Hot Day Sorting Out Electronics Lab & Off Grid Battery Shed

in #homesteading7 years ago

It was a hot day at the homestead so I worked in my off grid electronics lab where the solar power batteries and charge controllers are. The electronics lab powers my off grid wood shop as well.

I am sharing our experiences since we moved to our new 18 acre homestead. When I get caught up then we will be sharing our daily videos and articles as they occur.

The electronica lab was cooler than anywhere else on the homestead and I am still sorting things out.

I have two live long dreams realized on this homestead. One is to have an electronics lab and the other is to have a real wood shop. The cool part is that they are both fully off the grid and powered by the sun.

Watch the video:

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Follow and comment on my steem channel where we share our adventures on our 18 acre homestead which we are taking off the grid.


Its starting to come together. Hope you get it all sorted soon. Love your channel.

Thank you. Yes, I am still sorting and setting up shop even now, after all this time. Thanks for watching/reading.

thanks for sharing

Please ignore the comments from the trolls that follow.

And please do not engage them for your own safety.

Thank you

Is Timothy a friend of yours? Wasn't he incarcerated for a bit there?

Oh, you mean because of you guys:

[troll takes credit for FBI raid on my home]

This was my friend attempting to help me set up a silent LED alert board to let me know when your friends came to harass me again. It was getting so bad that I could not sleep at night.

Tim sent me some clothes pins with screws in them to use with wires, leading to an LED display inside my RV. This would let me know where you guys were coming onto the property.

You guys did a good one on me that time.

The FBI are mean.

But again you guys failed. I came away squeaky clean again. A bit shaken. A bit sweaty from the FBI scaring me. But squeaky clean.

Tim was maybe a bit wiser. He went into hiding from your attacks after that.

I dont have any options left but to keep trying to make a living online though since you guys have destroyed my life and slandered me all over the place.

Dive Crew Canada is one of your friends - right? I mean he is on the forum with you guys. He is here attacking me with your guys.

Funny thing is that guy has a business he runs and uses his business name to harass people and turn them in illegally on false charges.

I wonder if there is a time limit with the FBI for people who use them to harass innocent people?

And hey, its on the block chain now. Its forever :)

As previously promised Troy here is another short story about the displaced NYer now residing in Michigan . How the two fellows met and aided each other in their times of need . Let us begin shall we .

Our hero was building an empire in a beautiful meadow but he was a hoarder . He loved to collect junk . Driving along country roads gathering broken treasures left abandoned . Over time his findings grew to massive proportions . Junk piles everywhere among the 50 or so acres . Junk piles upon previous piles . Some items hadn't seen daylight in millennia . Needless to say our trooper was ashamed by the spectacle before his eyes and needed a solution to his cleanliness woes .

In now steps Nicky Neckbrace ( will now be identified as NN ) How the two met is open to speculation . Chances are they met at the local coffee shop . After a little casual conversation a light went on in the mans head . It was apparent NN was downtrodden and later revealed to be disease stricken . That light grew in intensity , slowly and ever increasing to a point it distinguished the sun above . Here , right here , standing before him was the answer to his prayers .

He will give NN shelter : An old decrepit motorhome to rest his weary bones after a day of toil .
He will give NN food : Scraps of edibles left over from his very own table .

While NN brings order from chaos to his empire our hero will put to film the stricken blokes daily struggles to right the wrongs his hoarding had brought forth . Between naps , hydration breaks and food consumption our hero video taped NNs achievements cleaning the dumpstead to it's former glory .

But alas , after many months the task proved to be overwhelming and was doomed to failure . As with all hoarders our hero continued to add MORE junk . Not that NN was an incompetent worker . Hell no , the poor fellow toiled from sunup until sundown . From behind spotless windows our hero witnessed NNs daily accomplishments , periodically offering a little encouragement in way of prayer . Our hero was forced to flee from this unfinished endeavor and abandon NN along with his ruined meadow . Forces at work made living at the property unfeasible . Why you ask ?

I will supply you with answers to the hero's flight in the next installment .

Did you enjoy this story Troy ? I want your honest opinion .

Yea, wasn't his nickname T.J. and wasn't he a pedophile or is this guy another pedo?

This one was calling in terrorist bomb threats.
But of course Reid will cry troll. There is news media on this one,

Don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better known as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, and it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reid’s suckers make it out to be.

Google "Timothy Carey New York Bomb Threat" to get the story from the press.

He was hiding out at Reids as Reid states in his statement below Hence the FBI investigation.

No one cares if your 2 spank sheds are supposedly off grid. You still claim your trailer and cabin are 95% off grid, yet you have no batteries, inverter or charge controller hooked up there. You lied directly to me when you said that you ran your mini washer using off grid electricity in your bathroom. Stop the constant lies and fess up.

I have shown many times how we use solar power in our home. The solar panels are connected to an inverter and we run an extension cord to power our needs in the chalet.

We use battery powered solar charged LED lighting at night and laptops on batteries. An LED sits beside me right now as I type this on my laptop battery power.

And we both have tablets for lower power consumption when the laptop batteries are low. Tablets can be charged using portable lithium ion power packs which are charged in the electronics lab.

We use the sun to cook with as well now.

I can run the extension cord and a power strip to anything I want to power inside the house. The fridge uses most of the power though at this time. During peak sunlight, as when I did the laundry in the bathroom, we can power the fridge and washing machine at the same time from the 600 watts of solar panels.

I charge up my small devices in the fully off grid electronics shop as needed. Battery packs and power backup devices are also charged in the electronics shop.

My LED flashlights are also charged in the electronics shop. I have 800 watts of power going to the main battery bank and I have the original RV battery bank I am using for small things.

The Bedini motor will soon be powered by the old RV battery bank permanently.

If you ran the mini washer on solar in the bathroom, why did you make this comment?

Why did you have to haul it all that distance to the sheds to run it on solar power? You already said that you will have solar power extended to the bathroom, which implies that you don’t have it yet. You haven’t shown this mysterious inverter yet, and you can’t run appliances without a charge controller and batteries as well. Why not show your setup, instead of posting cringey videos of you acting the fool on your couch? The reason you don’t show it is because there is no setup. Why aren’t you posting on Topbuzz any more? Have you given up on that already?

Its an extension cord!! How many times do I have to repeat myself?

I plan to wire up the garage soon and run some wires into the tiny house permanently instead of having an extension cord.

I have shown our setup on video a couple times already. Boy, you guys are like a broken record that cannot be fixed.

Oh yeah. Topbuzz - You guys ran me off that too

I was making money on there!!!!

Do you feel good now?

I keep asking because you keep on refusing to answer honestly. How can you run appliances off solar panels via an extension chord? What happens when clouds hide the sun? Without batteries, that setup wont work. Answer truthfully and I’ll let it go.

That was a very safe call!

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