How to make Bulletproof Coffee

in #howto7 years ago

First a little story If you just want the how to, it's below the picture.

I drank coffee for a short time in my mid teens, but quit drinking it because it gave me stomach issues. Usually heartburn, or an upset stomach, and those horrible shits that make you want to die on their way out.
So fast forward to my trip to L.A. couple winters back. I am on an adventure on my longboard, wondering through Venice where the dog town z-boys where from, when I see the Bulletproof Cafe! I had heard about Dave Asprey's body hacking, so i figured id check it out. All the food was paleo, and all meat was grassfed beef, or free range. I couldn't afford most things so I figured I'd try a small coffee, since that is what they were famous for.
I found that the coffee gave me very long lasting energy compared to regular coffee, with no crash at the end, and i also experienced no stomach issues after. The next day I return and had a large. Still no issues!
What i learned was that when bulletproof coffee is made, the caffeine molecule bonds to the fat molecule, causing the caffeine to break down slower, which in turn gives you the longer energy without the crash. I also feel like it might help deal with the acidity of coffee, which might be why my guts are much happier with bulletproof.
When I got back I had to learn to make it at home, so now I'll share that with you.


What you need:

Good coffee. (Coffee uses lots of pesticides, so get organic, as well as fresh as possible. It looses it's benefits with time, as well as many are not stored right and have mold in them. )

Unsalted Grassfed Butter (Most regular butter is from unhealthy cows who don't get to graze like they naturally would. This leads to unhealthy balance of Omega 3 and 6, which leads to higher risk of heart disease.

MCT oil (food for your brain)


Make coffee as you normally do, but keep it black for now.
For my coffees, which are around 500ml, I usually add a table spoon of butter, and just under a table spoon of mct oil.
Then you need to emulsify the the oils with the coffee. Best way I find is with ether a blender, or a hand blender. Keep in mind that if the blender, or jar you blend the coffee in is glass, it could break if you don't run it under hot water first, so it doesn't go through too much of a temperature shock.
Once its all frothy, and you can see no oil seperation, its ready. I sometimes add a little bit of cream at this point, but for best health benefits it's recommended to add nothing else. Specially if using it with intermittin fasting.


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Dude I made the same coffee but I used coconut oil, works and tastes fine!

Coconut oil works fine, but MCT oil is the concentration of the healthiest fats that are in coconut oil. So it's just a step up.

Okay, I use virgin coconut oil, gives you a nice kick to start the day (but I will keep my eyes pealed for MCT-oil)... I wonder what actually happens in the brain when you drink this, if it affects the serotonin or something...

It does improve cognitive function, but it's by enhancing ketone body production which is a much better source of energy than glucose. This results in a clearer, more energized feeling, and it helps your body burn fat for energy.

I did hear David Asprey talk about this, wondering if this is just a coconut-oil/MCT thing or if it is a synergy in between coffee and MCT.

coconut oil and MCT oil have these benefits themselves. When you emulsify the coffee with the MCT oil, it causes the fat molecules to bond with the caffeine molecule, which causes it to break down slower, and gives you longer lasting energy without the crash at the end.

Yeah it is great stuff! Thanks for the scientific answer, you must be really into these things right?
I saw some MCT oil in the store yesterday, but it was double price compared to the extra virgin coconut oil, so I went for the coconut oil...

But it would be fun to hear you try to make your coffee with coconut oil just to see if there is a noticeable difference in the effect compared to the MCT.

Dude!!! I love your moustache!

Thanks. Only took me 2 years to grow.

I gotta try this! Coffee is one of my 4 major food groups, so...
And of course I only use organic... I loved this post, gave it my once penny upvote and resteemed to the two people who actually read my blog... Wait, that is you and me! LOL... (Nice beard, by the way!)
Hungry Hungry Hipster.jpg

What are the other 3 food groups? Lol

Why, tobacco, cabernet, and cannabis, of course!

Hmm, I'm the same, but replace tobacco with ice cream.

I almost said Beck, but he is more of a vise... LOL!

Music is a food, just like light! ;)

Thanks for the resteem buddy!

Absolutely! This is me making a smoothie to some jamming I did...

That was great! More places should make customers do that, it'd save so much electricity.

Isn't it just @OriginalWorks -And hey my bot friend, will you forward my prayers to Tyler at CERN?

(I like to ask the bot ironic questions, in hopes it will someday reply!)

On originalworks2 page it says he is inactive, and that #2 will take over.

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