#2 Humans Of Steemit : @molovelly


Just look at that photo!
How can this NOT be a GREAT Humans Of Steemit feature!!!

OH wow @molovelly, I absolutely love your answers.
I can really relate to you and I think a lot of Steemians can too!

Really guys, I think you are going to enjoy the second feature in Humans Of Steemit!
Cos she is open, honest, funny, has an interesting life and can write damn well!

Thank you for being your humanness @molovelly
Thank you for being an Human Of Steemit!

Just before we start, I am going to give you a bit of background info on Humans Of Steemit!

Humans Of Steemit showcases YOU.
Show who you are.
Get down to the nitty gritty of your entire being.
Steemit would not be here if it weren’t for you.
Steemit would not be good if it weren’t for you.

Recently, there has been a lot of speculation on the automatism (our beloved and not so beloved bot friends), being on here purely for monetary gains and where the humanity is missing on Steemit.

So let’s set that aside and show the humanity here. The people. You. We. Us.

There are two aspects to Humans Of Steemit!

A Q&A and Fun Crazy Steemit Thing!

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing is the space in which you can totally let go and be YOURSELF.
Show who you are.
Whether that’s a crazy dance video of you doing your ‘I am drunk and have no idea what I am doing but I am enjoying myself dance’ or you singing at your best to your fave karoake tune or a drawing of you looking all peaceful and wonderful or the best photo you ever took or ANYTHING!
As long as it is YOURS.
As long as it represents YOU!

Plus the deal is that ALL the SBD from this post (after payout) is transferred to the Human Of Steemit that is featured!
I get to keep the SP for organizing this, putting it all together and whatnot!

Whoop whoop!
Exciting stuff right?
So let's get right to it!


Let’s start this off ‘properly’. Who are you? Tell us anything and everything you’d like us to know about you!

My name is Monica, but they call me Moni, like Mah-nee. Not MO-nee. Please don't call me the latter; drives me nuts. I live in the great state of Michigan, aka The Mitten State - look at a map, it's shaped like a mitten. I'm a mess wrapped up in a beautiful blanket of awesomeness.

What makes your heart smile?

Art with my youngest nephew, Alex. I expand the boundaries, while he inspires me to keep creating. He calls me to build things, and even though I live an hour away, I will drop everything if he asks me to come over.


Moni and Alex

How did you get on Steemit?

I landed here shortly after my brother from another mother, @sgt-dan (formerly @sargento) did. I'm a children's author, and thought that Steemit would be a good place to build my brand and perfect my writing. I love it here. I have met some really interesting people.

Where do you want to die?

If I could pick any one place to die, I think it would have to be the 8th hole, on the Stony Creek Disc Golf course. It's quiet, surrounded by trees, and full of birds. That place is my most favorite place to be in the spring, when everything is new. Hopefully I am not alone. I don't think anyone would appreciate finding my body after a few days.

What’s something you DON’T like about all this new technology?

I don't like that we can now use drones to cause harm to others.

What mistake do you keep making and why?

I'm terrible about putting the horse before the cart, and it messes me up every damn time. I still do it. I think it's part excitement and passion for the project, and part ADD. It makes me act impulsively at times.

Is there anything you wish you could unlearn?

Not really, but there is plenty that I wish I could un-see or un-hear...like hearing my SO's mom talk about nasty things..like sex at 70..ack. get away from me with that!

If there was something that you could un-do, what would it be?

I believe in the butterfly effect. If there was one thing that I could un-do, it could possibly affect the outcome of something that I did want to do. I'm good. I have learned from most past life mistakes, so un-doing one would be kind of like un-learning one.

Imagine that you magically have the ability to keep being alive without sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

Can I pair this with invisibility?? I always wanted to be invisible!
I would have more time to create! I would probably build an extra character, or design some kind of new creature. I would do anything but work! I never work a day in my life...I love what I do.

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?

I married a crackhead once. But, I left him and now live back around family. I think that if I hadn't married him, then I wouldn't have come back home to Michigan. It was all a waste of life, with the exception of his Granny. She made it worth it.

What makes your belly ache with laughter?

Farts! hahaha not really, but really..
'Gromit, that's it! Cheese! We'll go somewhere where there's cheese!'
I am a huge fan of Aardman Animations. Whenever Wallace says 'cheese', he shakes his hands back and forth, and his grin goes from one side of his face to the other. I die every time. I laugh at stupid things. The normal funny stuff doesn't really appeal to me. I guess I prefer British humor. Kinda weird that way.


Tell us about 1 significant event in your life that really made you who you are.

My mother died when I was relatively young. I wasn't a child, but even then, losing mom was rough. We didn't get along that well. I think it was because I was a lot like her, and she didn't like it. OR I was a lot like my father, and she didn't like it. I have had a lifetime full of defining moments that make me who I am, but this was the hardest.

What would be the scariest monster you could imagine?

I am afraid of spiders, so we'll start there. It wouldn't even have to be large, since even the smallest of arachnids send me scurrying in terror. Luckily, I have read all of the Harry Potter series, and have the spells committed to memory. I'm sure they would save me.

What does Steemit mean for you?

It means that artists have a place to show-off their work. It means that I have a home to hone my craft without harsh judgement. Steemit means that I have access to others who are doing the same thing I am doing and can offer advice or support. To me, Steemit means Community.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

I would never change my name. I was almost a Mary Catharine, but thank the Gods, my uncle named me. Not that there's anything wrong with that name, it's just a little too Catholic for me. I like Monica Lea...and Mo Lovelly suits me for work purposes.

Which person inspires you the most and why do they inspire you?

My youngest nephew inspires me to be the best human being that I can be. I want to set a good example for my favorite monster and to teach him to really enjoy life. He really is the best thing about me, and has changed my life immeasurably.

What are you insecure about?

My writing. My future. It's discouraging when you're just getting started and have only sold 15 copies of your first book. To me that means it's either really horrible, or I haven't done enough to market it. I'm a creative soul. I'm insecure about everything :D

Describe your ideal life.

Don't tell me what to do. :D
I am describing my ideal life. It's not perfect, but it's mine and I love being me. I would be a bit more widely known which would help with book sales.

Have you ever saved someone's life?

If I have, I don't know about it. I have never been a hero, but I have always been a good listener and a good friend, so it's not impossible that I have saved someone's life at some point.

What do other people think is weird about you?

My ability to come up with full ideas in a matter of minutes. They think it's either alien, or psychosis. :D I just think I'm brilliant.

What do you think is one of the best things about you?

My ability to love, and my hugs. I LOVE to give hugs! Good ones too. Not that half-assed one arm around the shoulder half-squeeze crap. When I hug you, you know you've been hugged. A friend of mine jokingly calls me Amma, the Hugging Saint. I give a lot of my best energy away in a hug, that's for sure!

What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have?

The only responsibility that I really have is to make sure that I turn my library books back in on time. I don't have bills to pay or any other kind of adult responsibility. I wish I could keep the books as long as I wanted and never have to turn them back in :D

If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?

Cheesy, but probably a smiley emoji, a claymation character, a pen, and a puppy. I'm a happy person by nature. I love to bring characters to life, and I love dogs. I like dogs more than I like most people, to be honest.

If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

Wow. Out of all the questions, this one is the hardest to answer.

  1. A never-ending supply of cash. This would make a lot possible. I could give it away and still have more to give away.
  2. A self-refilling craft basket that replaced everything that I was out of without having to go to the store.
  3. The ability to be invisible when I wanted. See? I got my invisibility after all. I am a Gemini/Cancer. I'm like 'Hey, look at me!' and 'Why is everyone looking at me!' I like to be alone sometimes and it's hard when you share a small space with someone.

What do you think about when you’re by yourself?

I think about how amazing I am and how everyone wished they could be me...Not really. I think about what most people think about. I think about projects that I am working on, or what others are doing. I guess it depends really. Sometimes I think about my mom, and I cry. I miss her a lot and I wish that she were still around. I think about what her face looked like. I can still see her clearly. I guess that as long as I keep her memory alive, I keep her alive.

What would you want to be written on your tombstone?

She lived a life of love, and that is a life worth living.

Who is the person you trust most?

Truth is, I really don't trust anyone completely. If I had to choose though, I would pick my best friend, Daniel. He's always there and always honest. I know that I can count on Dan without question. If I needed anything, he would be the first person to come through.

What’s your favourite word?

Fuck and all of it's variants. I know. A children's author with a dirty mouth. I don't use it in public or regular conversation. It's more of my uh-oh go to. I messed something up..fuck. I skipped a page and have to resave the file..fuck. I dropped the sculpture I was working on..fuck. I think that more Americans use it than the rest of the world's population combined.

Who is your fave (or one of your favourite) Steemians and why?

Aside from @sgt-dan, @ShadowsPub is my favorite Steemian. She has to be nice, she's Canadian :D
She is thoughtful, and very helpful. I have really enjoyed getting to know her on her Discord channel and through her Pimp Your Post Thursday project. PYPT gives minnows a chance to rub elbows with other Steemit Contributors on a weekly basis. I have met many amazing writers and artists since I began participating in PYPT.

If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

They would think that I finally pushed Scot down the stairs :D I'm so easy going that that would be the only possible reason for me to be arrested.

When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?

God, you're beautiful.
Not kidding. This is a daily thing for me, and then I spend the next five minutes making faces at myself to start the day off with a smile :D

What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

Worms are simultaneous hermaphrodites that use both sets of sex organs during intercourse. I know this because I have worms that like to reproduce on the sides of their bin a lot, and because I read it on the internet..so it has to be true.

What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?

I went to pick up dinner and forgot the credit card at home. Luckily, it is a restaurant that we frequent and I was able to pay for the dinner the next morning.

What is your nickname?

My mom started calling me Moni (mah-nee) when I was wee, and it kind of stuck. Most people call me that, or Mo (my pseudonym).

As a Human Of Steemit, how do you contribute to Steemit?

I provide the Steemit World with sunshine and rainbows...hahaha nah. I'm a children's author,
I share some of my stories, short poems, character drawings, and currently have my first claymation short in the works. I have found that it's a great outlet for my creative overflow that I'm not using toward a specific project. I have developed some good relationships with people of Steemit that I hope provides value to their lives.

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing

This is @molovelly.
Singing what’s up by the 4 Non Blondes
(Which just happens to be one of Ashley’s fave songs!) hehe

Whoop whoop!

Seriously, HOW GREAT IS @molovelly??
I can safely say that you have one of the bubbliest personalities on Steemit!
(Okay I don’t know ALL of the Steemians of course but ya know what I mean!)

Thank you for being a part of Humans Of Steemit!
You are a damn good egg!
If you liked this interview, I IMPLORE you to hit that follow button on her blog and to upvote on all her stuff.
Yes yes, that’s what I think YOU should do hehe

If you want to be featured on Humans of Steemit to combat the botty world online and to show your heart, get in touch with me!
@ashleykalila on steemit.chat and Discord.
Or send me an e-mail : [email protected]

If you want to support Humans of Steemit, please hit follow on my blog, upvote this post and if you really LOVE it, resteem it!
(But really only do that if you REALLY REALLY want to! I believe in a life where we only do what we want to do!)

Humans Of Steemit believes in You.
And so do I!

BIG love,


Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


wOOt! #2, I am the poo after all. I can haz teh fame nao! I'm glad that I signed up to contribute to the cause, @ashleykalila. Thanks for giving us the space to show that we are indeed humans that are actually pushing buttons to share their thoughts. While you were having fun with your bestie yesterday, I had fun with mine at the library. Perhaps this is a little more insight into the kind of human that I am.
See ya next time,
x x

hehe! :)

You gem.


I loved this interview. She seems very nice. Anyone with humor like this is without doubt a cool person. If you can laugh about farts, you da woman! lol

What makes your belly ache with laughter?
Farts! hahaha not really, but really..

yes, cracking idea! humanize us all!

On it!
My steemit mission

A great read and such a fun read at that

Clearly a wonderful person

Only thing is reading this after I relied, I am thinking why the heck did I so boring I am LOL

No don't say that!
You are definitely one cool dude.

Lol I don’t think so but to early in the morning to argue 😎

Super great idea! Now you need a "Mannequins of Steemit" post ;-)
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

The mannequin episode of The Twilight Zone is one of my favorites. Can't wait to see your interview :D

Haha... I talked with @ashleykalila ... I'm waiting for my mannequin-questions :-)

I'd love that!
Shall I get in touch with you?
Or get in touch with me? hehe

If a mannequin is not a waste of time for you ;-)
You can contact me anytime ;-)

We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.

- Albert Einstein

You nailed it man

This post has received a 0.26 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Your post was presented at Thursday’s Pimp Your Post Thursday @ahsleykalila. I have written a post to share your featured post from last night. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your [name in lights]() right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

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