Mirrored one - Horror Fiction Contest

in #horror6 years ago (edited)

Loud music all around, glasses full of cocktails spilling while everyone was dancing. Some girl, pretty and drunk, approached me. Next thing you know we were all over each other without any control and for sure we didn’t give a single damn for what others in the club might think or say. After a while she led us to a nearby hotel, and we paid for the room upfront. Room was ideal for what came next, large water bed and the big mirror on the ceiling. Agreement was no names and no rules so our passion can take us in any direction we want. 

I woke up in a hotel room late afternoon. The room was filled with foul smell. My date from the last night was next to me, still sleeping. Having only flashbacks from yesterday, I started to explore the room to find the source of this smell. Looked at the mirror and suddenly I was looking from the mirror down to the room. Intruder in my body, glanced to me and ran from the room as fast as he could, leaving the doors open. Frighten as I was, I went into state of shock when approached by an old, smelly man. As he was getting closer, the smell was becoming more and more obnoxious.  

“You look very pale, young man. Why don’t we break the ice with proper introduction? - I’m known by the name Mirrored-one. And you?” – said the old man with crazy calmness in his voice. 

“My n… My name is Jacob. What ha…. What happened to me?” – I muttered, forgetting all about the smell. 

“I’ve pulled you into my realm, where I’ll extend my glorious life by feeding on your fear. And I sense there is plenty of food in you.” – answered keeping his, now already threatening, calmness. He continued – “You already gave a lot of fear to feed on, so I’ll offer you a chance to return to your miserable world. Look at that beautiful girl laying helpless in a bed. I want you to carve my name on her body. If you do it, I’ll return you to your world for good.” 

“What will it do to you, having your name carved in her flesh?” 

“It’ll give me a chance to become a shaman in human form again. By the look on your face, you don’t want to know the process how that will happen” – said with laughter. His voice was growing in strength.

He must have had this kind of conversation hundreds of times, because he gave me chills with a change of his voice. This kind of psychology game that he plays with his voice combined with the smell that surrounds me, is even more scary than the fact I’m talking to a shaman while we both are inside a mirror, or as he calls it, his realm.  

“I can’t do that, I have no guts to do that kind of thing…” – I was on a verge of breakdown, and almost started crying.  Girl from last night wakes up with a hangover, but somehow manages to get dressed and leave the room.

“Your chance went away young Jacob. Now you’re stuck with me in the mirror!” – shaman said with disappointment. – “Let’s hope some other opportunity will present itself. That time I’ll make it easier on you.” – after which he just disappeared.   

Soon the night came, and another young couple entered the room. Filled with wild passion they jumped onto each other just like me and the girl night before. I was kicking the mirror from the inside screaming out loud – “HEEEELP!!!” – but they were too busy biting and licking each other to even look at me. After the sex they passed out, and my hope of escaping this mirror faded away. I was now desperate, even feeling guilt that I didn’t carved that girl just to escape. Now I would accept that kind of offer without thinking too much. All I could think of, right now was how to return to the rest of the world. 

I felt the smell again, turned around and there he was again. I froze, couldn’t move or speak once again. He was looking good 10 years younger than before, gave me a short glance with a smile, quickly turning his head to the new couple sleeping in bed. Smell was starting to get more and more intense. Guy in the bed woke up, and shaman looked at me and said – “I presume you know what to do?”  

I closed my eyes and said – “Fuck it, let’s do it!” When I opened my eyes, I was in the room. I glanced at the ceiling and didn’t saw my reflection in the mirror but the man that was few seconds ago in the room bellow me. I ran out of the room not caring what will happen to the man in the mirror, or what will his decisions be. 

This is my entry to the horror fiction contest hosted by @dirge.

Image source: https://postimg.cc/image/uu8wpu5o7/


Interesting. The ending is a little awkward, but a good concept for a story.

A nice (and really good) creepy-pasta that could really bloom if this was fleshed out more. Then again, the lack of knowing the final outcome makes the story better and praying the runner can dodge the ghostly being.

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