Why Wild Turkeys Cross The Road

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

About 5 months ago, I shared a story from my neighbourhood related to a female turkey hen who had layed a clutch of 12 eggs in the Spring. I closely followed this process because I had never witnessed a wild turkey laying eggs or raising her poults before. (Poults are what baby turkey chicks are called.)

Of The 12 Eggs Layed, 10 Fully Incubated And Hatched

They were so sweet and small.

Wild turkeys are exceptionally smart birds. They have a keen sense of sight and hearing. As a result not much gets by them and you pretty much have to sneak up on them to photography them. On this day, I used my car (as cover) but you can see that the hen knows that I am there. She was nervously watching me as I observed her and her family. She is looking directly at me and exhibiting caution.

Over the next 2 months, the young jakes (male turkeys) and the young jennys (female turkeys) grew.


The mother hen has been working very hard to raise this flock. You can see that she is still teaching them valuable survival skills like how to forage and stick together as a cohesive group.

I Continued To Observe The Flock Month After Month

Last week I had another opportunity to photography the flock again. It was about 10:30 in the morning and I just happened to be home, so I grabbed my camera and took a few quick snapshots.


The birds are all full-size now and all 10 of the original poults had survived. This, (I have learned today) is unusual.

A 10% survival rate is normal

In about 2 weeks time, they will be 5 months old and this is generally when the flock will separate. The jakes will join a flock with other Toms (older male turkey) and the jenny's will join a female flock along with their mother. In both cases, a pecking order within each flock will be established.


It is true, I have developed a soft spot for this flock over the last 5 months. It was hard not to.


They have been regular visitors to our property and I feel like I have been part of their growth and development.


Here they are, almost knocking on my neighbour's door. They are gorgeous birds and are exceptionally healthy.

Moments after I took this photo, I went back into my own house and that's when it happened.

Most Of The Flock Crossed The Road, Except For One Straggler.

When she realized that she had been separated from the group, instinct took over and she made every effort to re-join her flock.

She flew right into an oncoming work van and broke her neck.

The people driving the van could do nothing...but they did stop and at least they took her for their table.

With great sadness, I cleaned up my front yard and the road so that no one would have to look at the carnage.


I saved her best feathers and currently have them drying in my basement. I will be giving them to my Mohawk and Anishinaabe friends because turkey feathers are considered sacred. They represent pride, abundance and fertility.

 My wish in all of this, is that every part of the bird that can be, is put to the best use.

A gentle word of advice to anyone who drives in wild turkey country: if you see a turkey on the side of the road that's become separated from a larger flock on the other side, expect that turkey to try to reach the safety of the flock.

This Is Often "Why" Turkeys Cross The Road

They instinctively want to join the safety of their flock. 

Turkeys can run as fast as  40 kph  (or 25 mph) and they can fly up to 88 kph (or 55 mph) for short distances.

Please take your time and proceed with caution.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...we will be respecting nature as we go.

~ Rebecca Ryan




So well started the story and so sadly ended. It's a pity, death is always scary.

It really has been a journey with these birds. I realize that this is how life works and I do take peace in knowing that the bird's life wasn't completely wasted. It nourished people and the feathers will be incorporated into art and possible even adorn a peace pipe. All is not lost.
PS: please look at what has happened to the vote on your comment. Thanks for hanging in there with me through thick and thin @magnata. I appreciate it. ;)

That is so nice that you have followed this hen turkey in raising her young poults. And the sadness of seeing the results of one of them getting killed by accident. That is tough for anyone.
Thank you for showing all this to us. Maybe next year you will get to do the same thing over again. I hope so.
We need more wild turkeys and other wild animals. They are so fun to watch and observe.


It has been a fantastic opportunity to learn about this bird.
I can thank Steemit for motivating me to get out and photography, research and write about the things in life that interest me. Never in a million years did I ever think I would be a walking advocate for the wild turkey, yet here we are. LOL! Thanks for hanging in there with me Francis. PS: Look what has happened to the vote attached to your comment. ;)

I know. I am dancing now.
It is because first of all you did your work and then our friend did his.
Then we all win. I love it.
And I want to increase my Steem Power over the next few days/weeks too.
Thank you.


It is wonderful Francis! I was shocked when I saw that my post had been recognized and then even more shocked to see that most of the early comments were fairly substantial in that people really seemed to grasp the magnitude of my full experience. It was so nice to see them also received this same level of attention and consideration. That's exactly how the platform is suppose to work. Groups of people communicating about topics that mean something to them.

Wild in Turkey is very good as the nature of Turkey is vegetarian
Wild animals love and love plants very much
I see some of the pictures of some beautiful plant birds and see them enjoy their existence because they love these kinds of good plant land for wild life there
Very good content and great effort my girlfriend

Thank you for your comment @walidsalah!
It is beautiful to watch Mother Nature at work all around us. Within the plants, the creatures and within ourselves if we slow down long enough to take a look at what is happening all around us.
PS: Have a look at the sbd that have been pledged to your comment and your rep score. That is a gift in all of this. ;)

Thank you so much my dear friend
I hope to always be in progress

I have every confidence that you will be @walidsalah!
I was so happy for you yesterday! It's nice to be acknowledged for your participation and contribution to Steemit. ;)

Thank you so much my dear friend
All this confidence is due to your support for me from the beginning until now
My friendship will remain to the end

@rebeccaryan - Oh ma'm, sorry to hear this bad news... Once you shared photography of them & I understood you are watching them closely.... So, I could understand how you feel now.... & as you questioned from yourself I also feel 'Why Wild Turkeys Cross The Road' & 'Why that driver got no chance to push the brake?'

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thanks so much for commenting and thinking about this @steemwija.
I really think the driver could do nothing...the bird flew right in front of him at the wrong time for the bird. She was scared and knew that she was in danger because she'd become separated from her family. She just tried to get to them and in the process flew right into the van. She died instantly from her injuries...at least that's what I am telling myself. :(
Onto happier news as a result...look at the sbd that have been pledged for your comment. Yahoo!! I'm so excited for you. ;)

We have lots of wild turkeys here in Central New Jersey. I always enjoy seeing them in my travels. One time a few of them had gotten out of the woods and on the wrong side of a chain-link fence. They were frantically trying to figure out how to get back into the woods.

Nice post!!!

Poor Wild Turkey! You made great photography about them! But after all it reveals an ugly truth about life! But that van driver should try to stop his vehicle! Because, he has intelligence than this poor Turkey! Who knows he purposely hit that poor Turkey!
Finally I would like to say I wish that Turkey will not get suck kind of unfortunate in the next life! We called it as Karma!

It is my thinking (after observing the behaviour of these birds) that it was completely an unfortunate accident. The bird desperately tried to re-join her flock or family. In a blind panic, she flew right into the van and hit it as it was traveling down the road. It was sad and as you have said, it is the ugly side of life.
On a brighter side, look at the SBD that have been pledged for your comment. Thank you for all your support @theguruasia. I really appreciate it. ;)

Yeah it can be happened! But if I am not mistaken the road infront of your house is not a main road! So, Van driver should follow the speed limits! Just imagine it was not a poor bird, it was a poor child then what will happen!
Yeah the brighter side of the accident is I got $12 worth big shots from you :D Still have no idea how did you force blocktrades to vote for us :D Actually it helped a lot, but I am reading your posts not for rewards! It always teach me something new, something I never known before! Let's say a kind of social university!
Thank you very much friend!


Wow! These amazing shots! I love the turkey birds, and especially when i see them walking with their little babies! When i went in Morocco last time i visited the family of my father in village, they have so much turkey birds and another kind of birds, they was very beautiful, and the female turkey didn't let's me to touch her babies, hshaha, it was very funny 😂, she followed me.

Oh my goodness @creativewoman! You took a chance with the Mother turkey because they will aggressively attack if you come between her and her chicks. Did she chase you?
On another note, have a look at the SBD that have been pledged for your comment. I am so happy for you, my friend. :)

nice post, it's too sad to hear that one turkey died while crossing the road, i like your suggestion that we all have to drive with extreme caution if we see a turkey or any running bird crosses the road we need to pay the special attention to them and help them cross the road, well all the birds looks so healthy and beautiful and i hope they get mature soon, Stay happy and blessed and thanks for sharing.

Thank you @adnanrabbani. It was an unfortunate accident. It certainly has taught me this valuable lesson. These birds are taught by their Mother as soon as they hatch, to respond to her call of danger when it exists. When they hear this, they do everything they can to become one big cohesive group...even if that means flying right into vehicles as they try to rejoin their flock or family. Thanks for your comment. On another note, look at the sbd that have been pledged for your comment. I am thrilled for you, my friend. :)

So sorry about your turkey family. It's easy to get attached to animals, even if they aren't our pets. Life is hard for wild animals, that's for sure. I'm glad you have connections so the killed turkey doesn't go to waste. I had a big surprise 2 days ago -- for the first time ever, a flock of wild turkeys came into my yard! I thought of you and your turkeys. There were only 8 in the group that visited me. They shed some feathers while they were visiting. I hope they come back! And I hope that your turkey flock remains strong and healthy - every one of them.

Thank you so much for your kind words and compassion @haphazard-hstead. I admit, I was upset but I also took comfort in knowing that the bird was going to nourish people and I know her feathers will be used to create beautiful art which will stand the test of time. It is magically when they appear and I hope that the flock that has visited you, makes your property part of their range or territory. :)

Seriously brought me to the tears :/ i have no words to say ! :'( one got killed :( they are so innocent i believe every birds are innocent arent they ? i really feel sad for the one who died !

When she realized that she had been separated from the group, instinct took over and she made every effort to re-join her flock.
She flew ight into an oncoming work van and broke her neck.
The people driving the van could do nothing...but they did stop and at least they took her for their table.
With great sadness, I cleaned up my front yard and the road so that no one would have to look at the carnage.

But i must salute you ! that you have followed this hen turkey in raising her young poults. thats really so nice and kind of you ! :') God Bless you @rebeccaryan ! other birds look happy and healthy ! :)

Thank you so much for your kind words @hassanabid. I really appreciate it.

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