
I have seen you post that on many articles. You actually seem to spam the same comments over and over which is probably why your account has been getting flagged last couple days. I will remove the flag if you will remove your comment afterwards.

We are a group os girls. Which comment?

The original comment on this post. You spam commented on my post and did not even up vote the post. I want the Images worth thousands of words comment on my post removed since it is the same comment you have posted on lots of other post. Do not spam comments on any of my post again or I will start flagging all your comments. I am going to remove your flag and I expect the comment to be deleted.

Only going to wait a little longer for you to remove your comments. What is the point of spam commenting all these post? You are not making any up votes on any of your comments and you have almost 2700 comments on an account worth less the $20. What is the point? You have to the 1 hour mark to get these comments removed or I will flag them both.

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