Homesteading on The Road + Entry to Homesteading Photography Contest!

in #homesteadphotography6 years ago (edited)

I've long wanted to write about our homesteading on the road!

Dried chantarelles we collected 2 days ago

Actually I thought I couldn't really call myself a homesteader, since I don't live on a farm or so called "homestead" - BUT i do many of the things homesteaders do! Just on the road!

(we live in this:)

The garden in front belongs to Roberto's family and partly to us when we are here!

The wilderness is our garden and the gardens we visit and contribute to are our gardens!
People often give us some of their surplus and we trade and forage and create goods of all the goodies. So since the Homestead Photography Contest, held by @knowledgeseeker this week is "Goods Made on The Homestead", I thought it a good occasion to share some of the goods we make on the road!

It is totally possible being a nomad travelling homesteader on the road!

It's my first time to enter this contest so I don't know if a multiple photo post is accepted - if not just take the first photo as the entry and forget about the rest! :D


Fresh capers collected in Calabria, South Italy. Treated with salt, and now, almost a year later, they are still the best capers I've ever tasted! SO flowery!


By the way, it turned out to be more difficult than I thought to find pictures of the things we have made. Apparently I have eaten them more than photographed them, so no pictures of the elder flower syrup, pestos, flatbreads and other things we've made an already eaten!

Some of all these wild pickings...;

wild mustard, fennel and other greens from Central Spain + almonds from abandoned orchards in Murcia and hazelnuts from forests in Northern Italy!

wild onions and sea cabbage from Calabria, Italy

wild asparagus from Lazio, Italy

Turned into..

pesto in the making

fermented kimchi (also with cabbage)

And we even tried a new experiment with fermented, dried wild sea cabbage (naturally salty). Really nice to sprinkle on top of meals or added to soups and stir fries!


When last summer we lived in a malga - a place with cows in the mountains (Roberto worked as a chef in the restaurant), we got some milk from the cows and tried to make cheese

the fresh cheese before aging

finished product together with homemade bread

Okay, I actually just took some more pictures of tomato sauces and marmelade, but I feel this is enough for this post, so I'll stop myself here!

Thank a bunch for reading! I enjoyed making this post, and thanks @knowledgeseeker for this great contest! <3


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Your house looks interesting...on the go..Would like to try to live and travel through Europe..but first need to save some cash for camper

Congratulations! Your post has been recommended by @goldendawne to be the Global Homestead Collective's promoted post of the day. Come join us on discord!

wow, thank you so much! :D

Wow what marvelous finds and you do such a nice job of putting them up. Who says you can't do all that homesteading stuff on the road! Marvelous! Thanks for sharing!

You make pretty interesting things. I like things that are out of the ordinary.
And you really live in that cool camper? Do you travel around all the time? Italy, or also abroad?

More or less, actually we haven't lived in it so much this summer because we have stayed with my mother in Denmark and right now with Robertos parents in Italy, but when we are not crashing the parent's it is our home yes, since about 2 years. So far we have just been in Europe with it (9 countries if I'm not forgetting any).
It's been a really great journey, but we miss setting roots and planting our own garden sooo much, so we are on the look out. It's a great home to have though, while in search for the right place to settle. We might even just find a piece of land and live in the camper on it , who knows!

Cool. I love being on the road with our van, but we only use it to go on holiday, or take a trip somewhere. Although it's fully equiped, I don't think I'm made for a life on the road.
But I totally get that it is a perfect solution while you're looking for a place to settle.

Please continue it was very good.Seeing this, water came in the mouth and who knows more about its taste

thank you so much :D

I am super impressed! You do homestead. It's just an unconventional homestead. Foraging is a lost art here in the US.

thank you! So is it in most parts of Europe, though in the south, you still find old ladies gathering wild herbs and greens :)

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

Posted using condenser site.

Great stuff thanks for sharing it.

You've made some interesting foods @frejafri, and sure live an interesting life as well, lovely post!

Those look so healthy and delicious as well.. yummy! Thanks for sharing your treats and you really are embracing the travelling life!

thank you! The best of two worlds ;D

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