Improve your Steemit Blog! Barter at Simbi for Editing and Proofreading

in #howto7 years ago

Using Simbi to Improve at Steemit

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Simbi proofreads and edits my steemit posts for free!

My last two steemit posts are out for proofreading and editing at the Simbi Barter platform and you should try this too! Hundreds of proofreaders are giving it away over there.

Who at Simbi will do these reviews?

I sent two @fitinfun posts for review:

How to Die Quietly in a Small Town Coronado California Hospital Edition

Faucets for Everyone! Get Your Free Money at Steemit

I sent 14 Simbi deal requests - 7 for each post
Each request went to a different Simbian

This means 14 people will be opening and looking at my two steemit posts and some of them will help me. These are people from all walks of life who are good proofreaders and editors. I know this because I picked people who have a lot of badges on their profile – meaning “active” at Simbi. I only had to scroll 2 of 30 pages to find them and then I had enough. I will get some fantastic advice for sure.

Today, all I did was send this cut and paste job to people who were offering the service. I found them by simbi search

How Did I get this Simbi help?

Simbi is a bit like Fiverr. People list their offerings and I searched them.

I sent this same email to the 14 people I found. I just changed the link after the first 7 emails were done. The whole event took less than 30 minutes.

= =

Hi Simbian,

I'm writing and posting fast and furious and I do not even know If my words make sense - too tired. Can you look at this post and give any input, please? Charge me anything! I'm simbi rich :)
Thank you so much!
Sharon at fitinfun

And then they got one of my links
= =

That's it!

Note: I have 1200+ Simbi credit to spend. The offers I opened are around 25 credits. If they double their fee during our deal negotiation and work happier - I feel happy too!

I will go back in 1 hour, 6 hours and 12 hours and see what’s up.
EDIT: The first deal acceptance came in 10 minutes! So someone is working on it now.

Now what happens with Simbi Reviews?

I will get back maybe half of these reviews and some will be too late for me to edit my posts, but I do not care – I’ll still take the advice and do better next time. It’s costing me a small amount of simbi and I have tons of it and earn more every week from my own deals and from my referrals.

It’s very easy to earn over there at Simbi. If you join with my Simbi Welcome link - I send you an introductory email to help you get going.

One of my Simbi friends already came to Steemit

Simbi people are the kind of people that will come here to Steemit and be able to prosper. Just ask my crazy friend @thomasduder who I met on Simbi. He knows simbians jump too and I’ve learned a lot from him on our whirlwind relationship through the internet for the last six weeks. Both of us are in ALL the places!

Thomas joined Steemit immediately when I sent him the link and suggested it. He is learning the place now as a very new minnow. Thomas has well developed content in music, tech and gaming. He's a headbanger :) I hope will succeed here.

What do you think of my plan to improve my Steemit posts with Simbi? Please comment below and let me know! Also any other tips about improving my posts is gratefully accepted. I'm new too - almost 9 weeks now and still swimming :)

Are you are a steeming tweep?

fitinfun working steemit and twitter.jpg

If you use Twitter – please follow me and join 100 other tweeting steemians on our steemit TwitList. Seemit is shaking the twitterverse with action and getting more eyeballs on our posts! So come on down!

And here is a good way to grow your twitter following outside of Steemit. Grow your reach now that you have all this great content going out. Dump your email lists in twitter for instant results!

If you do not want to take this step of adding your mailbox contacts to your Twitter account, please let me know why in the comments. I'm always trying to learn from you guys. Thank you!

Do you need help with your Twitter presence?

If you want individual coaching help with your twitter presence, fitinfun to the rescue!

I already coach twitter on Selz and Simbi. The first step is me going to your profile and seeing what you have going on. I make suggestions and it goes from there depending on you and your strengths and weaknesses. I also rt to my 5500 followers and engage with your tweets.

Soon you have a much better twitter account

The cost is 100 delegated sp for 4 weeks. This costs you 4 Steem as explained here by minnowbooster.

Or you can always delegate your own sp. I will help you as long as the delegation is going on.

If you think using @minnowbooster for delegated steem is a bad idea - please tell me why. Thank you!

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I still weighted 275 pounds. Anyone can lose weight if I did.

Sharon fitinfun before after.jpg

Be sure to fitinfun no matter what


It sounds cool and pretty interesting. I'm gonna try it on my future pots. Stay slim and sexy @fitinfun :)

Thank you for the great compliment. So nice of you! If you use my link, I send a welcome email to get you going so you don't stumble around. You will have enough for at least one post to get 3-5 eyes on it just by the simbi points you get for joining.

Would love to talk on how to bring them on steemit to offer #steemgigs. I used to have an account there but they will do better here. The way you are going about it, people will certainly join from there just by proofreading your own posts. I think you alread on the discord channel for steemgigs. For proof reading there are many steemians doing including chinito who uploaded his first #steemgig but i see how using the simbi service can bring in more steemians

I got about 5 answers already, and 4 deals working. One threw up her hands and said my hospital post was too much of a mess lol. I'll be sending all my posts over there from now on - maybe not this one.

I have all this simbi to spend anyway and yes - these are the exact type of people I think we want.

I really want to get involved in the steemgigs for my social media and weight loss coaching. What do you think of my idea of working for delegated steem? I've tried a few ways to get sp myself (besides posting and commenting) but I get "transaction error" in the places I've tried - blocktrades and the steem market both.

Thank you so much for the mega-upvote. You made my day today!

Well good idea. I don't think anyone has tried a #steemgig in exchange for delegated power. I didn't understand the part where you mention blocktrades and transaction error. Were you trying to buy steem power?

No - minnowbooster has a thing whereyou can give them 4 steem and they give you 100 Delegated SP Leasing for 4 weeks.

I can't find a way to get my sbd to turn into steem so I can pay for that. It looks like Blocktrades will only give me sp and I want steem to be able to send it to minnowbooster.

Trying to do it with the internal market gave me the error too. A comment I read said I might not have enough value in my account to do transactions yet, but Idk. So much to figure out here!

Let me check! Sharon, do you know me. When i saw your name, it looks familiar. Looks like it was you who invited me to simbi. Where you on tsu? Are we friends on facebook? My facebook url is on my profile. Let me look at your transaction issues

I was a tsuser and I am your friend on fb and most certainly your best friend now! I had to go to sleep after my last reply and now I wake up to a wonderful morning. Sending for my delegated sp right now!!!! Thank you so much! wow - I am overwhelmed. Many blessings to you and I am so excited to get this boost!

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Awesome to hear. Stay awesome! Many from tsu are here. uwelang, steevc etc

Yes, I post into the tsufamily tag sometimes and definitely check it. I'm glad to be back with my tsu friends. I learned so much in that place and got so many good friends out of it on multiple platforms. I never got any money but it was definitely worth it :)

D'AAAAAW, thanks mi amiga! :D

I definitely see the potential in Steemit, I just gotta get my legs. >XD Y'know me well enough by now to know that while I may be a minnow, I'll soon be a whaleasaurus rex, bellowing my fury into the night and other nonsuch. >XD

Now if only I can get a better grasp at marketing, gah.

~Thomas Duder, Thanks For Showing Me Steemit! :D

lol - you go get 'em and drag me along, please! I can help with Twitter and You Tube. The big topic of marketing is a hard one.

I will say all my affiliates are getting great action since I got here. My links are being clicked more and it's got to be from steemit action. I'm actually getting more "pay per click" income now that is even becoming respectable.

Yeah, I gotta go back and re-read what you sent me on Simbi in regards to Steemit. >XD

I've also been focusing on my freelancing, though, so there's that too. I really need at least one more weekly client in order to take the pressure of bills offa me. :V

On top of that is everything else, from my videos to otherwise. >XD Mostly teh videos though - I need at least two more chapters before I'm done with the book that'll come out this Christmas, and as SOOOOOON as my cover artist hits me with the newest cover, I'm launching my newest book in the series.

And there's tons, tooooooons of writing still to do. And then there's the music side of things...

Always, always and ever The Work. :D

You are busy! I just saw where you edited a guy's post here - multi-tasking!

Ain't no one but me is gonna build this empire, and my lands are vast. :V

Sometimes my multitask hits a wall and I just stop, but eh...once I get some sleep, I'm usually ready to tackle the day again.

Now to just try and improve myself to the point where I'm actually paying the bills through The Work. That is my first, thus far unobtainable, goal.

Thus far, but not completely. :3

well done fitinfun!

Thank you! Have you tried simbi for barter?

I haven't! I'll have to look into it now

Ok - working on my post about giveaways now and maybe it won't take me so long!

Thank you for the resteems and tweets.

Glad to! Still voting with the crowd :)

You do all this great research so I don't have to! Thank you!

You could do this and get proofreading, editing and formating for sure. Send out a bunch and then they come back.

It's now 11pm and I spend an hour just replying to people. I don't know where to find the time for all this. I've got a meeting with the head of a Lao Bank. I want to go outside :(....but it's all good! :) and I get it. If I figure out this Simbi thing that would give me more free time. I've got so much to do....ahhhhh!

Make sure and notice all the marble banks, giant suvs and all the poor people. Stunning contrast, I think.

Good on you if you can post at all while traveling like you do :)

Wow was that seriously your body transformation? If so, really awesome!

I love the quality of your content. It is really on point. All you need now is more exposure, and you will be at the top :)

Talk soon.

Such a boost you are giving me! I hope I succeed here. It is about the best place I've been on my 7 year internet journey.

Do not hope.. You must KNOW!

You WILL succeed here, because your content is great. All you need is new eyes onto what you are putting out there, and you will gain traction.

Work harder on that :) Talk soon.

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