Contest - What Do You Want to Manifest in the Next 5 Years?


I signed up for a free Steemit account at the end of March 2018. I was looking for a new blogging platform to document the progress of our food forest. I made my first post about one month ago and have been active on Steemit ever since. I have to admit, it's all so new to me still. When I first signed up, I knew little about this platform. I knew authors were paid in cryptocurrentcy, but that was about it. I never bothered to learn the difference between Steem, SP and SBD. I assumed it would take me a long time to slowly build up my reputation score and gain followers anyways, so I would learn those crucial things later down the road when I am more established on Steemit.

My focus when I first signed up with Steemit was to find people who shared the same interest. I searched for categories I was interested in and found some great people. @mountainjewel was one of the first people I started following on this platform. The posts and videos they share on their homestead are inspirational! If you don't know about them, better head on over to their page. You are missing out!


They are currently holding a contest Share Your Dreams: What Do You Want to Manifest in the Next 5 Years?.

The phenomenon of speaking our dreams and goals we want to achieve is powerful. We want to encourage conscious manifestation in our world and we're really curious to hear your dreams!

I agree with @mountainjewel statement above. It can be quite powerful when we speak our thoughts out loud for others to hear or write them down for others to read. I have been thinking a lot about the purpose of our homestead recently, so this gives me an opportunity to write my thoughts into a post.


The First Step in the Right Direction

I hate seeing what is happening to our food supply. The GMO crops, the increasing pesticide and herbicide usage. Even some of the chemicals that are being approved for organic gardening are getting ridiculous. Seeing how animals are treated in the slaughter houses made me cry, then reading about the first “Ag-Gag” prosecution because a Utah Woman filmed a slaughterhouse from a public street really woke me up to this corrupt system (the case was later dropped due to all the attention on social media). We are constantly lied to by politicians promising us everything we want to hear before the election, then once elected, we the people are disappointed again. I was fed up with what I was, and still am seeing happen to life. It's a feeling of entrapment, held back from being who, or what we really are. Then one day while surfing on Facebook, I came across this poster below and it gave me an idea.

image source.

In our society, growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can and will overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world - we change ourselves! - Jules Dervaes

Ah hah! A light bulb went off in my head. I will start a garden to grow my own food and this is how I will fight the corporate powers. I will learn how to grow food without man made chemicals. I will grow food with my own two hands and really commit to it so I can be successful. I then spend all my free time learning from books, asking questions on social media groups, reading free online publications in order to educate myself. Learning how to grow my own food has not been easy. I have encountered many setbacks. There are times when I thought about giving up.


All photos come from my food forest

Share Your Dreams: What Do You Want to Manifest in the Next 5 Years?

I spend a lot of time in my food forest to make it look perfect. I know some people might think this is a waste of time. Food will grow either way. My goal is to make the food forest look so beautiful that anyone visiting my place or seeing the photos of my garden will want to start a food forest themselves. I want people to be able to see themselves in my food forest. I know before I made the garden look so organized, when people visited my garden, they often commented on all the work that's associated with a garden seeing all the weeds that needed to be pulled instead of seeing the potential abundance in the food forest.

1. I would like to inspire others to take the first step towards self sufficiency by growing their own food. To grow your own food is to fight the corporate powers. Simply by growing even a small amount of your own food, you are taking that power away from the powers that be and as a bonus, you know exactly what you are putting into your body.

All photos come from my food forest


I have been learning about herbal medicine the last two years. I make tinctures with the plants I grow and have been using them instead of pharmaceutical drugs. Yarrow tincture as the first aid to clean cuts and stop bleeding quickly. Comfrey tincture for tissue and bone healing. Toothache tincture for toothaches and to numb bug bites (also makes great mouth wash). Lemon balm tincture for soothing effect and tummy trouble. Nettle tincture for health. Motherwort tinctures for female issues.

2. I would like to continue on the herbal medicine journey and rely on mother nature and plant power to heal and nourish our bodies. Also to pass the knowledge on to others because together, we can take that power away from the big pharmaceutical companies.



I have already connected with so many great people on Steemit in just one short month. I have learned a ton from reading posts and watching videos. I am not sure just yet if I can make money on this platform. I have to admit though, this is not my main goal this year, even though it would be very nice. I like the idea of a decentralized blogging platform and I use Steemit to learn about crypto currency.

3. I would like to learn more on the Steemit platform, so I can finally understand what everyone is talking about. I finally figured out what delegations mean only one week ago.


Each year the garden gets bigger and better as I gain more experience and knowledge. Implementing different growing methods with trail and error. My husband and I are getting better as gardeners / homesteaders.

4. I would love to break my own garden records! This one is a bit selfish but it's no fun if you can't break your own records. Then, it's on to the county fair (lol).


All photos come from my food forest
Photo copyright: @thelaundrylady

I am so glad to find like minded people on Steemit! It's a community I am happy to be part of. If you like my post, please upvote, resteem and comment. I would love to hear from you.


lovely to meet you! and welcome to steemit! The 5 year plan is a POWERHOUSE.. amazing way to manifest.. ive done it and it worked like a charm! Im really impressed with what you are doing, and your veggies look amazing.. full of love and prana..

i think i would like to invite you to join us on the ecotrain.. you can chat to mountainjewel to ask more about it also .. GREAT POST!!

@eco-alex yes yes yes! I was thinking about asking you if @thelaundrylady could join. I'm really pleased that you have found her. She's a beautiful soul with a beautiful vision. :-)

Thank you so much guys! I would love to join ecotrain! Could someone explain how to join or maybe a link to read more?

Do you have a discord account? If so log in and send me a friend request on there and I'll help you. My username is the same as Steemit. 😊. Hope that helps. Xx

Thank you @holisticmom! You are always so kind! I tried looking you up but it tells me I need your 4 digit number. Sorry I am new on Discord and have not sent anyone a message yet directly. I think my number is #8086 and name is the same as on Steemit. Do you mind sending me a friend request since I can't seem to figure out how to do that? I feel so stupid, lol.

Aww that's ok. Yeah I think I needed to add my 4 digit code. I think I've managed to send you a request.
I'm still getting used to discord too lol. I'm sure we will find each other soon. 😊😊❤

Try this link below. It's an invite to Ecotrain:

Hope it works 😊😊😊

Thank you so very much. I accepted you as my first friend on Discord :) You are awesome!!!

Come chat! I've just messaged you. Yay 😊😊

Thank you @eco-alex for your kind words! I found out about #ecotain after reading @holisticmom 's post on soap nuts. What a great concept and I have been reading a lot of posts under the #ecotrain tag. Thank you for the invite! Looking forward to make this world a better place together with like minded people. Thanks for stopping by.

I agree; you're a great fit :) love love loved your entry and vision <3

I’m a little bit like you in the whole steemit journey. I didn’t know a thing about cryptocurrency (still don’t know much) when I joined. I’m slowly figuring out the basics, but I’m still in pretty much over my head 😁

Yep, sounds just like me :)

sounds like your journey on steemit so far has been rather positive.

In the next 5 years my dreams are to try and move houses. I dont live in a very nice area and raising children here is difficult.

I am running an experiment here on steemit with the aim of improving retention and the steemit experience and after looking at your account I think it is something you might enjoy. come on over and join in on the discussion

"My goal is to make the food forest look so beautiful that anyone visiting my place or seeing the photos of my garden will want to start a food forest themselves. " - Your past posts of your food forest are fantastic and really are an inspiration.
I agree that connecting with like- minded people here on Steemit is what makes it worthwhile and I'm super grateful to have met you. I like you am still trying to learn the ropes on Steemit and I definitely think making those connections is what helps us newbies along the way.
Keep shining beautiful lady! I can't wait to see more mouth watering pics from your beautiful homestead :-) xx <3

Thank you so much! You are always so encouraging with your comments! I really appreciate it.

I am so grateful to have met you, too!!! I started reading about #ecotrain because of you. Haven't quite figured it all out yet, but I am sure I will eventually, lol.

I can't help myself but to post pictures of my food forest. I am just glad some people like yourself find it interesting enough to spend a few moments looking at them. Thank you!

Aww thank you too! I love your posts and always make a point to read as many as I can regularly! <3

Ah hah! A light bulb went off in my head. I will start a garden to grow my own food and this is how I will fight the corporate powers

yes!!!! That's exactly what I meant when I was writing about forests today. A balm for eco anxiety is to plant and learn and grow in your local environment.

I love your food forest... such an inspiration!!!!

Ugh.. I get so sick of herbal companies promoting this cough syrup or that one. . The big ones I mean.. corporate. Its so easy to make our own!!

Thank you and I agree with you. We must be on the same wavelength today. Your post is beautifully written. You wrote exactly what I was thinking but expressed much better! We plant more fruit trees every year. We must do what we can, however small in order to change the world.

Oh thanks for reading it! It's one of those ones that took ages but I threw it into the void and I think it got lost in the piles. Never mind. We must be channelling the same energy for sure!! I had to stop planting fruit trees as my husband doesnt really eat fruit - grr - and we just cant get enough water up to them at the moment. I do think we should just do what we can, even if we seem really small and insignificant!

I am dreaming a life that is full yet simple. I want to live off grid and self sustaining where I grow all I need. Perhaps, this is just a dream. I don't have enough money to buy atleast 2 acre of land plus my kids are to young. They need to go kinder garten, elementary, high school and college. I need money for them.

Start small. I believe we all have big dreams but just because you can't make your dreams come true right now doesn't mean you should do nothing at all towards that dream. Why not start let's say a pot of cilantro (if you are a cilantro lover)? That's one thing you don't have to buy anymore at the store and a first step towards self sufficiency. It does not cost much money and you get to observe plants grow and learn in the meantime.

fantastic entry with a subject matter that is so close to my own heart. really enjoyed reading this. thanks for your inspiring entry! <3

Thank you for hosting the contest! I have read lots of great entries already. You guys are going to have a hard time picking the winner!

you are so welcome. i'm honored so many took part. we did have a hard time lol! mr green won the big delegation, but we sent you 50 too!! thanks so much for being here! xx

Great post. I really enjoyed reading about your food forest. It all matters the gmo’s are ruining our health. Noticing more food and resources are being sold with no gmos, hoping this and people like yourself will help to change the way people think. 🐓🐓

I am happy to see more and more people are aware of GMOs and all the man made chemicals that are ruining our health. Glad to see the public fighting Monsanto but we still have a lot of work to do. If everyone takes a small step, I think we can band together and flight the corporate powers. Thank you for your comment!

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