9 Tips to Steemit Success.

in #howto8 years ago

These are My Tips to Success on Any Social Media Platform.

I have been around the block a few times and we have amassed a few hundred thousand followers across Social Media. The tips that I am going to lay out for you are not Steemit specific. You can literally take these tips to Twitter and build an amazing following.

You see people are so excited about this new shiny toy called Steemit. Each platform goes through the same phases. Some win, some lose and some just putter along. You have been given a great opportunity to build a foundation that people who join in one month, three months or a year from now can only dream about.

Over the last week I have had many conversations about how to be successful on the Steemit platform. Some people listen and are making in roads. Others would rather keep complaining about how flawed this platform is. How no one is seeing their content. How they are not earning any Steem Dollars.

7 Things That I am Seeing Consistently on Steemit.

  1. Social Media has two words and you forget the first one.
  2. Your Content is Poorly Written.
  3. No Images or Poor Images.
  4. You are not Engaging with Other Users.
  5. You are not sharing your content off of the platform.
  6. Your Headlines are boring as dirt.
  7. You are Brand New to Content Creation and Expect to be Rolling in a Drop Top Benz in Your First Week.

Come on Fellow Minnow, No Need to Get Your Undies in a Knot.

There are No Entitlements on Steemit or Social Media.

If you were offended by the list up above I can't help you. I grew up in an era when 2nd place was the first loser. Competition is one of the driving forces in my life. I love it, I thrive off of it. I want to the best and I demand the same out of the people I surround myself with. Enough about me, let's get back to you because frankly folks need some help here.

9 Tips to Steemit Success.

  1. Make Your Steemit Blog a Top Priority.
  2. Show Some Passion and Make Your Content Amazing.
  3. Connect and Engage with the Influencers on Steemit.
  4. Write Content That People Want to Read.
  5. Don't Complain if You Don't Make Steem Dollars on a Post.
  6. Be Consistent with Content Creation.
  7. Follow 20 or More People Per Day.
  8. Upvote Other Peoples Content.
  9. Comment and Reply to Comments.

Pretty simple right? When I started, my content was very poor also. It took me a good year before I started getting traction online. I have something to admit. The first time I shared a post to Google Plus publicly I was literally shaking in fear. WTF Randy, why? I was scared to death that people would reject my content, that people would judge my writing.

The internet is a deep dark place full of nasty people who are miserable and just looking to share that misery. The good thing is that Steemit came along and you will not have to deal with the negative that I dealt with coming up in this game. Steemit is the most civil platform I have ever come across!

Get to publishing great content. I promise to be hard on you. I want you to be successful because our success means that Steemit has a better chance of success.

Did I Get Your Attention?

Do it right and thank me later. If I can be successful online I know you can to.


You can critique my content. I promise I won't be offended.

You have a good list of points here. I've been trying to work more on the social aspect of the platform, but I find myself running out of time to really get around. I'll make some inroads, slowly but surely. I'm up to 100 followers as of right now. That has to count for something, right? (Now I just need to get them all to vote on my posts, but I think half of them already left the platform.)

Have fun with it. If you use your feed feature you will see the people that you follow. So far only about 50% of the people I follow have returned the favor. Since it is a new feature it will take a while for people to utilize it but believe me it is powerful.

Did I follow you first, or you did you follow me first? :P

Keep up the good work.

Apologies ;-) corrected

Heck I'm loving the Feed feature. Your article is so filled with great stuff I'm almost glad I didn't read it before posting mine. And yes, what an amazingly civil platform, and what an amazing ground floor opportunity we've all gotten ourselves into.
Anyways, I just revised my article a bit on "succeeding here" https://steemit.com/steem-help/@ibringawareness/my-first-article-to-pop-over-usd300-here-s-why-i-think-and-what-you-might-try in order to add a link to yours (this one), internally and near the end. Thanks so much for checking me out and voting/following earlier. I definitely followed you back. Best, Guy

Yeah, me too... the original content ones!

Steemit is the most civil platform I have ever come across!

Absolutely! It really is remarkable how well behaved people are here.

I just wrote a whole post about it ... I'm sooo impressed

This is one thing that stands out to me too and contrasts quite strongly with Reddit. I think with real money at stake people are much more motivated to behave. And I think the community does a great job of policing itself in the absence of official moderators. When trolls or offensive bots do come along, they just get flagged into oblivion until their posts can no longer be seen.

I love this post so much. :) It made me smirk, those 7 things, I agree with you.

I have been paying attention and your writing quality is wonderful.

I did my first blog episode of Eyes On The Minnows, where I wanted to promote Steemians who are still in the small stage of things, Steemians who I think deserve more notice out there in the community, more exposure.

I featured you in it!


Great post @hilarski Lots of great points and advice, all duly noted, cheers!

Thank you for reading it!

I know that writing is a challenge for me personally and have held back from publishing to many posts. I find I get much more enjoyment from reading , commenting and supporting withers with great stories. I won't make a million bucks from doing it but even if I get pennies that more than Mr Z has paid me in 8 years on Farcebook

Great perspective. I find myself reminding complainers that here on Steemit you might get paid for doing something you do for free everywhere else. That's not so terrible, is it?

I also believe in the power of small things adding up. Like those comments I make that sometimes get 15 cents in upvotes. One or two of those a day sure adds up.

I am trying really I am, I have made quite a few posts, hopefully I am getting better at it, I do think with Steemit members need to do there homework as its not as straight forward as you first think

My content gets better and better with each post I do, and the rewards do too. I'm new so I had to learn all the script to really make something pop. Nice article @hilarski

It takes time and practice.

I'm a follower or yours....really enjoy your content. Well thought out!

Love your profile name! Our company name here in Panama is High Impact media Group Panama. Thank you for stopping by.

Oh I need to add more gifs! Good article! :)

They are so much fun and like adding spice to a dull meal.

Well presented @hilarski. I particularly like your comment about no entitlements on social media. I know it gets disappointing if you put your heart into something and no one responds but what the hell... I am not entitled to response. I will be grateful when some do respond because that means I connected in some way.

The amazing part is that doing this is not much different than any endeavor. We get out of it what we put into it. Granted it could take a considerable amount of time and energy to get to a point we are comfortable with.

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