How to make a turmeric bug part 2: Brewing TurmericBug Soda

in #homesteading7 years ago

Hey there steemians! Your mad (kitchen) scientist is back with another great creation.


Yup, the power of turmeric with an probiotic twist. Giving your gut the best of both in a delicious 'living' elixir.


If you are unfamiliar with turmeric it's an amazing root with many medicinal benefits. "Turmeric as Effective for Treating Disease as 14 Different Conventional Drugs, Study Finds" Wowee!

Ok let's jump into in because I'm impatient, ha!

What you'll need

  • 4 cups organic fruit juice or brewed tea
  • 6 tablespoons of organic white sugar
  • 1 organic ginger root
  • 1 organic turmeric root
  • 1 pinch of organic black peppercorns
  • 1/4 turmeric bug starter (liquid only)
  • 1 quart mason jar

Notice I forgot the turmeric root in the photo lol


Oh here it is!


What you need to do

I did a green tea brew here, maybe I'll do a fruit juice one for a future post.

Boil 4 cups of filtered water


I always tie the tea bags together and snip off the tags. Makes it easy to recover all the bags at once.


Add your ingredients into the boiling water and remove from heat, put a lid over the pot and let it steep until the brew reaches room temperature.


Remember how I forgot the turmeric root in that photo? Yeah I actually forgot to add it to the brew at all.() To remedy my mistake, I boiled it up separately and added to the rest of the brew.


Alright now that it's cool enough add the brew to the mason jar

Add the turmeric bug starter to the jar

Cover the neck of the mason jar with a breathable material (this coffee filter works great!) and place the mixture in a warm place out of direct sun light.


Allow the brew to ferment for about 3-5 days (stirring daily). A layer of bubbles will begin to form on the surface.

Pay close attention to the smell of your brew, leaving it too long and it will become boozy.


When you think it's ready, pour your brew into a large swing top glass bottle. I recommend you sample the brew before you bottle it, you might need to mix in a bit more sugar before first.


Here's the finished product! It's not as fizzy as my previous brews, but a tweak here and there is all that's needed next time.

Nevertheless a super beneficial beverage for your body!


We're done!


Thanks for reading, check out some of the other (related) posts I made below.

How To Make A Turmeric Bug

How to make a ginger bug part 2: Brewing Gingerbug Soda

Fermented Soaked Oats: Easy, Healthy and Flavorful

#turmericbug #turmeric #brewing #howto #recipe #starter #gingerbug #ginger #fermentedsoda #beneficialbacteria #fermentedfoods #probiotics #guthealth #ferments #healthfoods #beverage #delicious #foodalternatives #culturedfood #kombucha #scoby #vegan #steemit



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Credit: Atticus from the tv show "Todd and the pure book of evil"


Great #howto!!!! :) You're really kicking ass at this blogging thing V <3 <3 <3 Love you!!

Thanks lyndsay! I appreciate you always being there with a supportive comment.


This is awesome!!!

Thank you 😊

You are a fermenting muse!! This takes ginger bug to a whole new level. I can imagine how good this is for the gut. Thank you for all of these epic posts <3

thanks karen! its like making a healing potion of old lol.

sorry for the late response I only noticed this comment now facepalm

We almost had tumeric survive the winter in the greenhouse here.. It is hard to source fresh, so will have to see if it also works with powder for the moment. Great idea, I quite enjoy pretty much anything fermented.
And followed ;)

Sorry to hear about your turmeric plant, I grew one from a store bought root, it was growing great until an unfortunate accident. Its still alive, although its quite sad. Hopefully it will hold on til winter is over.

As far as for using powder, it should work. I haven't tried yet myself though.

Oh man, this looks extremely healthy and original.

But how does it taste?

Great post, If i can find some fresh turmeric (I only have the powder) I might give this a try...

It tastes better than you'd expect for turmeric, thanks to the ginger and sugar lol

It can be done with turmeric powder, fresh is better but not a must.

sorry for the late response I just saw this comment now.

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