Walk With Me Around the Farm This Morning


Quite foggy this morning... Time to make the rounds...


Grain got a little frosty, using a shovel to break it up and get it out. We feed soured grain...


Haha, "Wow Arrowdog, you are really getting into that deer leg bone!"


Pretty girls slurping their frosty grain candy


Hennies enjoying the thaw...


Their winter digs:


"Lay me an egg for my hungry, hungry tummy..."


Time to see the sheep, "Hello sheep!"



They get the good salt too, essential minerals..


Magical manure on the garden beds, resting for Spring


Good Day!!!!



Love the walk around your farm, especially the woolly sheep!

Thank you! They are so peaceful and bring me joy to watch them and try to photograph them!

Lovely space thanks for showing us around! 💯🐒

My pleasure! Thank you!!

Enjoyed the pictures of the farm. What breed of goats do u raise?

Thanks! Nubians and Alpines currently...

looking gorgeous. animals looking plump. what can be better, except if those chickens laid some eggs?!! lol

Haha! Indeed! Thank you!

Oh my such wonderful photos! I really love doggo's smile hehe. Pretty does! I take it that's a nubian on the left and NGD on the right? I have two NGD & an alpine ^_^ Bahaha the look on the rhodesian red hen's face paired with your comment made me laugh. Sheep look happy, what type of sheep are they? Might get sheep in the future in our little offgrid community but don't want them to be too much bigger than the goats. Do you keep them together?

Thank you! Yes I thought that was a funny capture... I don't think he knew he was still making that face when he looked up .... We have Shetland sheep, they are actually kept separate from the goats... Yep we raise Nubians and Alpines...

Hi @schoonercreek. Where are you actually at. I will repeat here that the magic your post inherit ensorcels me! Also this one resteemed.

Hello! Eastern United States... Thank you so very much!!!

You’re animals look so healthy and happy! Thanks for the tour.

Thank you! It is fun to share.

Awww, your hennies are sooooooo cute!! Are their winter digs your greenhouse? We let ours rule the greenhouses here in the winter, it keeps them so warm and plenty of places to dust bath. Thanks for the #walkwithme!

Thank you!!! It was fun. We made them a small/miniature greenhouse for their winter house. It is about 12 feet long, 6 feet wide, and about 5 feet tall. It definitely keeps them warm!!

Wow! Quite the flock and herd :) It looks to be a very happy farm.

How do you like your mobile chicken house design?

Thank you! We like it a lot! This is the cold weather version, and in the summer it's more airy. Easy to move around...

Nice! It looks well constructed and lightweight :)

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