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RE: A Few Thoughts on Tinker's Bubble...

in #homesteading5 years ago

This is indeed interesting, and you put two sides of the coin across very well Carl.

I've gotta say one thing about them though, they're commited to the ethos to which they prescribe, much more so than many people. It is quite extreme though. While I was reading the end section I kept thinking, why aren't they using more renewable energy sources to make life easier. Ditch all fossil fuels I'm on board with, but living in the cold in winter seems a bit mad if it's possible to stock pile energy. Which is doable these days. if you produce excess solar/wind/hydro during one part of the year, you can feed it into the national Grid then claim it back when needed. I'm not sure of the details about this but I know such a thing is possible.

One of my old friends sisters lives in a similar freegan community somewhere down south. I haven't seen her in over 10 years but I know they live completely sustainably. I'm not sure if they're as strict as tinker's bubble though.

he shouldn’t have to pay tax on the basis that to do so compromises his right to live a radically sustainable lifestyle, given that to pay tax is to pay the government to pollute more than he does!

Ha ha, I have to agree with him on that. What services are the government providing him with? I suppose the right not to be thrown in jail for showing that there is an alternative to the system. Don't get me wrong, I can see it's a bloody hard time following that alternative, but these people do show that it's possible if you're prepared to make a lot of sacrifices.

Cheers for another interesting read m8

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they certainly are committed!

I wonder where that other Freegan community is, there really aren't that many in the UK! Devon/ Somerset - quite a big focus for them though.

I'm always surprised more people haven't heard of these alternative communities!

This one's a bit too extreme for me TBH. As you say, a bit of tech compromise these days would make it (1) more appealing and (2) just easier!

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