
So that's a pretty profound statement. Goes along with Witty's comment above in that education around guns helps people be safer with them. Also, the link you posted here makes TOTAL sense. Medication can mess with your mind and chemistry. I have a friend who lost her parents to a murder-suicide. Her father was on meds that were later proven to cause psychosis. I realize that medication can be helpful and sometimes lifesaving, but I think it's more important to use counselling and other methods of support for mental health issues... natural means of balance would also be preferable, and likely not come with as many side effects.

The drugs nearly made me kill myself, left me bat shit crazy and unable to function for over a year and all the doctors were telling me I had to get back on them. That was before the label was forced onto the bottle.
The empty feeling I had left me able to think about killing others with NO EMOTION. I did not WANT to hurt anyone but me, but I often considered driving into oncoming traffic without a thought for the other cars. My own family ignored my warnings and ten years later my brother, who swore by his "happy pill" put a bullet in his brain.
They leave people NUMB. Some consider that an improvement over their internal turmoil but it is NOT a cure for anything.
Sorry, I am a little touchy about this topic... I was a healthcare professional, trained to spot drug reactions and when I had one that was making me suicidal I got labelled "crazy" and the drugs keep getting passed out like candy.

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