Homosexuality and other sin is rampant. Just as it was in the days of Noah. Filled with too much Sodom and Gomorrah. End Times for sure.

in #homosexuality7 years ago (edited)

Please read these articles and video by Shoebat and Share.

The Right Wing Is Upset That The Las Vegas Shooter Was Not A Muslim. The Counterjihad Cares More About The Homosexual Perverts Killed In Orlando Than They Do Country Fans Murdered In Las Vegas, Because The Orlando Shooter Was A Muslim
Las Vegas was Deep State/CIA False Flag operation and Illuminati Blood Sacrifice with Insider Trading, Police State with more scanners just like the ones from TSA with radiation, including Bio-metric, mirrored to Minority Report. Order out of Chaos, depopulation agendas 21 and 2030.
Homosexuality is one of the four graves sins that the heavens cry out for vengeance that is worthy of death.

Breitbart Endorses Sodomite Porn Director Who Makes Movies With Men Drinking Urine And Eating Feces Because He Is ‘Against The Muslims’ http://shoebat.com/2017/10/10/breitbart-endorses-sodomite-porn-director-who-makes-movies-with-men-drinking-urine-and-eating-feces-because-he-is-against-the-muslims/

From what is stated in the article that evil cannot cast out evil by allying with it, creates more chaos and destruction in the person' s actions, eternal consequences of the soul. Homosexuality is a severe mental and spiritual disorder. Worthy of death and one of the four grave sins that the heavens cry out for vengeance. From what Andrew has stated in the article it's not talking about the issue at hand, it's showing what the problem/sin is so you can understand it better and face it at hand. Yes, it's absolutely disgusting and horrifying.

The Gay Manifesto,” published in 1987, was LGBT's promise to take over America and Sodomize the men in the process, all licensed by the powers that shouldn't be a.k.a. Illuminati for depopulation agendas 21 and 2030, chaos, destruction, and promoting anything AntiChristian.

The truth hurts, but makes you stronger knowing what you have learned. Questions are you doing to tell people the truth, despite the backlash or what? Not everyone is going to accept the truth, because they are desensitized and don't want to be unplugged from the Matrix/System.

There's more to read from the article from showing and telling, and you'll learn why it's important to stand for truth. More should call out the actions against LGBT, Abortion, Pedophilia, Rape, BLM, Antifa, Nazism, etc.

"St. Paul says that as Christians, we have a duty to proclaim the truth in season and out of season, regardless of what anybody thinks or does not think, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it may be. The LGBT hides this aspect of their actions because they are very evil and in order to get people to accept it, they cannot discuss it publicly, let alone show it."

Comment from a Viewer: “Amen Andrew. The way the LGBT corrupts a society, corrupts children, imposes their filth on society, spread disease and corrupts the soul, I would say they're just as harmful, if not more harmful to a society than Islamic jihadist...shame on the right wing for siding with these pigs just for the sake that they're "counter jihadists."”

Sodomites Adopt Baby Girl, They Shake The Child Until She Gets Brain Damage, Beat Her Until Her Kidneys Fail, Break Her Leg, And Then Finally Beat Her To Death Over The Course Of Months While Cursing Her So Loud The Neighbors Heard It
My heart is broken for the little girl, too tragic, she's with God now.
Homosexuals should never be allowed to adopt. Is Spiritual & Mental Disorder. Hope they have agonizing deaths.

Other postings.














Very nice post

Great enjoy a lot want to see more of this in future. @redpilljen2020

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