
Thanks man! Still limited to Steemingit from my phone, so it took me a decent amount of time. Still needs work, but im learning markdown little by little. I learned hyperlinks from papa's post.

It's a learning experience for all of us for sure.

I always fat finger on my phone.. Can't stand the little touch screens.

Yeah, and I have an outdated HTC Desire 626, which badly needs replaced, so there's that.

Jesus man! Hopefully a post of yours takes off so you can get you a laptop!

I hope. That's one reason I asked @papa-pepper to resteem this post.

I did buy most of my steem between .07 cents and .20 cents, my greatest success story in cryptocurrency, but I REALLY don't want to power down. I like my vote being worth two cents.

I have a shitty post here that isn't doing so bad. You might laugh.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 67900.86
ETH 3250.85
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63