
You should be able to buy a bag of organic potatoes from the grocery store then try to chit them. Way cheaper. If they chit, they're seed potatoes. If they don't, they're dinner. I lucked out and found an entire bag of small white potatoes completely chitted. Don't have anywhere prepared to plant them, mostly because haven't figured out bug control and slowly working on the higher priority stuff. Like you I have to go easy and in stages. Your planter looks great, btw!

that is how I got the seeds for my red potatoes just waiting to see if any of the Russets I have sprout eyes.

Ahhh I see you know that trick =p

Tbh I've never had luck with potatoes. Blister beetles and tabacco hornworms have demolished the tops of ours the last 3 yrs. I think russets are long season. Maybe they are later to chit. I've got some I'm trying to chit now. Wish you luck!

I have always had good luck with potatoes. But this year we are on new land. This is our first grow season here. So we will see how well we produce.

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