Simple Chainsaw Sawbuck For Cutting Fire Wood

in #homesteading7 years ago

They say necessity is the mother of invention. I had to cut fire wood smaller to fit my little coal oven we had in our tiny house.

The logs I had were cut for a normal wood stove at 16 to 18 inches. But our little coal stove, which burns wood too, only takes 8 inch logs maximum. There was no way I was going to be able to use the fire wood I had prepared. I had cut fire wood for a larger stove earlier in the year.

So I came up with this idea to use logs as a form to cut fire wood shorter using my chain saw.

I put four logs together with a gap in the center. This is for the chain saw to cut through.

Then I propped them up with more logs standing on end. This keeps the logs laying down from rolling away.

Now I can lay down longer logs on my new form and cut them in half with ease and safety.

Of course this same idea can also work with much longer logs out in the forest. This can make your fire wood cutting easier and better for the chain saw chain. No more hitting the dirt on accident.

You can see the video here for a better understanding:

Please Subscribe & follow my daily YouTube videos

Read my articles at The Do It Yourself World

The Do It Yourself World


Please ignore the nasty comments from trolls below

They are from YouTube and found me here

Please help by posting good comments to push the bad stuff down the page

Thank you

Yes those damn tolls found you here but it was you that begged them to come help you make money. If your scheme backfired its on you. I noticed you filed this under off grid and self sufficiency, you finally quit advertising falsely that you are 95% off grid and soon to be fully off grid. Your videos outed you as only being 1% off grid with the use of flashlights. Very deceiving troy. Now for the self sufficiency, most 50 year old men with a wife and child don't allow their ageing poor parents to continue to buy them vehicles which are always broke down do to your lack of maintenance. You can't consider yourself self sufficient when your main source of income is begging on youtube. You are reliant on a batch of idiots the believe you when you cry wolf the sky is falling and you need money. Your youtube idiots bought you your wife from a third world country and paid for plane fare as well as clothes which you made videos of begging for support. You even had a video in your failed greenhouse begging for donations because you couldn't afford to feed yourself and your pregnant wife. Do you remember all that? I didn't think you would.


Remember his first tiny little stove just like this one in his rat infested trailer in Pine Bush couldn't even keep a little trailer from freezing but it sounds perfect for heating 10 times the sq footage in the shack. His memory sucks. But no one ever accused trog of being smart. I just read where if you type in Homesteading scammers on steemit troy's videos pop up. Interesting.

Hot stinky air from a nasty troll.

You name fits you well though. The word "lies" really fits.

Literally everything you write is a lie.

Harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

Spreading lies like this is criminal.

Troy I came here to make money, you invited me here. Good job I do not need the money and thanks to Trump I will need it even less.

How's the weather? 79 here outside eating lunch.

Still waiting for your fake lawyer to serve me.

Must be enjoying your life in our fake movie set and fake play button. Will you still be buying 50 subs a day? Why are your 103,000 subs not on here singing your praises?

I see Doc has more Steem Power than you must be eating you up that a real homesteader is doing better than you. Enjoy the rest of your day at Mom and Pops.

@bettyswallocks.....have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .

troy you are stalking me here. I wish you would get off this site and leave me and my family alone. We only show daily videos of our lives and you come here and slander me and accuse me of lying when all I do is comment on what you show on your deceptive videos.

@troyreidlies ............. HEY have you seen where they are harnessing the energy of sparrows wings moving and using it to churn butter in an offgrid homestead setting ?? @thediyworld .......... TROY have you seen this new groundbreaking technology?? I bet you could easily build a sparrow wing powered butter churn in your off grid solar powered workshop , it would be awesome and give you another means of harnessing free energy .

I always suspected people would start doing this. sparrow wing technology has been around for three and a half years but none of my neighbors are using it yet. We mostly use the earthworm turbines. Much cheaper than solar and wind but they live a long time and eat very little except in the Northwest.

We mostly just use lightningbugs in a mason jar for light. Super easy to do but make sure you use air hole in the top or they will quit making light, or living. I'm trying to build a bedini motor small enough to put in the jar with the bugs so they don't have to stay awake 24/7 making light. We are almost 100% off grid with the lightning bug jars but we still use the 2 central units for heat and air and of course the washer and dryer and stove and fridge and freezers and tvs and laptops and most lights but most of our power comes from lightning bugs

jessiescott (4) · 2 days ago
@fixedbydoc, have you heard of this lightning bug light system , sounds promising for off grid homesteads , ask @troy reidlies about how his system is set up . I thought i was cutting edge when i invented the off grid massage chair and bed , it's powered by thousands of MILLIPEDES , hey it ain't MAGIC FINGERS but it sure works good

4 votes

@troyreidlies... i have never thought about using the earthworm tech , i might have to try it , do you use red worms or night crawlers , i guess you could use ALABAMA JUMPING WORMS if you need a kick start to the system .

@fixedbydoc, have you heard of this lightning bug light system , sounds promising for off grid homesteads , ask @troy reidlies about how his system is set up . I thought i was cutting edge when i invented the off grid massage chair and bed , it's powered by thousands of MILLIPEDES , hey it ain't MAGIC FINGERS but it sure works good

Reid what a great idea to invite us to steemit.
Here we can kick your ass and get paid to do it.

@gilholey......have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .

I'm getting sick and tired of you calling me a troll, that is slanderous. I'm not happy with the name troy reid either. It sucks to be associated with you. Sounds like a retard name don't you agree? Calling me a liar when all I do is comment on what you show in your crappy videos is slanderous. You are the one dragging your innocent family into this mess and there is nothing criminal about commenting on social media forums especially when twice you asked us to follow you to steemit to support you.


The splitter he left with all the other trash in NY would be nice to have now. You know a real homesteader leaves important tools behind

he never planned on using it here. His intention was to heat with propane and electric ( grid power)

Sometimes the simple ideas are the best, and cutting your own firewood always seems so rewarding. Thanks...

Thank you. Yes keeping it simple is great :)

Although it is exhausting sometimes, I prefer cutting my own fire wood to buying.

And providing my own heat energy using fire wood is very rewarding I think.

Now that's rich and deceiving. You can't afford to buy firewood and your neighbor gave you the pine. He has already run out in mid December , way to go Mr. self sufficiency. Cutting old rotten pine as in this video is like cutting butter, it slices easily with no effort. Very deceiving video troy

You must have missed some of my videos.

Earlier in the year I cut a bunch of fire wood with the help of some friends.

And yes, a neighbor gave me some wood but it was cured hard wood.

There is no deception here. It is not rotting pine. And I never claimed cutting pine was hard.

You did.

Harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

if you have hardwood then show it. You only showed pine and in one video you lied and said you just were given all that hardwood (but it was pine) In a later video you admitted it was pine. Lies have hit you like a brick and effected your income in a bad way.

in the first place why do you need to have "friends cut wood with you? arent you capable of cutting soft,light pine by yourself? is that pine so exhausting to pick up and throw in the "show truck" so hard to do? poor baby. and there you go again with that troy reid buzzword "cured" its called seasoned you fucking idiot. you wanna patent that word or something moron? as far as "exhausting work" goes,you must be referring to pine bush where you took video of your nigger chris 3. he does all the work while all you did was flap your lying mouth and bitch in the greenhouse video you had to feed him too. boohoo motherfucker. jesus said a man needs his wages and you cried about feeding one man a meal who slaved for you for free for months when jesus fed 5000 in one day for listening to HIM. only JESUS is my lord and saviour and he is the way,truth and life. you act like youre some sort of god of knowledge when all you are is a viper out to steal from everyone you can just like your god scott williams or whatever his name was. troy reid,you are a false phrophet as warned about in the book of revelation. this world is in its last days and YOU are living proof of the evil you represent and your god satan. you need to step up your game if you want to scam with the likes of oral roberts,jimmy swaggert,ted haggerty,joyce myers,bob tilton,joel osteen,the croutches on the network they stole from jim and tammy baker,benny hinn and his "ill knock you on yur ass by touching you bullshit (a real classic btw) and my fav of all. mike murdock. MY God has a special place in hell for him for his greed. believe me that yahweh gives and takes away satans power at will. hell let satan have fun with the likes of mike murdock and the rest of you fake phrophets. care to join them reid?

you must not watch his videos. He does absolutely nothing right but is putting on a how to joke of a show here and on youtube.

Then leave.

Stop harassing me and leave.

You are the one who made an entire video begging us to come here and comment
on your shitty videos...You are being reported for tag abuse because this has nothing
to do with homesteading, off-grid or self-sufficiency...

Oh really?

Cutting fire wood is not self sufficient?

Cutting fire wood to heat your home is not about homesteading or self sufficiency?

And providing wood heat is not off grid living?

I think you are falsely reporting me.

That is abuse.

But abuse is all you know after all - you are a troll.

Why don't you use your other 3 accounts to upvote yourself as well?

Everyone online is really enjoying your epic crybaby whine fest in the chat
because Doc's earned power has passed your feeble rented power...

Why don't you just buy more power like you buy your blocks of
YouTube subscribers? Then you can beg Steemit to send you a
phony award too!!!~!


I love how Reid needs to whine and complain to the whales for help and for them to create a block button.

I'd even bet he's done this his entire life to his mother.
That's why they came to PineBush to get his ass and move him to MI, give him vehicles, co-sign for loans and help keep him unemployable.

Sad, very sad and pathetic.

Maybe Reid should flash his Silver Play Button and throw some weight around.

I hope some whales view troy's video compilation on chicken deaths from raccoons over the years at the Pine Bush dumpsite. He would never get another upvote and probably be kicked off steemit

So you think it is just fine and dandy to harass someone online and in the real world like this?

When you are reducing a person's real World income that is criminal.

Harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

hey reid. newsflash. those of us that cut wood and have done so in the past do not make a big deal out of it like you do. we dont post (huff huff) like you do and act all manly by cutting a face cord of wood and quitting for the rest of the day because we are "exhausted" and" i need too rehydrate and take a nap". stop giving us men a bad name by calling yourself a man in the first place. you are not even a woman. what you are is a " fucking cunt" . women hate that c word but it fits you so well reid.

can't leave I have invested too much here to just pick up and leave. Stop harassing me and my family. It is criminal

What a great way to cut firewood! This makes me miss my camping days! Resteemed :)

Thank you. In a way, we are sort of full time camping.

We are in vacation central where everyone else goes to get away. And we love it!!!

people only go to your wasteland in the summer months idiot. They abandon the place when it turns to a miserable cold hell. But you on the other hand drag your family there to live in a 3 season shack full time. See what you get when you pay rock bottom for property in a wasteland

the only reason your camping and not living like human beings should is because you are too lazy to get a job. A GOOD JOB REID. you are a disgusting excuse for a man. you are a bum just as my father was and i hate you for it. but at least he had an excuse and had humanity for being an alcoholic. you are just lazy. my dad wasnt. he couldnt beat his addiction and you did but you are still a lazy bum. why is that you waste of wad? i never cut my dad a break for being a bum and ill be damned if i cut you one too reid.

vacation central is right reid. 12 mo. a yr. yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. let the slaves pay my way is your mantra. you disgusting piece of shit you.

Troy, Troy, Troy. Where is all your safety gear? Your chaps, gloves, helmet etc. See you are promoting unsafe work practices. It's no wonder Youtube have [sic]demonized you. You have a devil-may-care attitude.

God forbid that that chainsaw rears up and gets you around the throat.

Well since this is his income I'm sure he gets benefits like medical and long term disability and accidental death. Ming Pling will be better off living off the death benefits than in the pauper state she is forced to live in now. Touch the chain while it goes round and round to see if its sharp. Use your tongue.

lets count the lies and deceit. He begs us to follow his daily videos- he has never made daily videos. He is cutting pine to use in a wood stove. No wood stove ever was designed to burn soft pine. The operating instructions forbid using soft wood in the heaters. Soft wood burns too hot and the burn can't be controlled allowing the stove to crack or warp depending on the material used in the stove. Insurance companies forbid burning soft woods in a wood stove and will not pay on a claim. His jig is nothing all woodcutters haven't tried but he thinks he invented doing it. This video was filmed earlier in the year and he is already out of firewood by the middle of December as he told in several videos. But in fairness he had no way to know upper Michigan with freezes all summer would throw extreme cold on him in December. Troy reid is an idiot. I'm ashamed to share his name.

Lets not forget a viewer sent him new gear with the brand new Stihl chainsaw ( that he begged for) but he doesn't beg on his videos

OMG you are a genius using logs WOW who would have thought of that!!! I hope you sold that idea

Oh, one of my most dedicated trolls

First vote on my blog post - a down vote.

And I bet you will whine and cry when I up vote myself to counter it later.

I do wish Troy would go away and leave us alone.
Go away Troy and play somewhere else.
All we are doing is making comments on YouTube video's and trying to make some money on here as you promised us, but you keep hiding our comments.
What your doing is criminal!
Remember, its all on the bogchain for the world to see.
Now go away and leave us alone.
Your not wanted here.

he should go back to work as a garbage man in New York. At least he had the skills for it.

This is video evidence of the last time he actually had a job.....

But as you can see by the shadow, Turd gReid was a slacker even then,
carrying less that half a can full while everybody else carries full cans...

What a lazy bitch boy...


There were no "half cans" on this job.

It was a work chain, as you show on the second clip.

So you are showing that I worked very hard.

It does not make sense to show this.

It show 3 guys hauling full cans while your lazy girly ass has less than half a can load...

What a pathetic loser...

turd scam.gif

It makes a lot of sense. It shows you should dump the internet where you have made a fool of yourself and drug your family into it. picking up trash is an honorable profession and one you can take good junk home to the wife- rotted vegetables, used underwear, chicken bones and of course coffee grounds.

He tried that in Pine Bush NY and totally trashed a pristine piece of property and turned it into a dump and screwed over a sweet little lady senior citizen.

you were the weakest link as they say. Once they fired you did you complain to mommy that they were trolls?

Well we are here to make money and have fun together Troy. I'm trying thanks for the invite. You can up vote me on your other 3 accounts

Beware of troy he is a deceiving liar. He stooped so low as to plagiarize a fellow steemit member's soap making video. He has no original content except his ability to kill chickens by allowing raccoons to help themselves at will.

Oh look. I found another one of my own homemade soap making videos from long ago:

This video is also older than steemit iteslf.

Hmmm, so I could not have plagiarized someone on steemit when I made my soap back in 2013.


You lie again.

Well, at least your name says it.

Thousands of soap making videos on youtube and I'm sure you stole from others as well. In the steemit theft you copied word for word in so many instances only a fool would believe you did not plagiarize his work.

I was making soap before YouTube was even big.

So you can rant all you want, you cant change a thing.

I make my own work.

Please take your thieving ways and your sorry ass and just leave. You are harassing us and it is criminal

and look at all the money you are making while making a fool of yourself and dragging your family down with you. At 50 cents a day you can buy a snickers bar.

Please leave our name out of this. I would rather be called asslickerreid than troy reid. Its a name you ruined for both of us. I dread going into a store for fear they will announce on the loud speaker that troy reid once again parked in a handicapped spot or needs to get off the electric cart to let a disabled shopper use it. I hate our name and it was you that turned it to shit, not me.

I have been making soap for many years now myself.

Here is my first soap making video:

Oh look - it predates even steemit itself.

Hmm, I must have been first then huh.

@thediyworld................. there again the COMPREHENSION ISSUE that DOC keeps telling you about .......NO WHERE IN THE COMMENT DID IT SAY YOU COPIED IT FROM STEEMIT , you can plagerize work from any source .......WRITTEN OR DIGITAL . Please Please Please .... again i implore you to stop fighting nasty comments with more nasty comments, it doesn't make you look good and it only bathes the STEEMIT COMMUNITY in bad vibes ,

And again you guys attempt to bring me down with lies.

I started making soap many years ago.

I would think I can write my own articles these days, in my own words.

That would be a good start. Make them your own words and publish them on another social media site but you have lost any respect you may have thought you had here on steemit. Leave troy and quit harassing us, that is criminal

go back to the article you stole from and see the similarities, no question you stole from this guy. A sad deceitful member of steemit and you should be kicked out. You are nothing but a nuisance here downgrading the wonderful work we have achieved on this forum. Go back to youtube where you have said some awful thing about it in videos while using them to make money. You are a disgrace to the internet. Go away and stop bothering us here. We are here to stay and love it.

I write my own articles, in my own words.

I dont care what you say or scream or rant.

You cannot change the facts that I make my own soap.

I write my own articles.

I make my own videos.

In my own words.

My first soap making video is older than his website

Hey - maybe he got the idea from me.

in your wildest dreams no one would plagiarize your crap. You saw he had a much better video and stole it. Please do us all a favor and leave and take your thieving ways with you. We don't want your kind here on steemit.

have you noticed that your viewers don't like your content and let you know by commenting and down voting your filth. Its a hobby for us and nothing to do with the pennies we make. You on the other hand spend countless hours a day replying to us and making yourself sick and still not making any money. I would suggest you rethink your job of working on the internet where it doesn't pay squat for you and go get a real job that isn't dependent on strangers down voting you and you not making any money. The little boy that cleans the restrooms at McDonalds makes more than you and trolls don't knock his pay down. You should start studying toilet cleaning and mop up- literally

@thediyworld .................... if you didn't steal or copy it , how do you know it was a he ?????

Oh lookey here. I found another one of my older soap making videos:

It would appear that this video is also older than steemit itself.

Hmm, must be that I do have some experience with making soap on my own after all huh.

@thediyworld that soap video does NOTHING to disprove you plagiarized the recent soap article. TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT POSTINGS! that is like claiming you didn't steal an apple today because you ate apples on other days lol...

you will continue to claim you invented soap making to throw off the obvious theft of a fellow steemit members content. I hope this leads to you being evicted from steemit. We don't want you here.

I never claimed to "invent soap making".

I did say that I started making soap many years ago.

I do write my own articles and make my own videos. In my own words.

I can recite the soap making recipe from memory if you like.

no, its so simple a child can do it and you have over done the soap making for a lifetime. Just shouldn't take content from a fellow steemit member and call it your own. That is plagiarism and punishable by law. Wow you just don't follow rules and cry and whine when you are caught. Baby troy don't like to be told NO

absolutly fascinating reid! you cutting soap bars. my ex was making goats milk soap back in 96 from a saanan we were getting 1.5 gallons of milk out of each day. i built her a goat milking stand from the internet. wernt you still sucking mommys tits back in 96?

question reid. which gets filled faster? the collection plate or your mouth or asshole fulla sperm?enquiring minds want to know.

@fingolfin, FYI, Wait until Troy Reid of @thediyworld, @diy-electronics, @trtechtactical, @blogger101 makes a reply to a comment when he uses Bold, Capital fonts,
Up Votes it,
and makes 58 cents....just for whining.

Yesterday, On his @blogger101 account, on the Cat Chasing the Laser Pointer blog,
he used 3 of his Steemit accounts to Up Vote his own blog.

Spoiler Alert: there were no flags or down votes.
He did it just for the money!

Edit: I was wrong....20 minutes later he does it and makes 69 cents!

did you notice how he tried to deceive viewers by acting like he wasn't troy reid. His comments were different at first then he fell into the troy reid asshole rut and began the lies and upvoting his own crap. He is taking advantage of the good people on steemit.

If you guys stop the down voting war on me I wont have to do this anymore.

Quit harassing me.

Leave my blog alone.

I can go and spread the votes in the community as I would like to

You begged us to come here...Where's the $$ you promised us?

@danmcc to be fair since troys invitation to come here i have made $2,300+ dollars and risen the ranks in half the time troy has. however i have not received a single payment from troy despite his claims we would in his invite to come here video....

yeah but troy likes you and has always copied your ideas and lives vicariously through you. He hates us and slanders us and harasses us. That is criminal.

and what have you done for the steemit community in the past that would make us think you would follow through with this offer? NOTHING. You break all the rules here that you don't like and take steempower that was not meant for you and use it to down vote people. I am not leaving and will continue to down vote every lie you post on steemit. You should take your sorry ass and just go away and leave steemit to the honest people that follow the rules mr. 4 accounts on steemit troy reid.

"Oh, one of my most dedicated trolls"

Your biggest supporters.

I like when idiot troy does something anyone would do using their brain but somehow thinks he is a genius. So did you install the tiny stove and get rid of the unsafe oversized Ashley heater that was on the verge of burning your shack down? Still using pine in a wood stove I see. Not smart at all in fact you are putting your family at risk but to your way of thinking its only trolls that can harm your family. You are an idiot.

I know right? He should patent that idea. He could make as much on the patent as he is breaking all the rules here on steemit. As a member of steemit I'm appalled at the reckless way he breaks all the rules that we live by in order to justify making a few cents.

I bet Troy Reid wishes he had a slave this year like he had Chris III last year to cut and split all his firewood back in PineBush where his first dumpstead is.

Speaking of Pine Bush, NY, why don't you show those videos Mr. Reid?

Are you ashamed of the ecological catastrophe you created and abandoned there?

He will never show the illegal toxic waste dump he pretended
was a "homestead" in New York because then the old widow
lady could sue him for the $$ it cost her to clean up all the lead
paint and asbestos he left on her once pristine land...







I have not even been there for 9 months.

You can create any photos you want, but you cannot pin it on me.

Anything happening on that land is not my problem anymore.

Those are screen-caps from your own YouTube channel...

You brag about how the pile of toxic wood can be seen from space...

"This is an entire barn which spans about 160 feet in length by about 8 feet high and 8 feet wide."<<<< Your own words...

ive never heard roosters crow so much reid. could it be in that video your chickens were hungry and wanted to be fed? you cocksucker you!

but they are screen captures from YOUR OWN YOUTUBE VIDEOS and from GOOGLE EARTH for the years YOU LIVED THERE!

you are a fricken liar. No you have not been back but you left it even worse that that and the poor couple you sold the shack to said they were in the process of cleaning it up and putting things aside because you promised to go back and get most of the stuff. Didn't happen did it reid? Nope, he lied to the couple and has not plans to clean up his mess. Now he adds another lie to the bunch and acts like someone else is dumping on the land since he left. No chance of that since the landlady watches it like a shithawk. Looks like you are paying a heavy price for leaving that elderly lady in such a legal mess with the dump you created. I hope someday you develop a heart and go clean it up.

creating photos huh?cant pin anything on you?dodging your responsibility by stating you havent been there in 9 mo and its not your responsibility anymore? i used to really dislike you but now i hate you for what and who you are. you better shut up before someone really does come after you and fuck you up. it wont be me but yes, you really are that offensive you piece of shit you!

@wednitedelite. This is not the first time Reid denies connection to the dumpsite he abandoned in Pine Bush, NY.

But this should not be a surprise.
He NEVER takes responsibility for anything.

He just TAKES.

@wednitedelite. This is not the first time Reid denies connection to the dumpsite he abandoned in Pine Bush, NY.

But this should not be a surprise.
He NEVER takes responsibility for anything.

He just TAKES.

Where is Troy, still in the spank shed, masturbating over his Plastic Silver Play Button?


Yes Momma, it arrived Momma, nice shinny plastic Momma, you’re the first to know Momma, Papas not well Momma, but this calls about my Silver Play Button Momma, will bring it over to hang on the wall at Christmas Momma.

@someonesprincess......have you tried using the STEEM SEARCH BAR , and typing in homesteading scammers ???? TRY IT .

troy should love that. It gives him an extra 8 inches on what the Lord gave him according to Ming Pling. Not to be ragging on a man with a 1 1/2 inch pecker since he got short changed in everything when he was hatched. Leave us alone troy, stop harassing us.

I pray troy rots in hell for taking advantage of poor workaholic cancer stricken neck brace Chris. That honorable man kept troy from freezing to death and he fed and watered the animals because troy couldn't break himself loose from playing internet games. I hope nothing but the best for Chris and hope the devil continues to bite troy's ass on a daily basis.

troy has always played to the religious viewer who pay no attention to his dishonesty and deceit but our Preacher has always said if a man gets his money in a dishonest way it will eat him up his whole life and will die poor and then pay the price 4 fold in death for eternity. troy is a good example of ill gotten gains ruining his life. Its a shame he involved a young woman from a third world country in his schemes and she now is a part of the crimes.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us - then leave.

But continued harassment of my family online and in the real world is criminal.

Leave me and my family alone troy. I did not invite you to comment on my comments and this is harassment. This is criminal, not as bad as you plagiarizing fellow steemit member's work, but still criminal. Leave us alone and go away. You are dishonest and don't follow the rules here so leave now.


Anyone can see in the videos that we helped him regain some strength and health through healthy lifestyle and eating.

If you want, I can invite him here to tell you in his own words.


But in your greenhouse video you said you all were starving. How could you feed him healthy food when you didn't have any. Working a poor cancer stricken man to death is a nasty way of treating him. He would have been better off as a garbage collector like you once did. Now leave us alone and go away.

fuck you reid you lying bastard! you bitched about having to feed your free nigger,aka chris 3 in your greenhouse video. that poor mentally challenged man worked so hard for you you cocksucker! you took advantage of him and left him to clean up your mess when you were EVICTED from pine bush. you are evil reid and pure scum. helped him regain some strength my ass. GOD HELP ME BUT I WANT SO BADLY TO SEE YOUR LYING ASS IN PRISON!

"THEY say necessity is the mother of invention".....Who is "THEY" Mr. Reid??

Whenever you have a so called necessity, you whine about until a sympathetic viewer sends it to you FREE by mail.

Too bad you're not really using that wood stove to heat the summer cottage this winter.

You have to have the NECESSITY for firewood at the ready,
which You Do Not!

his ageing parents are most likely paying his propane bill to keep him from freezing to death. Not a wise move on their part as survival of the fittest would have wiped him out in the first round.


Good simple idea. I'll give it a try sometime.

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