How to protect your eyes from the ill effects of blue light?

in #howto5 years ago

People are now watching computer screens or mobile devices for several hours every single day. The screens of these devices emit blue light, a high-energy short-wave light that we encounter naturally throughout the day, from fluorescent and LED light bulbs to sunlight.

Blue light is not really bad for you in normal amounts. High-energy blue light can positively affect your mood and energy and can help you think more clearly. It has been used to help treat severe acne for some patients who suffer from it.


But unfortunately, our exposure to the screen is very long, which is increasing day by day and year by year. This repeated and prolonged exposure can negatively impact your health in a variety of potentially disturbing ways - some of which can cause irreversible damage.

With natural exposure, through natural and artificial light, it has become important to take steps to protect your eyes while surfing the web. Which apps are best for light filtering, and do they provide adequate protection?

Why Is Blue Light Bad?

Short-wave blue light is emitted from computer and digital device screens, and people stare at the screen much longer during the day and night, which can cause many health problems ranging from subtle to severe. Focusing on a pixelated picture and words on a screen requires the eyes to work harder, which puts pressure on the eyes.

There are many medical problems ranging from minor irritability to major problems, which we can cause by looking at the screen for hours. Dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, lack of sleep and fatigue are commonly related problems under computer vision syndrome (CVS), also commonly known as "digital eye strain". Eye strain is also possible from regular prolonged reading. But looking at the screen for a much longer time than the printed material causes these problems more quickly.


Even using an electronic device only one or two hours a day can trigger CVS, causing problems in other areas of the body, including neck and shoulder tension. Serious problems such as melatonin disruption, which can disrupt your metabolism due to impaired sleep, and even age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Whether AMD is directly linked to the increase in blue light is still being considered, but it is clear that long-term exposure causes damage to the eye.

How to protect your eyes

It is increasingly evident that our eyes are exposed to blue light during the day by looking at computer and other device screens, including the possibility of being harmful. So how can we protect ourselves? There are many solutions including screen filters, apps and computer glasses.

i) Screen Filters


With a screen filter, you can attach a screen protecting filter to your device that filters blue and UV light. If you primarily use the same device, there is an easy way to filter the screen. If you use more than one device, you will have to buy multiple screens and styles. But there is a problem with this, it can also distort text and images, which can cause digital screen strains. This is not the desired effect.

ii) Filter Apps

There are many smartphones and computer apps that turn the warm parts of the screen into spectrum color tones such as yellow, orange, or red to "filter" or mask the blue light. While these apps reduce some of the light emitted by the display, they are not fully effective and provide better protection when used in combination with a lightweight filtering glass.

But it acquires yellow, orange, or red sheen by reducing contrast and destroying the true color that is displayed on the screen, making it difficult for the eyes to focus.

Most devices come with at least one original, built-in app for this purpose, but you need to know how to best use and customize them (and actually turn them on) to reclaim their benefits. Because of the way they reduce contrast and distort the color of the screen, the Blue Light Filter app is typically designed for evening and nighttime use to allow the eyes to rest properly. Because they normally rest during these hours.

There are some of the most popular light filtering apps. These applications may color the screen obnoxiously, or make the picture or text look less clear than without the app, but they can provide some level of protection. One such app is described below:


f.lux is one of the most popular tools to reduce blue light exposure, and the best part is that it is completely free to download.


The device is designed to match the amount of light according to the time of day, it takes into account your geographical location, day of the year and time of day. With this information, the app determines when the sun is set and they can adjust your screen with a warm, slightly amber-tide hue that reduces blue light.

When you use your device throughout the day, you can change the color of your screen automatically as f.lux kicks during a certain evening time.

Download: f.lux

F.lux compatibility -

  • Mac os x

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • Jailbroken iPhone / iPad

  • Some android devices

Just install Flux and your eyes will say thank you!

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