
@thediyworld, You have been using the phrase "free entertainment" as a catch-all excuse to NOT have an honest or truthful business model.

Business model??

We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

Just YouTube videos for your FREE entertainment.

You have no business running a business if you can't talk business

Umm, its videos. Just YouTube videos for your FREE entertainment.

Odd, your comment.

Troy Reid you are full of crap... You do not make video of your daily life.. You shoot videos and splice them to cover a week or so... Holy crap, it is no secret I don't like you... but you never stop to surprise me at how much of a douche bag you are and lying to people....

As for your "Free" shit... dude, really that has to stop... you are ridiculous... You don't do it for "free" you even said somewhere you did not post this or this video because it could not be monetized.... What a moron you are...

And as for your possible stupid argument that the "viewer" is not paying for your videos.. Google is signing your pay cheque: Well captain meadow ghoul... without viewers watching the ads in your boring videos... there would not be any pay cheque.. so stop saying it is for free... that is moronic.

And as per today, consider yourself lucky that Google didnt shut you down yet with your purchased subs and crappy content... But I can tell you one thing, don't sleep too well tonight or tomorrow.. because there will always be people who will be more then happy to tell Google... I am one of them.

I never saw someone as shameless as you are... in my entire life! You actually are a disgusting person as a whole... Usually, I try to find a faint light into anyone .. with you... I just give up...

It is free to the viewer. You and your friends are ranting and raving all kinds of garbage.

You do not have to pay a cent to watch my videos. Its FREE to you.

FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE. Yes I will say it again. FREE

We make videos of our daily lives for your FREE entertainment.

If you do not believe us that is fine.

You are not forced to be here. You are not forced to watch our videos.

And you are certainly NOT WANTED here harassing me like this.

Its very simple. Dont like my videos. LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Troy, you know what cracks me up about you? You think you are so smart... You think you got that Steem It thing perfectly "studied:" and that interacting with the "trolls" is building you up... Here is a few scoops for you: Everything you do is a disaster to you and everyone around you.... Maple Syrup, Pallet wood coasters, Goats, chicken eggs, chicken meat.... etc... Dude, you are a babbling idiot.... you have the entrepreneurship of a mushroom... The day you realize your limitations, your family will strive.

You are not someone who can teach anyone anything... You are someone who needs to be told what to do and how to do it..

What is sad is you think of yourself as some kind of genius or innovator.. but in facts... you are not... down to the stupid idea of connecting capacitors to your "show truck" thinking you are so smart... Well, dear moron... there is thousands upon thousands of qualified engineers who looked into it before you.... and guess what,
there is still a battery in the hood instead of capacitors... i wonder why.... Oh.... while we are wondering.... do you even wonder if MAYBE the electrical problems in your truck might be slightly related to your "capacitor experiments"... of course not.... so much easier to say a troll drove hundred of miles to do it then to say you are a fucking idiot....

As for the free thing... not everyone on earth is as obsessed as you are withe the "FREE" thing... of FREE for the taking... which is your code word for: Dumpster diving and Taking without asking

You freaking pack as many ads as you possibly can on any videos you make... Dumb ass, who wants to watch a 3 minutes video on how to measure a table saw blade with 3 ads... really? Ever heard of a tape measure? Goes a long way... So does a level and a square.... but apparently all those are optional in your projects.

As for the don't like videos.. Indeed... the few I watch, I make sure I press the down button... not for the public, since you hide them... but so you know that there is one more person on this earth that think you are an idiot.

You want me to leave? By all mean, I will, the day you freaking stop running your circus....

I think your sister and your mom already told you about that... but hey... Troy knows best right?

By the way, you freaking skirt to answer the hard questions that were ask to you....and people notice... DO NOT bother to ask those people to repeat those questions just so you can can get more traffic... do your homework and look through your freaking steem history your lazy ass....

No. I am just showing YouTube videos of our daily lives for your FREE entertainment.

You can believe it or not. Your choice.

Does not matter.

Its FREE entertainment so either enjoy it or leave.

Anyone who hates the videos - who harasses the video maker - who does not leave - is a big - fat - TROLL.

  1. You are not showing Youtube Videos of your daily life... You are recording 1 day for 20 minutes and regurgitate it on youtube over a week span.

  2. it is not "free" as the viewer as to watch advertisement, which profits your sorry ass

  3. Because I think you are an unskilled idiot makes me a troll? I guess that makes us family because your own sister and mom kinda likes me and seems to agree a lot more with me then with you...

how was your latest t-shirt sale? I mean with 102,000 subs, must have been at least 1% success rate right? 1000 t-shirts? Ohhh... let's be conservative.... 0.5%.... 500 t-shirts? still crazy talk right? about 0.01% ? that's 100 t-shirts... Oh? still didn't make that mark? That's very curious isn't you freaking scammer!

you are such a freaking shame to everyone around you... I never thought I would say that.. But Doc's solution might be the only one.. GO jump off a cliff already... and man did I ever dreaded to say that... but honestly, I see no good in you... none at all.... you are like a human parasite

Another one of you ranting about its not free?

You do not pay a cent to watch my videos.

Therefore I have no obligation to do anything you ask or say.

Its just youtube videos of our daily lives.

If you dont like it, if you dont believe it, then leave.

I just dont get you guys.

There is no need to harass us.

Its just YouTube videos of our daily lives.

Its just YouTube videos of our daily lives.

If you dont like it - go away.

Anything else is harassment and cyber bullying which is a crime.

What's wrong Troy? Talked to your family and now you realized I am right?

Dude, seriously, put your life together and I will leave you alone and so are everyone else.. You are trolling yourself... put it in your head, you are not a genius, you are not a celebrity, you are just a regular joe (at best) ...

@divecrewcanada I can’t imagine how I would feel if someone publicly verbally laid me out as you have done to Troy. What makes a person continually lie and be so impervious to honesty, decency and any sense of shame? I can barely think of any positive character traits that Troy possesses.

I am right there with you and that's why I do not care about bitch slapping him for the world to see... he is a species of his own... the Homo Liarus DoucheBaggus

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

There is no need for you to harass us like this.

You are still avoiding the questions and statements... Why are you saying "US"... I certainly having nothing against Michelle... It is not her fault that she ended up with you as a father. As for Melanie... if I had something against her, don't you think I would have posted on her social media presence? No, my beef is with YOU and your absolute laziness.

So, are you still telling people that Danielle, your sister, had a McD hamburger under her bed for "months" or "years" ? Do you still claim that you are saying the truth...

Troy you are a liar, and what is puzzling is that lies you say don't even have a purpose... You just try to make yourself interesting.

Did you see what MoMT bought for HIS daughter? What did you buy for YOUR daughter... a freaking plastic bin to sleep in...

"Making daily videos" is also a lie... and you keep repeating it...

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

There is no need for you to harass us like this.

If you do not like our videos or believe us then leave.

But your group of "good people" are now trying to get Melanie deported and Michelle taken away from us.

Do you honestly feel good about being associated with that?

I mean, you continue to talk so innocent but yet hang out with people who are trying to destroy us.

And I blocked you long ago.

Whaaah. Wipe the tears off. Grow up. Be a man instead of a child.

Walk away.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

There is no need for you to harass us like this.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

There is no need for you to harass us like this.

I'm still waiting for Troy to prove how we have harassed him

Its just YouTube videos of our daily lives.

If you dont like it - go away.

Anything else is harassment and cyber bullying which is a crime.

Its just YouTube videos of our daily lives.

If you dont like it - go away.

Anything else is harassment and cyber bullying which is a crime.

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