reading your answers.
I love the whole thing.

Humans Of Steemit, I love you.
As a project.
And as the people that are on Steemit.
Each and every one of you.
And I cannot wait to showcase YOU on it.

Oh poop.
I totally forgot to link to Humans Of Steemit! Hehe.
Everything related to this project you'll find under the tag #HumansOfSteemit.
Or click here :

BIG love,


Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


"Anything inauthentic can no longer survive." I read that somewhere and really resonated with it.

We can't wear our masks any longer. It's time to say "F*ck it" and take them off. It's time to be honest about what we want and how we feel. Without being worried about what other people may think about us.

This fear of showing who we truly are and what we truly feel separates us. We're trying to save face, but the only thing we're saving is our masks. But when we dare to take them off, we will find out - like you say - that we are all the same on some level. We all have a past. We all have similar root fears, even though they presented themselves in unique challenges that we each had to overcome in our past. And these become our stories.

So when we dare to take our masks off and stop hiding our true selves, we will suddenly all recognise each other and go, "What - you, too? I am not alone?"

Enough of looking at the differences only, let’s focus on the similarities!


Imagine if the whole world did this? We'd live in a different reality.

So let's start creating this reality here on Steemit, and maybe it will spill over :)

This shiz is a great project you came up with :)
Anja 😘

Be authentic when you are flat on your face! Yeah right! Isn’t this what I am my whole life? Yes! Indeed! Let’s be who we are! Let’s do what brings joys and give more “fucks”........I really need some cats and dogs again! Sorry to say but male hormones are not allowed for a while 🙄😝 and many “humans” had to be eliminated. A Reboot in Work! I need an AI who can make backflips for me in the mornings.

BTW Ashley! I am so glad that you bring such valuable series back to get to know People.
A while ago it was #nameinlight I really liked a lot but it didn’t go far. I am looking forward to read many more interviews about “Real Humans”.
I found this Here and it made me Happy once again

Ashley - Mammasitta would be a very interesting human of Steemit, too! :)

That’s sweet of you Anja but I am in a “scratchy” passive aggressive grey November mood and an interview would turn out a bit messy 😝😋 but I will try to answer some questions after drinking Punch with my Viennese Steemians tonight.

Anja, I feel that a new post was created during you writing these words.

OMG these gifs... :D I love them ha ha

this is such a great project and I have enjoyed reading every one of the posts so far ( well with the exception of the latest one from some Kiwi guy and all his typos) and so look forward to reading them all as they come out

I think the questions you have come out with naturally bring the interviewer out of their shell a bit and they open up about themselves and their feelings which is brilliant

Hey if it worked with me it can work with anyone

Such a compliment!!!


Thank you for being here.
And expressing yourself.
Thank you for your supportive words!

Let's stay in contact!

Just the truth as I see it

:) and lets do keep in contact I know for sure I will be reading all the Humasofsteemit posts :)

I just love what I've seen so far in your #humansofsteemit adventure. Those Humans of New York photos are so much fun–seeing and relating with people of all different types. Your creation here is the single most exciting thing I've seen on Steemit since I landed on the #openmic a few months ago. I'm really happy you're doing this, and looking forward to many more.

Oh @cabelindsay,
how you've touched with your very kind words.
I am happy you are here, to be a witness to it all unfolding :)


Fantastic post Ashley! I hope to one day make it into your HumansOfSteemit series 😄💯❤️

Yesss of course!!
Happy to have you on there :)
What's the best way to contact you?? <3

Send me an email sometime if that works with you (: [email protected] but I’m also on Discord and Steemit.Chat @amvanaken it is! :)
You've got a dm. hehe

That does sound like a really fun project! You can meet someone online and have no idea anything about them, but when you interview them and get into their personality a bit. You can really find the most interesting stuff. I look forward to following the Humans of Steemit!

This place is only going to get good through the humans!!!
Thank you for being here

Love this concept, keep doing the good work, spreading the good love. You’re seen, heard, felt and appreciated!


You are simply fabulous angel! Love what you are doing!

Thank you for your kind words @jaynie!


This is a wonderful idea for a project! I so love the "Humans of New York" and similar projects, as they add a touch of true humanity to the Internet! Bravo for thinking of this! #steemitbloggers

Thank you ladybug! :)
It's really one of the loves of my (Steemit) life! hehe

Hello @ashleykalila

I love all these core value that human of steemit brings to planet steem. I wished you could get more sponsors and whales support for this project and also wider audience because this is really a great initiative and I am loving it.

Can't wait to get all my questions answered and sent to you.

Thanks for birthing this

Hey Bania,

how sweet of you!

Only time will tell right? :)

I am looking forward to reading your answers and sharing them with the world!


I get you and I totally agree :)

What you said reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: "In Lak'ech Ala K'in" - Mayan wisdom translating to "I am you, and you are me."

I really enjoyed reading them too, and would also love to participate if I may :) Will try and catch you on sometime soon!

Yessss, Mayan wisdom is SO good!


Please please please message me on so I can send you the details!

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