in #howto7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes in life, you just have to guess.

Okay, I've got to come clean. If you saw my last post featuring photos of frogs and other animals at night, I think that you should know it was really a byproduct of another goal. The real reason that we went out for a walk by the lake last night was to see if we could figure out how to use these things. I think that we figured it out, so here is the video.



First of all, this video may be worth watching. Secondly, good question, here is what you missed.

A while ago, I was at a store when I noticed these things on the shelf. Since they resemble scissors to a certain degree, maybe I even saw some pairs of these things. I'm not completely sure about that part, we are still researching it. I do know that I did see them though, and it was at a store.

I wasn't exactly sure what they were for, but they did have a lot of them, so I figured that they must be popular. Now I don't want to buy something if I don't know what it is supposed to be used for just to try to be popular, but I also don't want to feel left out. Plus, they were only a dollar, so in the cart they went.

At that point, I could at least carry on a conversation about these things if anyone ever pulled a pair of them out. I could be like, "Oh yeah, those things. I've got a pair of them at home too!" I suppose that half the battle of learning how to use them is owning a pair, so I was obviously moving in the right direction.

For the next couple weeks (Yes, it took weeks. I'm a slow learner I guess.) I kind of played around with them a bit trying to figure out what the purpose of them was. When you opened and closed them, not a whole lot happened. They didn't work for cutting paper either. Eventually though, I had an epiphany. (No, not one of those little ice cream things, it was like a realization or understanding or something.)

Since venomous snakes can be dangerous, or so I'm told, I thought that maybe these things could be used to grab them safely. So, in the middle of the night, I took off to go try them out. Right there on the shore of the lake was a Water Moccasin, so I gave it a go.

Sure enough, I figured out what these things were for. Now I know how to use them! No wonder so many people buy them. Those venomous snakes are everywhere.

Now do you want to watch the video?

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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LOL we have those things in Florida too. Here I always thought they were used for food. Great post as always.

I was not the one catching a venomous snake with this little thing. Resteemed

Not this time, but now you know how!

interesting discussion how the actual tool is important to catch the snake was a lot of people who never want to learn it ... you are right snakes are where where we should be able to manage and keep it in order not to endanger themselves with the right tools...

The tool is called a 'Braai tang' in Afrikaans, literally barbecue tongs. Used for lifting and moving coals or meat around. You have a short one there so it's probably meant for a smallish grill. I'll see if I can find you an instructional video.

Rather you than me!

Nice strategy @papa-pepper, little-pepper is very happy he enjoy the moment

Any good housewife in my mother's day had a pair of these in her utility kitchen draw. To pick up hot food, like potatoes, corn hot dos etc.

Very nice advanture with snacks and i am so scary while seeing snakes in morning or in light but you are playing with them even in night time. As we know snacks are poisonous so i am always be careful but salute to you and your work you did.have a nice day.

I thought they were BBQ tongs when I saw them. That is until you picked up the snake. I think I would want longer ones for moccasins though, even though I like snakes that was too close to that one for me. Good job with figuring out the use of it.

You have bought a very rare multi-tool that can be used for hundreds (if not more) purposes! Guard them well because it is a tool that gets used so often at my home that I have found them in the garden, tool shed, near the pit, near the pond, and in among my bonsai and even in my trucks! I am thinking I am going to have to place a pair of them in a safe ;-) They are gold when needed....

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