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RE: Gleaning Herbs for Winter

I absolutely love lovage and use it all the time. My granny cooked with it of course but also made teas from its roots that she used to treat any urinary, bladder or kidney aliment.

I still grow lovage from the plants she gave me decades ago, sowing seeds occasionally to replenish my stock.

You can also freshen the scent of your home by boiling some of the leaves and stalks. They give off a very pleasant, sweet odor.


I had no idea you could use it for infections. I might have to see if I can glean some roots to have on hand.
It's a wonderful thing when plants can keep on giving for generations. My parents have my granddad's rhubarb and it just keeps producing.

Plants give us so many gifts and bring me such joy. I have some peonies (don't know of any medicinal properties) that were my great grandmothers, that are over 100 years old. I thin them out occasionally and they bloom every year. What loving memories than bring back every time I see them.

I'm super lucky that my Gran and Granny wrote down recipes and instructions for so many plants. I'm hoping to passing on the knowledge to my kiddos as well.

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