DIY natural shampoo against hair problems are common and different colors and Chloe from the bounties of nature.

in #how7 years ago

Not all beauty products are good for the body due to their chemical additions. For example, if you have sensitive skin,


may cause irritation, inflammation, redness, etc. When it comes to shampooing, be careful because the skin on your head is the same, or perhaps more sensitive than your facial skin.

مستحضرات التجميل ليست كلها جيدة للجسم بسبب تلك الإضافات الكيميائية. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان لديك حساسية الجلد، أنها قد تسبب تهيج والتهاب، احمرار، إلخ. عندما يتعلق الأمر بالشامبو، كن حذراً للجلد على راسك هو نفسه، أو ربما أكثر حساسية من جلد الوجه الخاص بك.

First, you should remind yourself what the purpose of shampoo is: cleaning your hair and removing dandruff, oil, etc. You could say that it should strengthen the natural characteristic of your hair. This does not always happen in reality. The reason? The chemicals used to make these shampoos, they are the real reason behind those facts. Have you ever noticed that your dandruff returns immediately as soon as you stop using anti-dandruff shampoo? Or if your hair looks dull immediately when the hair caring cream is on? According to specialists and my girlfriend.. :p this could be the use of chemicals used in shampoo making. They do not solve the problem, but they only make sure you do not see the symptoms anymore. Just like pharmaceuticals right? If you always want healthy hair, it's a good idea to make your own beauty products, such as shampoo. Using natural ingredients allows you to make organic products that do not damage your hair and skin, and you also help the environment because no chemicals are rinsed away.
The following homemade natural shampoo recipes are great for your hair. They will surpass themselves and slowly your hair and skin will look beautiful and healthy. You have to keep in mind that during the first few days there may be some itch and dandruff, but do not worry. This is part of the process that your skin undergoes to become "normal" again although that is my personal experience in my home made shampoo. But If this takes longer than fifteen days, which probably does not occur, contact a dermatologist. These are just a few simple,cheap and effective recipes for different kind of haircolors and hair problems.
أولاً، أنت ينبغي تذكير نفسك ما غرض الشامبو: تنظيف الشعر وإزالة القشرة، والنفط، إلخ. يمكن القول أنه ينبغي تعزيز السمة الطبيعية لشعرك. وهذا لا يحدث دائماً في الواقع. والسبب؟ المواد الكيميائية المستخدمة لجعل هذه الشامبو، وهم السبب الحقيقي وراء تلك الوقائع. لقد كنت من أي وقت مضى إشعار

Lavender based shampoo: This is perfect if you have blond/fair hair. All you need to do is squize two lemons and keep the juice, two tablespoons of lavender water and two eggs. Mix all the ingredients and massage the mixture into your hair. Rinse out and repeat. Leave it fifteen minutes. Then rinse well and use a conditioner preferably a natural one but that is another topic maybe for an article in the nearby future.
Rose water based shampoo: For brown or black hair. Take two tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of rose water and two eggs. Mix all the ingredients and massage the mixture into your hair. Rinse it out and repeat. Leave it fifteen minutes. Then rinse well and use a conditioner like mentioned before possibly homemade, for the best result.
Nettle and rosemary based shampoo: This is perfect for people who suffer from hair loss or fragile hair. Put two handful of saponaria (that is a flower.) and 400 ml of water in a steel pan and boil for 10 minutes. Put on a lid and let it cool down. If it has cooled, then sieve it and put it in a bottle with a cap. Then make an infusion by adding half a tablespoon of fresh rosemary and adding a handful of nettles to 250 ml of boiling water. Let it stand for half an hour, stir it and pour it into the bottle at the saponaria mixture. Shake the bottle so that the ingredients mix well and use as a shampoo or rinse.
Coconut and egg based shampoo: This is for dry hair. Consider the same recipe as the previous recipe to make the saponaria mixture. Then melt two tablespoons of coconut oil and add to the mixture, together with one egg yolk and three drops of brandy. Keep stirring. Allow it to cool well before applying it to the moist skin. Allow it to work for five minutes and then rinse well with warm water.
Herbal Shampoo: Another option for damaged hair. Boil fifteen grams of Fennel root and fifteen grams of Elder or Clover in 250 ml of water. Let it boil for ten minutes. Sieve and add 125 ml of grated, neutral soap. Allow to cool and store in a sealed pot. Use it as a traditional shampoo.
Orange and soap based shampoo: You need half a liter of a natural made soap, two tablespoons of orange juice and two eggs. Beat the egg yolk and add the other ingredients. Store it in a jar in the refrigerator. Use the way you usually wash your hair, making it silky smo
خزامي "المنزل أدلى الطبيعية ديي شامبو وصفات" أساس الشامبو: هذا الكمال إذا كان لديك الشعر الأشقر/المعرض. كل ما عليك القيام به هو سكويزي الليمون اثنين والحفاظ على العصير وملعقتين من الماء خزامي واثنين من البيض. خلط جميع المكونات وتدليك الخليط في شعرك. شطف وتكرار. تترك خمس عشرة دقيقة. ثم أشطف جيدا واستخدام كونديت

60 ml coconut milk
80 ml neutral liquid soap
1 teaspoon of olive oil or argan oil
20 drops of essential oils by choice
5 drops of vitamin E

صابون المحايدة الشامبو وصفه 60 مل حليب جوز الهند 80 مل محايدة سائل 1 ملعقة صغيرة من زيت الزيتون أو زيت الأركان 20 قطرات زيوت الأساسية باختيار 5 قطرات فيتامين (ه)

About the expiration date2012-09-03-Shampoo-Conditioner.png

My shampoo bottle is always empty before it can spoil. Although there is water in it (yes, home-made cosmetics that contain water are very sensitive to fungal and bacterial growth! Certainly if you do not want to add chemical preservatives like me.) The shampoo lasts about 1 month but make your shampoo in smaller quantities if you want to play safe. Another tip I can give you is to shake your bottle before using to mix everything.
حول تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية زجاجة الشامبو بلدي دائماً فارغة قبل أنها يمكن أن تفسد. على الرغم من وجود المياه في ذلك (نعم، مستحضرات التجميل التي تحتوي على المياه المنزلية الصنع حساسة جداً لنمو الفطريات والبكتيريا! ومن المؤكد إذا كنت لا تريد لإضافة المواد الكيميائية الحافظة مثلى.) الشامبو ويستمر حوالي شهر ولكن جعل الخاص بك الشامبو بكميات أصغر إذا كنت وا

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