
you don't live sparingly, you live like a pauper feeding your family rotten vegetables and deer corn and not allowing them the convenience of hot tap water. You don't save money you spend every cent you have on junk and toys.

I think you are not watching my videos.

It is clear on my videos that we are happy and comfortable.

They have stuff because of your viewers not because of you Troy. Look at your video where you had your viewers pay for her then pay to get her her (so romantic going to make a great story when Michelle gets older and ask how you two met) then had your viewers and family buy her clothes. Then BAM you had 2 mini kids bikes. Yep you provide

Oh, I get it, you are keeping Ming a Ling drugged up so she doesn't realize she has it so bad. Good thinking otherwise she will leave you and get child support like maybe half your bedini motors

It is sad that you cannot understand happiness.

You would rather dwell on hating others.

I understand that I hate only one person on earth- you. I understand that the greatest happiness for me has been providing a great life for my family. I understand that its a man's duty to always try to improve upon the lives of the people that depend on them. I understand that I can hold my head up high anywhere I go. I understand that you are a mouse of a man that the internet has allowed you to beg for your livelihood from strangers believing you need their hard earned money more than they do. I understand that if you had to beg at walmart people would beat the shit out of you for being a leach on the ass of society. I most definitely do understand happiness and thank God for his blessings every day. Any questions- idiot

[-]jessiescott (4) · 55 minutes ago
@thediyworld ,, no i will not fucking consider quietly . this pertains to you and your lying coniving dishonest ways , bearing false witness is going to bite you in the ass TROY , all we are doing is making the community awre of your decietful practices so as to hopefully allow them to see for themselves your ways of abomination . No one is doing a damn thing to YOUR FAMILY ........ only professing the truth about you , TROY WILLIAM REID . I think maybe you should consider ............... why have you been plaqued by so many public detractors ? why have you failed to acomplish any task / project properly ? why did you have to go outside of the US to find a companion ? why have YOU KNOWINGLY ALIGNED YOURSELF WITH MANY PEOPLE OF UNJUST AND IMMORALE CHARACTER ...... IE ..... ANTHONY SCOTT WILLIAMS , PASTOR OF YOUR "CHURCH" WHICH HAS BEENINTERNATIONALLY INDENTIFIED AS A CULT .... DAVAD HANSON , WHOM YOU KNEW AFORE HAND TO BE A CONVICTED PAEDOPHLIE, BUT STILL WENT TO HIS HOME STATE OF CONNETICUTT AND TRANSPORTED ACROSS STATE LINE ILLEGALLY , WHITH OUT NOTIFYING HIS PAROLE OFFICER , EXPOSED HIM TO SEVERAL YOUNG CHILDREN WHILE HE WAS AT YOUR COMPOUND IN PINEBUSH NY ALL THE WHILE KNOWING HIS BACKGROUND IN FULL ... AND THEN THERE IS TIMOTHY CAREY .......... AN AIRMAN IN THE USAF STATIONED AT ALTUS AIRFORCE BASE IN OKLAHOMA , HE WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH HAVING BOBMB MAKING SUPPLIES IN HIS POSSESION AND ALSO MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS TO BLOW UP A LOCAL WALMART ........... HE SENT YOU TRIP WIRE DEVICES TO YOUR COMPOUND IN PINE BUSH NY , ALONG WITH OTHER MATERIALS YOU REFUSED TO SHOW OR MENTION ... AND THEN THERE IS LEE , I CAN'T REMEMBER HIS FULL YOU TUBE NAME, THAT MADE THE DESPICABLE VIDEO CLAIM ING DOC WAS A PAEDOPHILE , IN WHICH YOU COMMENTED ......... LEE I LOVE YOU BROTHER .

because your wife and child suffer because of your selfishness,thats why. cast your bread upon the waters asshole. this is not about you anymore. get a job besides screwing around on the internet all day along with all the failed projects you start and never finish. yull find you have more money to spend.

You have no right to tell me where to work.

I enjoy my job actually.

I would much more enjoy it if your friends stopped harassing us online and in the real world.

[-]troyreidlies (35) · 1 minute ago
I understand that I hate only one person on earth- you. I understand that the greatest happiness for me has been providing a great life for my family. I understand that its a man's duty to always try to improve upon the lives of the people that depend on them. I understand that I can hold my head up high anywhere I go. I understand that you are a mouse of a man that the internet has allowed you to beg for your livelihood from strangers believing you need their hard earned money more than they do. I understand that if you had to beg at walmart people would beat the shit out of you for being a leach on the ass of society. I most definitely do understand happiness and thank God for his blessings every day. Any questions- idiot

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