
and a crock pot tied to the grid. Not fooling anyone there Einstein

During peak solar power production I have 1,600 watts of solar power on the homestead.

No you don't solar retard, with 1600 watts rated times 60% = 960 watts or about 1000 watts max. You never get rated cause rated is at 1000m2 sunlight which never happens. Average yield is 60% rated. After 5 years you would think you would have the slightest clue about solar and why your batteries are always ruined and dead. LYING FRAUD pretending to know something.

Troy why do you bother with these contentious tards?

I know your a supporter of his. I'm not. But Troy doesn't take advice from anyone. Neither friend or foe.

Not using it in the shack. You are counting most of it being 200 yds away in the spank shack. You did not use the generator box in the soap video.

Troy you are using half truths to lie again. you have NO single power system with 1600 watts. You have several different clusters of power that might total 1600 but that's it. Quit lying and maybe you could have somethings you never had , credibility.

I wonder why Troy said "even my church thinks I am lying" Bugger of Hell said so right on one of his Youtube videos.

@thediyworld, You pretended to make soap on the wood stove.
It was made on the electric stove.
There was no fire burning in that wood stove that day.

Your recent Solar Fraud Updates video today proves you don't heat with wood.
It was filmed to show a fire, first time used.

Just props.

did you notice the look that baby had for trog? She looked like she was scared of him. Babies that age smile and laugh and get all excited when people they love talk to them. I hope he hasn't been hurting her.

I think the reason for CPS to send a home nurse is getting clear. They usually try to keep the child with the parents even when reports of abuse have taken place. The look that kid had on her face was saddening thinking what must be going through her mind. Hope CPS gets off their asses and does something about this.

Troy's interaction with that child is pretty clear:

  1. poke r her like some animal in a pet store.
  2. yell at Mel to put that baby in the car so he can shoot his his video in peace.
    He shows more affection to the cats than he does to Michelle.

And there you go with your smear campaign.

What you are doing is criminal.

Unless you have hardcore proof of what you state, then you are criminal.

Harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

Actually troy you would come across better if you told people you heated with propane than the story you want told which is you live in the extreme cold of northern Michigan and being about the poorest man on earth you heat entirely with wood and you ran out mid December. Sounds like an idiot if that's what you want people to believe. Then there is the fact you have commented that you wood stove is much too large for the little shack and you bought a much smaller one which would be much safer than you know- waking up dead, but no you have not installed the small one that I several times mentioned was in the video but not hooked up. Lazy and taking a big chance on burning your families shack down but you can always go back to the third world country and buy another wife/slave

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