22 Years And Still No Changes... The Old Way Still Isn't Working, So It's Time To Change The Way We Live (R.I.P. Tupac)

in #humanity6 years ago (edited)

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I am personally a big fan of Tupac and highly respect him as a brave revolutionary; a strong visionary with a beautiful and inspiring message; a very unique young man who was able to rise above the hate, division and fear so prevalent in life on the streets without losing the love for his brothers and sisters who were still stuck in the ghettos; and also as a martyr whose life on earth was tragically cut short just over 22 years ago in 1996 at the ripe young age of just 25.

Over the weekend I was listening to the old hit song by Tupac from way back in the day, Changes, for the first time since my teens in the early 2000s. And although I had heard this song numerous times back then, when I listened to it again so many years later, the lyrics just hit me like a ton of bricks - as if it was my first time hearing it, like I was too young or distracted to really take in the meaning of the song all those years ago. Needless to say, I felt compelled to share some of these powerful, inspirational lyrics and make a post on it, though I was busy with other things over the weekend so here goes today.

"I got love for my brother,
But we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other.
We gotta start makin' changes,
Learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant strangers...
Take the evil out the people, they'll be actin' right,
'Cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight.
And the only time we chill is when we kill each other;
It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other..."

"We gotta make a change! It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working, so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive." - Tupac Shakur, Changes:

I'm no mind reader, so I make no claims to be able to know exactly what Pac meant when he said, "Let's change the way we eat," but it's true; we do need to change the way we eat, for it is killing all of us from the young to the old and from the rich to the poor.

I don't know if Pac was talking about vegetarianism nor do I presume he was, but this one simple change to not eat meat (animal flesh) any longer will do wonders to boost ones health as long as one were to still eat an otherwise balanced diet, and it will indeed go a very long way towards ending the unnecessary suffering caused to so many millions of innocent animals who've harmed no one, but are nonetheless being held in cages in wretched conditions which are worse than most convicted felons - rapist and murderers alike. All this pain and suffering caused for the sole purpose of satisfying the corporate greed of those in the food industry, who are also doing so in order to satisfy the demand for animal flesh by the consumer.

At the very least we definitely gotta stop eating fast food, which is entirely unfit for human consumption and is nothing less than poison. If we are to survive, we have got to stop eating so much processed 'food' and other so-called foods which are filled with so many artificial ingredients, chemicals, preservatives and dyes (colors). Most frozen meals which are staples for many Americans are filled with a great variety of poisons to the human body. If we don't stop eating animal flesh altogether, we've at least got to learn to eat less red meat, as the standard American diet which indulges in the overeating of red meat has led to numerous human diseases and heart problems developing later in life.

Not to mention the vast amount of animal flesh consumed in America is simply unsustainable in the long run. We are growing too much grain to feed the animals we eat, grain which could be feeding the hungry poor and the homeless. Meat is also being sold on the market to the consumer at a fraction of the actual cost of raising the animals producing this meat, due to government subsidies. That ground hamburger you buy for $5.00/lb actually costs more like $20+/lb to grow! Maybe we could make sure that any meat we do eat was at least raised in humane conditions during the animal's short life, and that it was fed its natural diet. If we are to survive, we've got to stop eating fish which is now practically all poisoned with mercury, and in turn will give us mercury poisoning (just like those lovely vaccines also do so well...).

Pac was right then, and his words are just as applicable now: It's time to heal each other, but how do we expect to do that if we aren't even willing to do what it takes to heal ourselves? Such as eating healthy so as not to continue to kill ourselves with our diet, is apparently to 'difficult' a prospect for many American to fathom. Yes, if we are to heal each other, we certainly do need to change the way we live, completely. The old way still isn't working, and it is still up to us to make the necessary changes to put humanity on the track toward a better, more sustainable, and peaceful world.

Probably most important of all is to change the way we treat each other, and yet this seems possibly the most difficult of all in the face of all the fear and division which has been orchestrated and shoved down our throats by the government, MSM and the commercialized corporate world.

We have to stop hating people just because they are Republicans or Democrats, and realize we are all humans and that the whole system is raping both Republicans and Democrats alike. Calling for violence against 'MAGA' kids, just because they wear stupid MAGA hats is not cool, and definitely a step in the wrong direction. You can hate someone's political ideology without letting that turn into a hatred of the people who hold the 'wrong' belief, but the corporate fakestream media is doing everything in their power to do the opposite. It is becoming more and more common lately for people from both sides of the political aisle - those who identify as either left or right - to call for violence against the opposing party. In a way this aspect of life even seems worse than in Tupac's day!

We've got to stop hating each other for no other reason than the color of someone else's skin and our own, and yes I have come to the sad realization that racism is still quite alive and well in this country. And it goes both ways. Yes, many of the political and corporate elite in America are racist against blacks and browns, but there are also those black who have become so victimized in their mind that they now too harbor a deep racism, directed against the 'racist' whites (racist in quotes because these types have labeled every white man as a racist 'devil').

The rich certainly need to learn to share with the poor and stop being so greedy, but the poor also need to learn to stop hating the rich just because they are rich, as there are indeed generous and loving rich people out there, though they are typically very few and far between. You're not gonna convince a rich person to be more generous and sharing by calling for violence against them, or by calling for the government to steal even more of their money via taxes to subsidize the poor - as so many on the 'left' often tend to do.

We've got to stop allowing ourselves to be divided by national pride - 'patriotism' and nationalism' - whereby we are drug into perpetual wars which benefit neither side that is fighting, but only the elites who are both orchestrating and profiting off war but never waging the wars themselves or sending their own sons to bleed and to die. We've got to learn to love again, because they have succeeded so well in teaching us how to hate - each other and in many cases even ourselves. We've got to stop allowing fear of those who appear different from ourselves turn into hatred. We've got to stop living in fear, for this perpetual state of fear they've got the masses in, this spell they've got the masses under has absolutely crippled humanity and is intended to ultimately destroy the human spirit.

It's time to start treating all humans with just a little more respect, a little less judgement and a lot more love. Because after 22 long years, it is time for some real change, and that change starts with each of us as individuals.

22 years, and still no changes...

Soon after listening to the song for the second or third time, the YouTube comments caught my attention because there were so many recent comments on this video from within the past month, and I was shocked! I will share more of those at the end of the post, but one stood out to me more than the rest, posted by user "Jay":

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22 years and still no changes, that's just sad.

Others see the truth in this statement as well...
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It is sad, and though there have been some small positive changes I will get into briefly below, in the larger scheme of things there really haven't been any of the major changes necessary to make this country a more loving and peaceful place to live as Tupac had envisioned. Let's compare a few of the lyrics to the present day briefly, and we will soon see that this is indeed the case...

"I see no changes...
Cops give a damn about a negro,
Pull the trigga, kill a nigga he's a hero.
Give the crack to the kids, who the hell cares?
One less hungry mouth on the welfare.
First ship em' dope and let em' deal to brothers.
Give em' guns, step back, watch em' kill each other.
It's time to fight back, that's what Huey said,
Two shots in the dark, now Huey's dead

It didn't take long for Tupac's life to be abruptly ended in the exact same way as Huey - assassinated by the bullets in the dark on that fateful night of September 7, 1996 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. And it still happens today to anyone, both black or white who can rally a truly anti-establishment movement, as happened to LaVoy Finicum at the beginning of 2016 on the side of a remote Oregon highway where he was ambushed and assassinated by the FBI and OSP... Just as it also happened to Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X decades before.

Cops are still killing blacks, and whites as well, and they're considered heroes either way. And even when there's massive public outrage at the unjustified killing or brutality, the killer cops and those carrying out such horrible acts of brutality rarely see jail time. Often times cops instead get promoted. The killings by police have only increased drastically since Tupac's time, and now there are over 1,100 Americans killed by police each and every year. (KilledByPolice.net & corresponding KBP Facebook pages are unfortunately both down now, but used to have the best documentation on this going back several years & was until today my go-to for this info. The link I used instead does have good info for 2018 though...)

Meanwhile the CIA and DEA are still shipping dope into the projects while gang wars and drug feuds are used as the excuse for the victims of this organized oppression to keep killing each other on the streets. There is far more than enough available evidence and documentation out there that the CIA and DEA together form the biggest drug trafficking racket in the whole damn country, both importing from abroad and intentionally shipping it into the ghettos and poor neighborhoods of minorities, so I won't bother hunting down a bunch of links for documentation.

Below are just two short videos to get you started down this particular rabbit hole. First a clip from award-winning journalist Gary Webb who helped to expose this madness (clip from 2002) and the second from a Redacted Tonight show from just a year ago showing even more evidence of all this.

There are even several documentaries exposing this racket, where ex-drug dealers explain exactly how the Feds give them their dope supply and then crack down on their 'competition' to get the drug busts in the name of the so-called 'war on drugs' while at the same time protecting their own assets (the dealer working for the Feds). Tupac saw all of this back in 1995, exposing and speaking out against it, and it cost him his life. After all, the FBI may not have put out the hit which took Pac's life, but if he hadn't been killed that night by whoever it was (and it is quite likely it was the police), the FBI would have gotten him eventually, as they were out to shut him up and put him down...

"And still I see no changes, can't a brother get a little peace?
It's war on the streets and the war in the Middle East.
Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me."

War on the streets continue, killing by cops has increased as mentioned above, and the war in the Middle East has been dialed way up since back then, after everything changed on 9/11/01. Now the world is beginning to wake up to the many lies of the warmongering American Empire, and yet the never-ending 'war on terror' is still being waged. In this one respect, things are FAR WORSE than in Pac's day, but maybe it had to get worse in order to wake people up, before it could get better. Maybe we are in the middle of the storm before the calm, but regardless there is still no war on poverty, because the powers that be continually choose to starve and bomb the same world they could instead be saving.

The war on drugs continues to be waged disproportionately against the minorities, poor and disenfranchised; and yet it has done nothing to stop rampant drug abuse in this country, which may in fact be on the rise due to the prolific availability of harmful and addictive over-the-counter prescription drugs. Thanks to the Pharmaceuticals and the doctors all too eager to prescribe them, this has become an epidemic of its own. In this regard as well, it also seems things are actually worse off than when Pac was still jammin' back in 1995.

"Things will never be the same."

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And though it seems as if nothing has changed, and some things have even gotten far worse in the past 22 years, there are many things which have taken place since then which indicate things are about to change in a much bigger and better way. It just still isn't quite as visible as it will eventually, and hopefully very soon become...

In 2001, there was 9/11, clearly an inside job and one of the greatest crimes openly carried out against Americans on American soil by factions within our own government. But though it took a few years for people to begin to wake up and smell the roses, or in this case the laws of physics that the official story conveniently and blatantly denied in so many ways, it was the single defining act of a century which would spark a great awakening like none seen in the centuries since the founding of this country over 200 years ago. The 9/11 truth movement was born, and the awakening of America had begun. But even this was not without its casualties. Bill Cooper who had previously stopped paying income taxes warned the people about 9/11 in advance, and in the middle of the night on November 5, 2001, police shot him to death on his own doorstep.

At about the same time the masses began to catch on to 9/11, enter Ron Paul as a presidential candidate in 2007/2008. More suppressed truth was put into the minds of the masses in this one short campaign than previous decades of activists shouting at the top of their lungs. The Federal Reserve scam began to become common knowledge, and the role in war by foreign bankers was finally being talked about by the common man. The racist nature of the criminalization of marijuana, the entire war on drugs, and the Prison Industrial Complex was exposed by the good Doctor on TV for all to see. Dr. Paul didn't win in 2008, and though he may have won the Republican Primary in 2012 if there had been an honest count, there was no way in hell the political system was about to let him win according to their official vote counts. So while Dr. Paul didn't officially win, he sparked a peaceful revolution for humanity's freedom which further extended the groundwork laid by 9/11 truth activists, and which forever changed the way the common man looked at the establishment, MSM, and the Federal Reserve Bank.

Oh those were some good ol' days for the ones who partook in the 'Ron Paul R3VOLUTION', and here is a music video complete with a variety of Ron Paul quotes to bring back those memories and highlight Ron Paul's role in the greater awakening of America - Dr. No by Payday Monsanto:

The advancement of technology, including especially the current age of the internet and so-called smartphones, has helped to connect people from all over the earth in ways Tupac could only have dreamed of, and this instant sharing of knowledge and easy access to information has been a powerful weapon threatening the very existence of the establishment. But at the very same time, they have used all this to their full advantage, and they have done so very well, keeping the masses enslaved for the most part despite the far easier access to knowledge and information, and the ability to share it instantly with practically anyone, and anywhere on the entire earth. The song, Flawed Technology by K-Rino explains so well how they have been misusing all this new technology against us, so I won't get much into it myself but rather just share this work of lyrical genius instead:

One way in which the new technology has helped fight the establishment is with smartphones and filming of police brutality. It is however extremely frustrating, that despite so many cases of blatant police brutality and clear-cut misconduct being caught on camera by citizen activists, there are still rarely indictments, let alone convictions of the criminal cops.

The mainstream media has been much more completely exposed now as a government and imperial mouthpiece used to sow fear and division, and yet so many of the masses are still hooked to their TV or caught up in the mostly meaningless headlines of the day. The lies and deceptions sold to perpetuate the Bankers' wars have been so completely and thoroughly exposed you'd think the MSM would be completely out of business by now, and yet so many of the masses still blindly support the wars due to their misplaced fear and the divisive tactics of the same corporate media. On the bright side, the US failed attempt to affect regime change in Syria via the funding and supporting of radical Jihadi terrorists among other devious tactics has helped to awaken many of the masses from their former slumber.

And yet still the MSM reigns in the minds of far too many, foreign wars rage on, the police brutality continues, the racism is still here, the war on drugs continues, more nonviolent young men are thrown into prison, the mass poisoning program of humanity by the corporate powers that shouldn't be continues; and all of this seems now to even be on the increase despite the great awakening of humanity occuring at exactly the same time. And it is for this reason that it is, because the establishment knows they are losing credibility and power and are reacting accordingly - out of desperation and pulling every single play out of the playbook that they know. As I see the world, it will continue to get worse even as it at the same time begins to get better.

It is a slow process to change the world, because the key to changing the world is realizing we only have the power to change ourselves, and so many are unwilling to first change themselves in order to be the change they wish to see in the world. Yet in taking the more difficult path to first change ourselves, we do eventually create the change in the world we are seeking. Tupac understood this well, which is why he said that all he knew was that he only had the power to change himself, and this is why he also became such a legend (besides his murder), is that he took the steps he taught and began to change himself for the better; and raised himself out of the poverty, hatred, greed and fear his people were locked into. By doing so, he became far too powerful, a threat to the establishment elite.

There is a great hope that the world is about to change for the better, and already is - most of us just don't see the signs yet. But they are there, all around us, everywhere but on the TV and in the Newspapers. This hope and evidence this big reality shift in our world is right before us in time can even be seen in the comments sections on 22-year-old-songs by Tupac. Who would have thought that 22 year later there would be so many people listening to this song, relating to it, sharing it, and becoming inspired by it? Probably nobody did. But the shear number of positive comments on this one version of this one song alone on YouTube in the past month to the past year shows that people have been and still are waking up. We are in the middle of the largest great awakening in all of known human history, I would argue, and while the people are already certainly changing, the change seen on the world stage will take more time. But it is coming, so never lose hope in that. Because without hope and belief in it, the dream can never be fully realized.

Without any further ado, below is a sampling of some of these recent comments on this video to show you just what I mean. And I've noticed this with many an older YouTube videos which relate to all of this as well - signs that the seeds of truth, love, knowledge and independent thought sown throughout the past three decades are still sprouting new plants, and newly awakening more and more souls ever day. R.I.P. Tupac, you will be remembered as a true American hero for many more decades to come, as your words continue to inspire more people every day.

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User "Donelle Kiu" sums it up nicely: life goes on, brothers and sisters dying, mothers and fathers crying, and cops don't change. That's just the way it shouldn't have to be. And it doesn't have to be this way, if the people begin to act, to be the change they wish to see instead of thinking things can't change, and begin taking the actions they were previously too afraid to take.

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In conclusion, if you wish to change the world then you must first change yourself. So get out there and be the change you want to see. Start creating the peace you want, and begin making this the free world worth fighting for that your soul aches for, because humanity was neither born to be enslaved nor to be in a state of constant war with itself (with brothers killing each other every single day). Together, united in love and for truth, we will make this world a place worth living in. It just takes much longer when so many people refuse to step up and act, but we'll get there soon enough.

In loving memory of Tupac Shakur, may your soul rest in peace and your message of love for humanity never be forgotten.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading and hope you found this post informative or inspiring. Take care, Peace.

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