Inside the Company: Chapter 5: Blank Space

in #horror7 years ago (edited)

Day 4
Today, I decided to make it a point to look for Mr. Blue. The remaining founder of The Company that I had not met in person. I had a strong feeling that he would give me some answers about what was going on here. Especially since I am too scared of Mr. Red and Mr. Green’s little gibberish poem isn’t the most helpful. I couldn’t read it after all. It seemed to be in a code of some sort with the first line being a hint. Hopefully, someone will help me translate soon.

I looked around for any sign that would point to a blue door like Mr. Green’s. I guessed that if I wanted to find Mr. Blue, I might as well try his room. This is because of how quickly Mr. Green showed up yesterday. I think that they have a way of knowing if someone enters their rooms. This would help explain why Mr. Green was so casual about not locking his doors even with an Entity like Zeppelin in his bookshelf. I will be honest. I am SLIGHTLY tempted to consider reading the pages of Zeppelin. It could help me find a way out but Mr. Green guaranteed that I would die upon doing so. So, I guess, it was better to not mess with that.

After a few hours of walking through corridors with no real direction, I stumbled across a something weird. There was this section of the corridor where I would remember walking into it and out of it but I couldn’t remember what happened while I walked through it.

So, I decided to effectively ‘liveblog’ my experience by typing it up while I was experiencing it so that even if I forgot by the time I left the corridor I would have some record of what happened. So, to clarify, I do not actually remember what happened in that corridor. I am basing my account on what I had written down while in the Blank Space.

I turned the corner into that strange corridor. The corridor that I couldn’t remember walking through. Luckily, this time I brought my phone with me so I can write down things as they happen rather than when I am about to go to bed.

If this memory erasing mechanism is by The Company, it could be that they are hiding something here. Maybe it is something that will help me get more answers or find another way out.

This corridor was strange compared to the others. The others have very systematically placed doors with plaques just like I mentioned in Room 116. This corridor instead only has a pair of large white doors. No plaques. No signs. Nothing.

I decided to walk up to the door to push it open. It didn’t budge. I decided to continue pushing. Eventually, the door opened but it opened in the same way that it did in the interrogation room. It was as if the wall opened rather than a door.

I looked into the room. It was as white as pure light. There were no shadows, no source of light, nothing. But, it was strangely bright. I would even have described it as blinding.

Being the brave and stupid person that I am, I decided to step in. Having only a foot in the room was mind-blowing. It felt as if I stepped into a room made of Jello. It was bouncy, unstable, and weirdly squishy. I felt my foot sink into the ground as I leaned more weight into it. “This must be harmless. Why would they hide this room?”

So, I decided to walk in. As I tried to stabilise myself on the bouncy floor, the door closed. Then, I realised that I really messed up.

The room was unnaturally quiet. When I shouted, I could hear the shout for a moment before it faded out. It was as if the room absorbed the sound from my voice.

After a few minutes, I realised that I couldn’t speak. I tried snapping my fingers but there was no sound. Then, my ears began to adapt. I heard my heart beating. A soft thump that gradually grew louder. I could hear and somehow feel the blood coursing through my veins. I could feel every pulse.

Then, eventually, that sensation faded too. Only to be followed by me feeling my muscles contracting. I could hear each tendon pulling the appropriate muscle. The sounds of fluids gushing around my body. The soft rumble of gas in my stomach and intestines.

Then, silence.

At this point, I couldn’t hear anything and it was melting my mind. I tried my best to make some noise but despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hear anything. I felt as if I was deaf. But that was the beginning of my ordeal.

I started to feel how uncomfortable my tongue was in my mouth. It was as if there were no comfortable position for it to rest. Then, eventually, I couldn’t taste my own mouth. I couldn’t feel the presence of my own tongue. Even when I tried biting down on my tongue, I couldn’t feel it. It was as if I had lost my tongue.

Then, I began to feel the clothes on my skin. I felt how restrictive it was and the newfound awareness was uncomfortable. I felt every inch of my body begin to itch. It was like a thousand ants skittering on my skin. Then, nothing.

At this point, the only thing left was my sight. I looked down and I saw… nothing. I tried to reach my arm out but I realised that I couldn’t feel any movement. I tried to walk about but I couldn’t move.

I was a prisoner in my own body. Then, everything went blank as I lost my last sense.

Blackness. Darkness. Void. That’s what I remember seeing despite losing all my senses. It was absolute emptiness. Everything was … empty. I had no physical form. No cold, no warmth. No happiness, no fear, no feelings at all.

Then, I heard it… I heard him…

“You are in my domain now…”

His voice sounded like whispers in the wind. It was the first sound I’ve heard what felt like years.

“Where am I?” I responded instinctively. Then, I covered my mouth in surprise as I realised I could speak. Then, I was more surprised when I realised I had my arm back.

“You… you are now in the collective consciousness. By all account, you would be here if you were dead. But you aren’t. So, that’s interesting.’

“Who are you?”

“I go by many names in many cultures but generally, I am referred to as God.”

“God? With a big G?”

“Well, there many beings with godlike powers that can create and destroy but I am one such individual responsible for the creation of your universe. Thus, most of my work is celebrated by religions of your planet. So, in short, yes. I am the one you are thinking of.”

“So, if I am not dead, maybe you could help me get out of the Company and help me live a normal life again?”

He laughed. “You have your place in that organisation. I will not let you return to your old life. You have nothing to return to anyways.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“All in due time, my child.”

Then, I saw him. It was both a terrifying and beautiful sight. He was not humanoid. Instead, he was a ball of purplish-red fire surrounded by spinning golden rings, rotating around his center. Wings of white light shined out of him. Despite this otherwise majestic appearance, I felt a darkness inside of him. It was an icy cruel feeling. It felt as if I was staring at evil itself. A darkness begging to be released with every dark thought in the world powering it.

“W-what are you?”

Before I received a response, I saw the wings of light turn red as the golden circles began to spark and the fire turned dark purple. Before I could react to the sudden change, I found myself outside the room.

What the hell did I just see? Was that God? Or was it the Devil? Or are they one and the same. Why did he want me to stay here? Why didn’t he want to help? What did he mean when he said that there was nothing for me to return to?

I really wish that the questions would stop. I want answers! Please!

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. There are many questions to be answered as the mysterious Entity said "in due time". What are your thoughts on what's to come? Feel free to share!

You, the reader, are a character in this story. In what I call "Interactive Writing", you are encouraged to participate in the story. How? You may ask. Well, like I said earlier, you are a character in this story. You may not be directly referenced individually in the story but the main character will respond to your comments (or rather me, as the writer, will be responding as the main character). Your comments WILL influence the outcome of the story in one way or another. Be careful, you may accidentally kill the main character, in which case, the season ends and after that... Well, we'll keep that a surprise for now.

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I may not have read the previous 1 or 2 chapters before this ( I think it was blacking out at the doctors table). I think the main character should keep track of this event, snap a picture of the place inside if able (if the door is still accessible and try not to go full in) and get on to figuring out what's going on or finding out the true purpose or motive the company has in store.

Michael Macready: I think that the Company is watching what I post and so far they seem to be okay with the text. Taking photos... that may be a different story. Honestly, going back to the Blank Space is a possibility but being stripped of your senses... it isn't pleasant. I will have to consider that as my backup plan. What do you think I saw in there?

Quite late but I think this info might help you. Been checking the note Green gave you. Here's what I got:

Darkness will rise,
The light shall burn,
Evil is coming,
this world will turn.

Be vigilant, my child,
and trust in us.

Fire with fire
Pickaxe to stone
Fear the liar
while the truth is your own.

We are using the forces of darkness against the greatest darkness of all.
He is coming. He is rising

It talks about fighting darkness with darkness.
Can't make sense of it yet. Any ideas?

Michael Macready: Holy cow! How did you do it? I wonder what it means. Who is coming? Could it be the being I saw in the Blank Space? What should I do with this information? Should I ask Mr. Green? Maybe he might give me another weird riddle.

My current guess is that fighting fire with fire could be in reference to The Company's collection of Entities fighting against something. What do you think?

wow, I am actually intrigued by your writing. You know the collective consciousness? Where did you know that from? It is not commonly known - or, so I thought.

Michael Macready: Never heard of it until the guy claiming to be God told me of it. I can't really be certain if he is telling the truth. If he is truly God, then I wouldn't be surprised if the collective consciousness was his creation.

If you are referring to how I, the writer, know of it. It is just one of my prevailing theories of the afterlife that I thought would be interesting enough to right into this story.

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