June 25, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel Venus challenges Jupiter, a message to keep life in perspective, love and money, see a situation with open eyes.

in #horoscopes6 years ago

June 25, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
Venus challenges Jupiter, a message to keep life in perspective, love and money, see a situation with open eyes.

A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
As a take-charge person, you have a tendency to assume more than you can handle. And, in spite of being as well-organized as you are, some projects will have to wait. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
Invitations could come your way to both social, family and business events. Know your priorities when you choose which to accept. It is not likely that you will have the time to do everything. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
The interaction between planets Venus and Jupiter can bring forth inspirational opportunities great for business. Plan your business deals with precision now, and leave no room for misunderstandings. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
You are in an exciting phase of your life right now, Cancer, and anything is possible. Sort out what are your highest priorities and what can be rescheduled, postponed or canceled. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
Not everyone can bring a promised project to its conclusion, and that's where you can come into the picture, Leo. Even if it was not yours to begin with, the job's completion could put you in the driver. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Being as busy as you are, the last thing you want is to neglect your health. Remember, if your health suffers, so does everything else. And right now, both your business and personal life rate high in your star-chart. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
There’s likely to be a lot of action going on with people around you at work, but remember, you don't have get involved with anything that does not concern you, especially when it concerns money. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
A discussion at work can open doors to something new, but you may have to trust that others know what they are doing – not always an easy task for a Scorpio who likes to be in control. . A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
If your day doesn't work out the way you planned, just take it in your stride. An astral connection between Venus and Jupiter can cause life to seem uncertain, but whatever happens is usually for the best, even if other people seem to be holding the reins. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
Teamwork is highlighted as favorable and the more you can work with people you resonate with, the better result you will gain. Love is very much in your stars right now, too, and cupid could tap on your heart when you least expect so keep your schedule somewhat flexible. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
This week can be filled with opportunities and deadlines, and as only you can complete many of the tasks on your list of priorities, it is important to pace yourself. But no matter how hectic you are, make time for love. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Your star-chart shows your life becoming exciting in the near future. Stay alert and ready to embrace it. But stay focused on your own business, and be wary of giving advice to friends. A personal session with Jennifer, whether it is a Chart, Transit, or Psychic Tarot reading, her gifts provide the answers you need - you want be disappointed.

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