
Then leave.

Stop harassing me and leave.

You are the one who made an entire video begging us to come here and comment
on your shitty videos...You are being reported for tag abuse because this has nothing
to do with homesteading, off-grid or self-sufficiency...

Oh really?

Cutting fire wood is not self sufficient?

Cutting fire wood to heat your home is not about homesteading or self sufficiency?

And providing wood heat is not off grid living?

I think you are falsely reporting me.

That is abuse.

But abuse is all you know after all - you are a troll.

Why don't you use your other 3 accounts to upvote yourself as well?

Everyone online is really enjoying your epic crybaby whine fest in the chat
because Doc's earned power has passed your feeble rented power...

Why don't you just buy more power like you buy your blocks of
YouTube subscribers? Then you can beg Steemit to send you a
phony award too!!!~!


I love how Reid needs to whine and complain to the whales for help and for them to create a block button.

I'd even bet he's done this his entire life to his mother.
That's why they came to PineBush to get his ass and move him to MI, give him vehicles, co-sign for loans and help keep him unemployable.

Sad, very sad and pathetic.

Maybe Reid should flash his Silver Play Button and throw some weight around.

I hope some whales view troy's video compilation on chicken deaths from raccoons over the years at the Pine Bush dumpsite. He would never get another upvote and probably be kicked off steemit

So you think it is just fine and dandy to harass someone online and in the real world like this?

When you are reducing a person's real World income that is criminal.

Harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

What about my income. I haven't made squat here but you told me we would all make money. I with you would just leave and go plagiarize people on another social media site. We all have an investment here and are disgusted at the filth you spread on here. Quit harassing my family on here and in the real world. Leave troy just leave.

show us where just because you have a laptop you are owed a living anywhere. Your laptop appears to be most of your problems, that and your video camera. Once you upload your life on social media you can kiss any privacy or your ability to get away with scamming people goodbye. I love how you whine and threaten that when you find a lawyer that will case your case for free you will come after your viewers that post anything you don't like.

no reid. your being a parasite on society is criminal.and your lies about preventing you from getting a job and vandalizing your home is laffable.God hates liars reid. believe me. if someone came there to harass you they would have burned you out of there because they were insane. no one has been there reid. your property is intact. your family is intact. whether mel leaves you and takes your baby with her is entirely up to you. i dont wanna see any more boohoo,mels pissed at me vids while sitting on a pallet at the jerkoff shed . you are pathetic enough. get a pair, be a man AND GET A FUCKING JOB YOU CREEPY BUM!

hey reid. newsflash. those of us that cut wood and have done so in the past do not make a big deal out of it like you do. we dont post (huff huff) like you do and act all manly by cutting a face cord of wood and quitting for the rest of the day because we are "exhausted" and" i need too rehydrate and take a nap". stop giving us men a bad name by calling yourself a man in the first place. you are not even a woman. what you are is a " fucking cunt" . women hate that c word but it fits you so well reid.

can't leave I have invested too much here to just pick up and leave. Stop harassing me and my family. It is criminal

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