Yellow Around The Homestead

in #homesteadphotography6 years ago (edited)

I loved @knowledge-seeker's challenge this week for: Yellow Around The Homestead. It was an interesting exercise to look at the world around us seeking a specific colour and although I love all colours, YELLOW is quite special.

Here's some of the yellow that I found around the homestead.

IMG_6961.jpg The Two Spotted Bumble Bee busy pollinating our blackberries. We value the bees and other pollinators so much and do all we can to encourage them to stay on our homestead.

IMG_5765.JPGSquash blossoms, these poor plants were subjected to frost THREE times well after the usual last frost. I should have probably pinched off these flowers until the plants got bigger but I forgot.

IMG_5743.JPGWildflowers - Buttercups. I just learned that buttercups are really irritating to the skin and that it's not actually a good idea to stick them under your chin to see if you like butter. I never had a bad reaction from them. Interesting.

IMG_5332.JPG Our seed kale in flower. Vegetables have the most beautiful flowers.

IMG_4507.jpgThe ever present dandelion! A valued food and medicine, European settlers brought these plants intentionally to North America. What a gift - A resilient ancient medicine right in our own back yards!

IMG_2084_01.jpg I better not forget eggs (tomorrows breakfast) on this list. I have the cutest conversations with people when they see our bowls of eggs with the different coloured shells. All different on the outside but exactly the same gorgeous yellow yolk on the inside.

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: @walkerland



What a lovely post full of lovely things. I love the coloured eggs. Cant wait for Spring.

It seems like just yesterday that I was looking at your posts wishing for spring to arrive and dreaming up new projects for the garden! Enjoy your winter mode! :)

What kind of chickens do you have? Them eggs is beauts!

I got my pictures for the yellow challenge taken, I'll get the post up tomorrow. I don't think mine stand much chance against that beautiful bee! But his photo challenges are fun, so when I have time and remember to take the pictures, I throw my hat in the ring!

These challenges are really fun plus, everyone has an equal chance of winning! I really like the colour theme and look forward to seeing your entry!! :)

In this picture The green eggs are from the Ameraucana, Chocolate brown: Maran and the cream colored egg is from a Barred rock. We also have welsummers and their eggs are large & speckled. I really like the Maran and the Welsummer for temperament and personality. When we replenish the flock that's probably what we will choose.

The photo you captured of the bee is wonderful! I'm enjoying seeing the differences that our climates make in the growing season for common plants. Down here dandelions and buttercups are long gone and our squash plants are monsters. But your herbs look so much happier than mine and I completely missed the boat on growing greens this spring!

I also think your egg yolk mention was a very creative way to showcase those lovely colored eggs :)

oh thanks! It really is neat to see the progress of everyone's gardens. Ours seems to be way behind compared to everyone else. The squash plants in the raised beds are WAY bigger than the little guy in that photo. The stuff in the new "in-ground" garden is doing well compared to past years but the raise beds still out perform everything.

Love your collection, particularly the bee one...

I've been going through all of the collections this morning, I think it was a great idea for a challenge. :)

Lovely photos and selections as always. Don't forget to put a link to your post in the comment section, so it is not missed.

Thank you for the reminder - very thoughtful of you! I had completely forgot to post a link.

I agree! Yellow IS a special colour

You sure have a lot of yellow items growing around your homestead! Bee hives are one of the things that we have been thinking about incorporating on our homestead, so I am always looking at some good things to plant around that will keep them occupied and pollinating our other plants. Good Job!

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