HTML Block and Inline Elements

in #htmlblock6 years ago

HTML Block and Inline Elements

Every HTML element has a default display value depending on what type of element it is. The default display value for most elements is block or inline.

Block-level Elements

A block-level element always starts on a new line and takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can).The <div> element is a block-level element.


<div>World</div>Try it Yourself »Block level elements in HTML:<address><article><aside><blockquote><canvas><dd><div><dl><dt><fieldset><figcaption><figure><footer><form><h1>-<h6><header><hr><li><main><nav><noscript><ol><output><p><pre><section><table><tfoot><ul><video>

Inline Elements

An inline element does not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary.This is an inline <span> element inside a paragraph.


<span>World</span>Try it Yourself »Inline elements in HTML:<a><abbr><acronym><b><bdo><big><br><button><cite><code><dfn><em><i><img><input><kbd><label><map><object><q><samp><script><select><small><span><strong><sub><sup><textarea><time><tt><var>

The <div> Element

The <div> element is often used as a container for other HTML elements.The <div> element has no required attributes, but style, class and id are common.When used together with CSS, the <div>element can be used to style blocks of content:


<div style="background-color:black;color:white;padding:20px;">
 <p>London is the capital city of England. It is the most populous city in the United Kingdom, with a metropolitan area of over 13 million inhabitants.</p>
</div>Try it Yourself »

The <span> Element

The <span> element is often used as a container for some text.The <span> element has no required attributes, but style, class and id are common.When used together with CSS, the <span>element can be used to style parts of the text:


<h1>My <spanstyle="color:red">Important</span> Heading</h1>
Try it Yourself »

HTML Grouping Tags

TagDescription<div>Defines a section in a document (block-level)<span>Defines a sectio


@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

help full post keep going

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