
Haha are you able to keep that excitement all through summer too?

Yeah, there's something new to be excited about all through the summer. Planting and harvesting and foraging and learning and seed saving. It's always felt like magic to me, since I was a little girl and Gram was teaching me and showing me how it all worked together. God just has this perfect plan that plays out like an amazing fairy tale for me to watch every year. It starts with impossibly tiny seeds that have everything they need, right inside, to become plants, sometimes huge plants, in just a few weeks. And those plants, from a hand full of seeds, provide food that fills my pantry and freezer and piles up high on my counter. The sun and the rain and all the pollinators and the soil, all provided for me. So many miracles taking place to make it all happen with very little assistance from me. What's not to be excited about? 🌱☔🌿🌞🌻🐝🍎💚😎

This is so inspiring. I'm a winter woman...and that's when I feel the most alive! So, to think of summer and all it brings as a fairy tale is fantastic!

Oh, when winter comes, it'll be my favorite too. lol lots of time for reading and reflecting. A throw blanket in the arm of every piece of furniture. All those ridiculous fuzzy socks that Gram gets for all the girls in the family finally get worn. And best of all, no matter how humble your home is, no matter what needs fixed or painted or updated, there's not a more comfortable place in the world. How could anyone feel ungrateful or lacking if they have a hot meal and a safe, dry, warm place to be when it's wet and cold and blowing outside? Winter makes me feel rich. 😁

Goodness @powellx5! Tell me why you love fall! I'm so inspired!

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