How we met! A Valentines Day contest :)

in #howwemet6 years ago (edited)

Ive told this story before but Ill definitely tell it again as it is my most favorite story!!

I used to live in a place where I thought love was just a thought. I never knew true love... I didnt realize how deep that feeling could truly go. That is until I met the love of my life, my literal soulmate, my one and only, Danny. You see, me and him were definitely supposed to be together. It was written in plans that neither of knew about, fate if you will. Danny had been a part of my family since way before I met him. My grandfather, Tata had been Dannys only "father" figure that he had ever known. Dannys childhood wasnt the best, he had a mother who would do anything to make her boy happy but she had her own demons and unfortunately, they won often. Tata and my grandmother, Nana, took him into their home at a young age and taught him how to be a man and how to love without condition. For that I am soo thankful. Even though my whole family had met him, I never had. It wasnt until my fateful trip to California to visit my Tata that I had met him. It was the ending to an era for me, one where I let myself live unhappily for far too long. I had finally decided I wanted, I needed to be happy. I only had to decide it for myself, and it was time. I will never forget that weekend... as it was the beginning of my life!

He has showed me what love truly is, what passion truly is. He has given me the most precious gift of all, my sweet Sophia, who is the most perfect sides of each of us. There isnt a thing I would change about her, even when shes being snotty! Its going to be that strong will and strength that will push her so far in life. The world is a tough place and it seems to be getting a little harder day by day. I pray for her to never lose that strong will and that strength, no matter how many gray hairs I get because of it!

She is strong, independent, beautiful and so very smart. Shes going to give the world hell! Shes perfect! She sees the beauty in the little things like her momma...

And wants to fix everything like her daddy...

I dont know all the facts of life, nor do I want to, but one things for sure.... You gotta take it one day at a time. Never rush through it, youll miss the things that make you who you are. We only have such a short time here on this beautiful planet and only a short time with the people we love, never take it for granted. Live it and love it, you only get one chance!

Thanks for reading about my loves and I! Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Peace, love and hearts!


that's gorgeous! so happy you two have found such deep love and connection... and what a beautiful gift you were given as a result of your loving union :) <3 blessings!

Thank you so much! We are very blessed! :)

Beautiful!!! You have captured so much about who you are and your relationship... and love! I'm happy that you guys found each other and your daughter is beautiful as well!


Thank you so very much! Im glad you enjoyed reading about my love! <3

Great story! Thanks for your entry to our contest. I can totally relate to little girls wanting to help daddy fix things :)

Thank you so much! Its a great contest. Daddys helpers are always willing to help especially when they can use daddys tools! Hah!

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What a beautiful story. Some loves are destined to be. Now you both have beautiful Sophia! That is just awesome with her helping out her daddy. Lol.

Happy Valentines Day!

Thank you so much! This love was definitely destined! And Sophia was destined as well. I was told that it was very unlikely that I would have children. I was in a relationship for 10 years in which we tried for many of those years, thank god it never happened! After separating, he had a girl pregnant within a couple weeks. After Danny and I got together it took about 6 months and I found out I was pregnant, which I sadly lost. Only 3 months after that I was pregnant with my beautiful Sophie! We are beyond blessed! Danny does house remodels and everyday when he leaves to go to work she asks him " Daddy are you going to go paint a house?" LOL And When he gets home, again, " Daddy did you paint the house?" followed by "Daddy when can I help you paint a house?" Shes a lot of fun... she can quite the bugger but shes an amazing girl! Cant picture life without her <3
Happy Valentines Day to you as well!

I’m sorry to hear about the first pregnancy loss and the feelings you must have gone through @smylie2005. It is a very emotional moment for all parents, especially so for you that you were initially told you couldn’t get pregnant. I have a cousin with a similar story. Together for 10 years with no children, broke up and both ended up having kids with their other significant partners. Another one who also is married for years and lost her first pregnancy. It’s very heartbreaking.

I’m happy it worked out after all and you have your wonderful husband and beautiful Sophia. Cherish the moments because these are the ones that will carry us through life. Maybe Sophia will grow up to be daddy’s expert home designer 😉.

I’m so behind with my replies. I had to scroll far far back to see who I may have missed. 😬

Well, youre just a little bit of a busy lady!!
Its funny how life works out! Ive learned to just go day by day, to never expect but always know that what is supposed to happen will happen. <3

Awwww such a sweet getting-together! I wish you joy, always!

Thank you so much! <3

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